help_line_controls = SETĂRI: @controls_button_red = Help @controls_button_green = Style @controls_button_yellow = Skin @controls_button_blue = View @controls_button_popup = Actions @controls_button_now_playing = Now Playing @controls_button_scroll_up = Scroll Up @controls_button_scroll_down = Scroll Down @controls_button_scroll = Scroll product_name = Dune HD debug_mode = MOD DEBUG button_ok = OK button_apply = Aplică button_cancel = Şterge button_stop = Stop button_retry = Reîncearcă @button_close = Close @button_delete = Delete @button_add = Add @button_store = Store @button_ignore_and_continue = Ignore and Continue @button_continue = Continue @button_exit = Exit @button_add_with_ellipsis = Add ... @button_tools = Tools... popup_menu_choose_action = Alege o acţiune: dialog_utils_elapsed_time__1 = Timp trecut: %s dialog_utils_remaining_time__1 = Timp rămas: %s dialog_utils_elapsed__1 = Trecut: %s dialog_utils_remaining__1 = Rămas: %s dialog_utils_turn_off_player = Stingi aparatul? @dialog_utils_url__1 = URL: %s @dialog_utils_nonempty_value_required = Non-empty value required value_not_available = N/A general_root_node = Acasă dialog_system_error__1 = Eroare: %s @color_depth__1 = %s bit @item_error = error @value_none = None @msg_yes = yes @msg_no = no yes_no_choice_yes = Da yes_no_choice_no = Nu @auto_yes_no_choice_auto = Auto @auto_yes_no_choice_yes = Yes @auto_yes_no_choice_no = No @choice_ask_user = Ask user please_wait = Aşteaptă te rog... feature_on = Pornit feature_off = Stins repeat_all = toate repeat_single = una error_dialog_title = Eroare warning_dialog_title = Avertizare @dialog_waiting_for_valid_time = Waiting for time synchronization... @dialog_timed_out_to_obtain_valid_time = Timed out to synchronize time. @channel_info_dialog_title = Channel Information @label_original_name = Original name: @system_warning = System Warning @msg_system_update_rebooting = System update. Rebooting... @system_update_dialog_title = Software Update @system_update_dialog_msg = Player will reboot now to apply the update. @player_proxy_recursion_message = Playback cannot be started this way formatting_1_hour = 1 h. formatting_n_hours = h. formatting_n_minutes = min. formatting_n_seconds = sec. formatting_size_1_byte = 1 byte formatting_size_ends_234_bytes = bytes formatting_size_bytes = bytes formatting_size_kilobytes = KB formatting_size_megabytes = MB formatting_size_gigabytes = GB @formatting_size_terabytes = TB formatting_size_short_1_byte = 1b formatting_size_short_ends_234_bytes = b formatting_size_short_bytes = b formatting_size_short_kilobytes = KB formatting_size_short_megabytes = MB formatting_size_short_gigabytes = GB formatting_speed_1_byte = 1 byte/s formatting_speed_ends_234_bytes = bytes/s formatting_speed_bytes = bytes/s formatting_speed_kilobytes = KB/s formatting_speed_megabytes = MB/s formatting_speed_gigabytes = GB/s formatting_speed_short_1_byte = 1b/s formatting_speed_short_ends_234_bytes = b/s formatting_speed_short_bytes = b/s formatting_speed_short_kilobytes = KB/s formatting_speed_short_megabytes = MB/s formatting_speed_short_gigabytes = GB/s formatting_bitrate_megabits = Mbit/s formatting_bitrate_kilobits = kbit/s formatting_month_0 = Ianuarie formatting_month_1 = Februarie formatting_month_2 = Martie formatting_month_3 = Aprilie formatting_month_4 = Mai formatting_month_5 = Iunie formatting_month_6 = Iulie formatting_month_7 = August formatting_month_8 = Septembrie formatting_month_9 = Octombrie formatting_month_10 = Noiembrie formatting_month_11 = Decembrie @formatting_abbrev_month_0 = Jan @formatting_abbrev_month_1 = Feb @formatting_abbrev_month_2 = Mar @formatting_abbrev_month_3 = Apr @formatting_abbrev_month_4 = May @formatting_abbrev_month_5 = Jun @formatting_abbrev_month_6 = Jul @formatting_abbrev_month_7 = Aug @formatting_abbrev_month_8 = Sep @formatting_abbrev_month_9 = Oct @formatting_abbrev_month_10 = Nov @formatting_abbrev_month_11 = Dec @formatting_wday_0 = Sunday @formatting_wday_1 = Monday @formatting_wday_2 = Tuesday @formatting_wday_3 = Wednesday @formatting_wday_4 = Thursday @formatting_wday_5 = Friday @formatting_wday_6 = Saturday @formatting_wday_small_0 = Sun @formatting_wday_small_1 = Mon @formatting_wday_small_2 = Tue @formatting_wday_small_3 = Wen @formatting_wday_small_4 = Thu @formatting_wday_small_5 = Fri @formatting_wday_small_6 = Sat @formatting_ms = ms playlist_status_repeat = Repetă playlist_status_shuffle = Casual @title_safety_mode_entered = Safe mode was turned on @safety_mode_msg1 = Safe mode is enabled automatically when system @safety_mode_msg2 = failed to start in normal mode. @safety_mode_msg3 = To fix the problem try to remove problem @safety_mode_msg4 = applications or change some settings. @safety_mode_msg5 = Otherwise, reset settings. @setup_wizard_type_automatic = Automatic setup @setup_wizard_type_manual = Manual setup @setup_wizard_type_text_lines = 2 @setup_wizard_type_text_line1 = Initial setup will be performed now. @setup_wizard_type_text_line2 = Please choose setup type. @setup_wizard_choice_go_back = Back @setup_wizard_title = Video Setup @setup_wizard_video_setup_type_text_lines = 2 @setup_wizard_video_setup_type_text_line1 = Detect best video mode automatically @setup_wizard_video_setup_type_text_line2 = or configure it manually? @setup_wizard_video_setup_type_choice_auto = Automatically @setup_wizard_video_setup_type_choice_manual = Manually @setup_wizard_tv_standard_text_lines = 1 @setup_wizard_tv_standard_text_line1 = Please choose TV standard. @setup_wizard_tv_standard_choice_pal = 50Hz (Europe and other countries) @setup_wizard_tv_standard_choice_ntsc = 60Hz (USA and some other countries) @setup_wizard_video_connector_text_lines = 3 @setup_wizard_video_connector_text_line1 = Please choose video connector. @setup_wizard_video_connector_text_line2 = NOTE: For better picture quality it is recommended @setup_wizard_video_connector_text_line3 = to use HDMI connector. @setup_wizard_video_connector_choice_hdmi = HDMI @setup_wizard_video_connector_choice_composite = Composite (RCA connector) @setup_wizard_video_connector_choice_component = Component (3xRCA connectors) @setup_wizard_video_connector_choice_svideo = S-Video (4-pin mini-DIN connector) @setup_wizard_video_resolution_text_lines = 3 @setup_wizard_video_resolution_text_line1 = Please choose video resolution. @setup_wizard_video_resolution_text_line2 = NOTE: For better picture quality it is recommended @setup_wizard_video_resolution_text_line3 = to use maximum video resolution supported by TV. @setup_wizard_video_resolution_choice_standard__1 = %s (Standard Definition TV) @setup_wizard_video_resolution_choice_720 = 720 (HD ready TV) @setup_wizard_video_resolution_choice_1080 = 1080 (Full HD TV) @setup_wizard_video_resolution_choice_2160 = 4K 2160 (Ultra HD TV) @setup_wizard_video_scan_type_text_lines = 4 @setup_wizard_video_scan_type_text_line1 = Please choose video scan type. @setup_wizard_video_scan_type_text_line2 = NOTE: For better picture quality it is recommended @setup_wizard_video_scan_type_text_line3 = to use "progressive" scan type, if it is supported @setup_wizard_video_scan_type_text_line4 = by TV for choosen video resolution. @setup_wizard_video_scan_type_choice_interlaced__1 = Interlaced (%s) @setup_wizard_video_scan_type_choice_progressive__1 = Progressive (%s) @setup_wizard_aspect_ratio_text_lines = 1 @setup_wizard_aspect_ratio_text_line1 = Please choose TV aspect ratio. @setup_wizard_aspect_ratio_choice_4x3 = 4:3 (old standard TV) @setup_wizard_aspect_ratio_choice_16x9 = 16:9 (modern wide-screen TV) @setup_wizard_sdr_to_hdr_enabled_text_lines = 1 @setup_wizard_sdr_to_hdr_enabled_text_line1 = Enable conversion of SDR content to HDR? @additional_video_setup_wizard_title = Additional Video Setup @setup_wizard_auto_framerate_text_lines = 4 @setup_wizard_auto_framerate_text_line1 = Adjust video output framerate automatically @setup_wizard_auto_framerate_text_line2 = according to played content? @setup_wizard_auto_framerate_text_line3 = This ensures the best playback smoothness, @setup_wizard_auto_framerate_text_line4 = but may cause a short delay on playback start. @setup_wizard_auto_framerate_choice_disabled = No (quick start) @setup_wizard_auto_framerate_choice_auto = Yes (best smoothness) @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_text_lines = 6 @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_text_line1 = Adjust video output resolution automatically @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_text_line2 = according to played content when playing low-resolution @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_text_line3 = video, in order to do upscaling (resolution increase) @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_text_line4 = on TV side rather than on mediaplayer side? @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_text_line5 = If you are not sure that the TV does upscaling better, @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_text_line6 = choose "No". @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_choice_disabled = No (upscaling on mediaplayer side) @setup_wizard_auto_resolution_choice_enabled = Yes (upscaling on TV side) @setup_wizard_video_settings_review_title = The following settings will be applied: @setup_wizard_video_settings_review_connector__1 = Video connector: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_review_mode__1 = Video mode: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_review_aspect_ratio__1 = Aspect ratio: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_review_sdr_to_hdr_enabled__1 = Conversion of SDR content to HDR: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_review_auto_framerate__1 = Auto framerate: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_review_auto_resolution__1 = Auto resolution: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_confirmation_title = The following settings have been applied: @setup_wizard_settings_confirmation_title = The following settings have been applied: @setup_wizard_video_settings_confirmation_connector__1 = Video connector: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_confirmation_mode__1 = Video mode: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_confirmation_aspect_ratio__1 = Aspect ratio: %s @setup_wizard_video_settings_confirmation_press_ok = Press OK to confirm the settings. @setup_wizard_video_settings_confirmation_countdown__1 = Settings will be reverted in %s seconds. @network_wizard_title = Network Setup @network_wizard_choose_connection = Please choose network connection type. @network_wizard_enter_wifi_network_id = Please enter Wi-Fi network ID (SSID): @network_wizard_choose_wifi_security = Please choose Wi-Fi network security type: @network_wizard_enter_wifi_password = Please enter Wi-Fi network password: @network_wizard_enter_pppoe_login = Please enter PPPoE login: @network_wizard_enter_pppoe_password = Please enter PPPoE password: @network_wizard_wifi_network_other = Other... @network_wizard_settings_review_title = The following settings will be applied: @network_wizard_settings_review_connection__1 = Connection type: %s @network_wizard_settings_review_wifi_ssid__1 = Wi-Fi network ID (SSID): %s @network_wizard_settings_review_pppoe_login__1 = Login: %s @network_wizard_button_automatic_setup = OK (Automatic Setup) @network_wizard_button_manual_setup = Manual Setup @network_wizard_choose_tcp_ip_configuration_mode = What TCP/IP settings do you want to specify manually: @network_wizard_button_all_tcp_ip_settings = All TCP/IP Settings @network_wizard_button_dns_settings = DNS Settings @network_wizard_choose_pppoe_dns_mode = Do you want to configure DNS automatically or manually: @network_wizard_button_automatically = Automatically @network_wizard_button_manually = Manually @network_wizard_choose_pppoe_dhcp = Do you want to additionally enable DHCP (Dual Access): @network_wizard_checking_network_connection = Checking network connection. @network_wizard_checking_wifi_connection = Checking Wi-Fi connection... @network_wizard_checking_local_network = Checking local network... @network_wizard_checking_internet = Checking Internet... @network_wizard_checking_valid_time = Time synchronization... @network_wizard_checking_server = Checking server... @network_wizard_check_network_ok = OK @network_wizard_check_network_skipped = Skipped @network_wizard_check_network_failed = No connection @network_wizard_check_network_wrong_password = Incorrect password @network_wizard_check_network_button_ignore = Ignore and Continue @network_wizard_ip_address__1 = (IP address %s) @network_wizard_scanning_for_wifi_networks = Scanning for Wi-Fi networks... @network_wizard_applying_network_settings = Applying network settings... @network_wizard_fw_upgrade_check_failed = Failed to check firmware updates. @network_wizard_app_fw_upgrade_check_failed = Failed to check application updates. @network_wizard_fw_upgrade_upgrade_required = Firmware upgrade is required. @network_wizard_app_fw_upgrade_upgrade_required = Application upgrade is required. @network_wizard_fw_upgrade_check_internet_and_retry = Please check your Internet connection and retry. @network_wizard_app_fw_upgrade_check_internet_and_retry = Please check your Internet connection and retry. @network_wizard_fw_upgrade_update_info = (Or update manually, see @network_wizard_app_fw_upgrade_update_info = (Or update manually, see @network_wizard_setup_info_line1 = To change network settings, you can use @network_wizard_setup_info_line2 = “Setup / Network” menu. @network_wizard_fw_update = Firmware Update @network_wizard_fw_update_not_available__1 = Firmware update is not available (code %s). @network_wizard_fw_contact_techsupport = Please try again later or contact technical support. @network_wizard_storage_not_connected = Storage not connected @network_wizard_storage_empty = Connected storage is empty @network_wizard_button_open_storage = Open Connected Storage @time_zone_wizard_title = Time Zone Setup @time_zone_wizard_choose_time_zone = Please choose time zone: @time_zone_wizard_applying = Applying time zone settings... title_choose_time_zone = Alege fusul orar bluetooth_remote_control_dialog_title = Telecomanda bluetooth bluetooth_remote_control_connected__1 = Telecomanda bluetooth este conectată: %s bluetooth_remote_control_not_connected = Telecomanda bluetooth nu este conectată. bluetooth_remote_control_switch_into_pairing_mode = Pentru a conecta telecomanda bluetooth, comută in modul de asociere bluetooth_remote_control_switch_details = (apăsă și menține apăsate butoanele ENTER+RETURN de pe telecomandă timp de 3 secunde). bluetooth_status_preparing = Se pregătește... Asigurăte că telecomanda este în modul de asociere bluetooth_status_starting = Se inițializează... Asigurăte că telecomanda este în modul de asociere bluetooth_status_searching = Caută... bluetooth_status_retrying = Asigurăte că telecomanda este în modul de asociere bluetooth_status_pairing__1 = Telecomandă găsită "%s"... bluetooth_status_connecting__1 = Conectează telecomanda "%s"... @bluetooth_status_connecting = Connecting remote... bluetooth_remote_control_not_connected_phase2 = Telecomanda bluetooth nu este conectată. bluetooth_remote_control_switch_into_pairing_mode_phase2 = Pentru a conecta telecomanda bluetooth, comută in modul de asociere bluetooth_remote_control_switch_details_phase2 = (apăsă și menține apăsate butoanele ENTER+RETURN de pe telecomandă timp de 3 secunde). @bluetooth_remote_control_label_fw_upgrade = Upgrade: @bluetooth_remote_control_fw_upgrade_succeeded = Firmware upgrade succeeded. @bluetooth_remote_control_fw_upgrade_failed = Firmware upgrade failed. @bluetooth_remote_control_fw_upgrade_preparing = Preparing @bluetooth_remote_control_fw_upgrade_finalizing = Finalizing @title_bt_rcu_not_connected = Bluetooth remote is not connected @label_bt_rcu_current_version = Current firmware version: @label_bt_rcu_new_version = New firmware version: @bluetooth_remote_control_upgrade_dialog_title = Bluetooth Remote Firmware Upgrade @title_bt_rcu_change_batteries_for_upgrade = Replace the batteries to upgrade the remote control firmware. @bt_rcu_reinstall_same_firmware = The remote already has the latest firmware installed. Reinstall? @bluetooth_remote_control_add_dialog_title = Connect New Bluetooth Remote @bluetooth_remote_control_no_new_remote_found = No new remote found. @bluetooth_remote_control_fw_upgrade_not_needed = Firmware upgrade is not needed. @bt_rcu_almost_discharged = The remote is almost discharged. @bt_rcu_change_batteries_required_soon = The batteries will need to be replaced soon. @bt_rcu_title_tv_control = TV Control @bt_rcu_vol_keys_can_control_tv = Remote buttons V+, V-, MUTE can control TV. @bt_rcu_your_tv__1 = Your TV: %s @bt_rcu_tv__1 = TV: %s @bt_rcu_button_configure_for_this_tv = Configure for this TV @bt_rcu_button_choose_another_tv = Choose another TV @bt_rcu_button_configure = Configure @bt_rcu_title_choose_tv_brand = Choose TV Brand @bt_rcu_configuring_for_code__2 = Configuring for code %s of %s... @bt_rcu_selected_code__2 = Selected code: %s of %s @bt_rcu_label_please_check = Please check: @bt_rcu_did_volume_indicator_appear_on_tv = - Did the volume indicator appear on TV screen now? @bt_rcu_do_volume_buttons_control_tv = - Do remote buttons V+ and V- correctly control TV? @bt_rcu_button_yes_use_settings = Yes. Use this setting @bt_rcu_button_no_try_next_code = No. Try the next code @bt_rcu_failed_to_connect = Failed to connect to Bluetooth remote @bt_rcu_failed_to_connect__1 = Failed to connect to Bluetooth remote (%s) @bt_rcu_title_canceled_by_timeout = Set up of the remote cancelled due to timeout @bt_rcu_title_disconnected = Lost connection with Bluetooth remote @bt_rcu_title_not_responding = Bluetooth remote is not responding @bt_rcu_title_buttons_now_control_tv = Remote buttons V+, V-, MUTE now control TV. @bt_wizard_button_text = OK @bt_wizard_button_text_phase2 = OK @bt_wizard_button_text_phase3 = OK gui_skin_setup_wizard_title = Setarea modelului interfeței @gui_skin_setup_wizard_skin_text_lines = 1 gui_skin_setup_wizard_skin_text_line1 = Alege modelul de interfață. setup_wizard_confirmation_gui_skin__1 = Model : %s @no_internet_connection = No Internet connection. setup_title = Setări @setup_reset_settings_button = Reset Settings @setup_reset_settings_title = Reset Settings @setup_confirm_reset_settings_line1 = All settings will be reset to defaults. @setup_confirm_reset_settings_line2 = NOTE: Player reboot will be needed. @setup_confirm_reset_settings_reset = Reset settings @setup_confirm_reset_settings_full_reset = Full reset (including user data and installed applications) @setup_confirm_reset_settings_soft_reset = Soft reset (only settings and caches) @setup_reset_settings_succeeded_line1 = All settings have been reset to defaults. @setup_reset_settings_succeeded_line2 = Player will be rebooted. @setup_soft_reset_settings_succeeded_line1 = Settings have been reset. @setup_reset_settings_failed_line1 = Failed to reset settings. @setup_reset_settings_failed_line2 = It is recommended to reboot player. setup_reboot = Reinițializare setup_full_reboot_button = Reinițializare completă setup_gui_restart_button = Repornire rapidă @setup_reset_zwave_settings_title = Reset Z-Wave settings @setup_confirm_reset_zwave_settings_message = Do you want to reset your smart home configuration? @setup_confirm_reset_zwave_settings_button_yes = Yes, reset Z-Wave settings @setup_confirm_reset_zwave_settings_button_no = No, preserve Z-Wave settings @setup_setting_updated_title = Setting Updated @setup_setting_updated_reboot_needed = The change will take effect after player reboot @setup_setting_updated_reboot_now = Reboot Now @setup_button_edit = Edit... @setup_setting_not_available = not available @setup_not_saved_changes_title = Warning @setup_not_saved_changes_message = Settings changes are not saved. @setup_not_saved_changes_apply = Apply Changes @setup_not_saved_changes_discard = Discard Changes @setup_reboot_confirmation_title = Player Reboot @setup_reboot_confirmation_message = Settings changes will take effect after player reboot @setup_reboot_confirmation_reboot = Reboot Now setup_hr_status = Stare setup_hr_settings = Impostaări @setup_hr_actions = Actions @network_waiting_for_ip_address = Waiting for IP address... @network_timed_out_to_obtain_ip_address = Timed out obtaining IP address. @network_check_connection_and_settings = Check your network connection and settings. @network_disabled_in_setup = Network is disabled in setup network_connecting_to_network = Conectare la rețea... network_failed_to_connect_to_network = Conectarea la rețea eșuată. @network_connecting_to_wifi__1 = Connecting to "%s"... @network_timed_out_connecting_to_wifi__1 = Timed out connecting to "%s". @network_wrong_wifi_password__1 = Incorrect password for "%s". @network_failed_to_connect_to_wifi__1 = Failed to connect to "%s". network_button_edit_settings = Modifică setările... network_setup_ethernet_connection = Conexiune prin cablu (Ethernet) network_setup_wifi_connection = Conexiune fără fir (Wi-Fi) network_connection_ethernet = Cablu (Ethernet) network_connection_wifi = Wireless (Wi-Fi) network_connection_gigaeth = Cablu (1GB Ethernet) @network_connection_pppoe = PPPoE network_connection_none = Niciuna network_mode_dhcp = Automatic (DHCP) @network_mode_dhcp_manual_dns = Automatic (DHCP), manual DNS network_mode_manual = Manual @wifi_ap_mode_disabled = Disabled @wifi_ap_mode_enabled = Enabled wifi_security_none = Niciuna wifi_security_wep_64_bit_ascii = WEP 64-bit (ASCII) wifi_security_wep_64_bit_hex = WEP 64-bit (HEX) wifi_security_wep_128_bit_ascii = WEP 128-bit (ASCII) wifi_security_wep_128_bit_hex = WEP 128-bit (HEX) wifi_security_wpa_tkip = WPA TKIP wifi_security_wpa_aes = WPA AES wifi_security_wpa2_tkip = WPA2 TKIP wifi_security_wpa2_aes = WPA2 AES video_connector_hdmi = Digital (HDMI) video_connector_component = Analogic (Component) video_connector_composite = Analogic (Compozit) video_connector_svideo = Analogic (S-Video) @digital_audio_connector_hdmi = HDMI (HD audio enabled) @digital_audio_connector_spdif = S/PDIF (HD audio disabled) @digital_audio_connector_hdmi_no_hd_audio = HDMI (HD audio disabled) @digital_audio_connector_spdif_on_analog = S/PDIF (on left analog out) analog_audio_mode_stereo = Stereo analog_audio_mode_5_1 = 5.1 @analog_audio_mode_7_1 = 7.1 spdif_audio_mode_decoded_stereo = PCM (decodificare) spdif_audio_mode_pass_through = Original (bitstream) @digital_sound_mode_auto = Auto hdmi_audio_mode_enabled = Abilitat hdmi_audio_mode_disabled = Dezabilitat bluray_audio_mode_best_quality = Calitate Majoră bluray_audio_mode_pip_support = Suport PiP @max_spdif_sample_rate_48khz = 48 kHz @max_spdif_sample_rate_96khz = 96 kHz @max_spdif_sample_rate_192khz = 192 kHz @drc_mode_off = Off @drc_mode_medium = Medium @drc_mode_high = High @drc_mode_auto = Auto @volume_control_mode_off = Off @volume_control_mode_best_quality = Best quality @volume_control_mode_allow_overload = Allow overload @volume_control_mode_system = System @volume_control_mode_system_allow_overload = System (allow overload) @volume_control_mode_ess_dac = ESS DAC @volume_indication_percents = Percents @volume_indication_dbs = Decibels @dts_conversion_mode_enabled = Enabled @dts_conversion_mode_disabled = Disabled @ess_dac_filter_fast_rolloff = Fast roll-off @ess_dac_filter_slow_rolloff = Slow roll-off @ess_dac_filter_minimum_phase = Minimum phase ess_dac_filter_fast_rolloff_minimum_phase = Rulare rapidă, fază minimă ess_dac_filter_fast_rolloff_linear_phase = Rulare rapidă, fază liniară ess_dac_filter_slow_rolloff_minimum_phase = Rulare lentă, fază minimă ess_dac_filter_slow_rolloff_linear_phase = Rulare lentă, fază liniară ess_dac_filter_hybrid_fast_rolloff_minimum_phase = Hibrid, rulare rapidă, fază minimă ess_dac_filter_apodizing_fast_rolloff_linear_phase = Apodizant, rulare rapidă, fază liniară ess_dac_filter_brickwall = Zid de cărămidă ess_dac_source_none = Niciuna ess_dac_source_media_player = Player media (XMOS) ess_dac_source_coaxial_spdif_input = Intrare coaxială S/PDIF ess_dac_source_optical_spdif_input = Intrare optică S/PDIF ess_dac_source_aes_ebu_input = Intrare AES/EBU hifi_digital_audio_output_disabled = Dezactivat hifi_digital_audio_output_enabled = Activat xmos_fw_checking_for_updates = Verifică XMOS firmware update @xmos_fw_updating = XMOS Firmware Update drive_speed_control_method_dvd = Normal (DVD) drive_speed_control_method_cd = Alternativ (CD) @supplementary_fonts_missing_dialog_title = Language Not Available @supplementary_fonts_missing_dialog_message = Needed supplementary fonts are not installed. interface_language_custom = Personal interface_language_custom_title = Limbă Personalizată interface_language_custom_not_installed = Limba personalizată nu e instalată. interface_language_custom_to_install = Lansează fişierul 'dune_language[...].txt' pentru a-l instala. language_install_dialog_title = Instalează limbă personalizată language_install_dialog_error_failed_to_open = Apertura del file lingua fallito. language_install_dialog_label_error__1 = Eroare: %s language_install_dialog_label_file__1 = Fişier: %s language_install_dialog_label_location__1 = Poziţie: %s language_install_dialog_label_correct = Fişierul de limbă este corect. language_install_dialog_label_not_correct = Fişierul de limbă NU este corect. language_install_dialog_label_problems__1 = Număr de erori: %s language_install_dialog_save_report = Salvează descrierea problemelor language_install_dialog_error_failed_to_save = Salvarea descrerii problemelor a eşuat. language_install_dialog_label_saved_ok = Salvarea descrierilor a fost completată. language_install_dialog_error_copying = Eroare pe timpul copierii fişierului de limbă. language_install_dialog_label_installed_ok = Limba personalizată a fost instalată cu succes. @change_language_title = Change Language @change_language_line1 = Cached data and images will be deleted, @change_language_line2 = including My Collection indexing results. @software_license_dialog_title = Software License @location_confirmation_title = Confirm your location @location_confirmation_choose_later = (choose later) @location_usa = USA, Canada @location_europe = Europe, Middle East, Egypt, South Africa @location_russia = Russia, Ukraine, former USSR, South Asia, Mongolia @location_japan = Japan @location_south_east_asia = South East Asia @location_south_america = South America, Central America, Mexico @location_australia = Australia, New Zealand @location_africa = Africa, Baltic states, Moldova @location_china = China encoding_auto = Auto encoding_utf8 = Unicode (UTF-8) encoding_koi8 = Cyrillic (KOI8-R) encoding_cp1250 = Europa Centrală (CP-1250) encoding_cp1251 = Cyrillic (CP-1251) encoding_cp1252 = Western European (CP-1252) encoding_cp1253 = Greek (CP-1253) encoding_cp1254 = Turkish (CP-1254) encoding_cp1255 = Hebrew (CP-1255) encoding_cp1256 = Arabic (CP-1256) encoding_cp1257 = Baltic (CP-1257) encoding_cp1258 = Vietnam (CP-1258) @encoding_big5 = Traditional Chinese (Big5) @encoding_gb2312 = Simplified Chinese (GB2312) @encoding_euckr = Korean (EUC-KR) @encoding_iso8859_1 = Western European (ISO-8859-1) @encoding_iso6937 = Telecommunication (ISO-6937) web_browser_show_in_main_screen_yes = Da web_browser_show_in_main_screen_no = Nu web_browser_overscan_off = Dezactivat web_browser_overscan_1__0 = 1% web_browser_overscan_2__0 = 2% web_browser_overscan_3__0 = 3% web_browser_overscan_4__0 = 4% web_browser_overscan_5__0 = 5% web_browser_overscan_6__0 = 6% web_browser_overscan_7__0 = 7% web_browser_overscan_8__0 = 8% web_browser_overscan_9__0 = 9% web_browser_overscan_10__0 = 10% web_browser_font_size_10 = 10 web_browser_font_size_12 = 12 web_browser_font_size_14 = 14 web_browser_font_size_16 = 16 web_browser_font_size_18 = 18 web_browser_font_size_20 = 20 web_browser_font_size_22 = 22 @web_browser_zoom_level_75__0 = 75% @web_browser_zoom_level_100__0 = 100% @web_browser_zoom_level_125__0 = 125% @web_browser_zoom_level_150__0 = 150% @web_browser_zoom_level_175__0 = 175% @web_browser_zoom_level_200__0 = 200% @web_browser_zoom_level_225__0 = 225% @web_browser_resolution_auto = Auto @web_browser_resolution_720x480 = 720x480 @web_browser_resolution_720x576 = 720x576 @web_browser_resolution_1280x720 = 1280x720 @web_browser_resolution_1920x1080 = 1920x1080 screen_shots_method_disabled = Dezactivat screen_shots_method_eject = "Eject" @screen_shots_method_power = "Power" screen_shots_format_bmp = BMP screen_shots_format_png = PNG screen_shots_confirm_title = Acceptă schimbarea acţiunii a butonului telecomenzii screen_shots_confirm_text_eject = Butonul "Eject" va fi folosi pentru a salva imaginile "screen shot". @screen_shots_confirm_text_power = Remote button "Power" will be used to save screenshot screen_shots_confirm_text2 = (în directorul "screenshots" de pe HDD-ul montat). screen_shots_confirm_text3 = Eşti sigur? screen_shots_save_succeeded = Imagine "Screen shot" salvată cu succes screen_shots_save_failed = Eroare la salvarea inaginii "screen shot" fast_disk_access_on = Activat fast_disk_access_off = Dezactivat fast_smb_access_on = Activat fast_smb_access_off = Dezactivat @remote_control_type_old_rc_disabled = Disabled remote_control_type_1 = Tip 1 (Argintiu) remote_control_type_2 = Tip 2 (Negru) screensaver_off = Dezactivat screensaver_10_sec = 10 seconde screensaver_1_min = 1 minut screensaver_2_min = 2 minute screensaver_3_min = 3 minute screensaver_5_min = 5 minute screensaver_10_min = 10 minute screensaver_15_min = 15 minute screensaver_30_min = 30 minute screensaver_60_min = 1 ora @thx_media_director_processing_on = On @thx_media_director_processing_off = Off hide_system_files_yes = Da hide_system_files_no = Nu @film_service_access_enabled = Enabled @film_service_access_disabled = Disabled enter_on_file_behaviour_file = Redă fişier unic enter_on_file_behaviour_playlist = Generează playlist play_on_file_behaviour_file = Redă fişier unic play_on_file_behaviour_playlist = Generează playlist enter_on_video_folder_behaviour_play = Redă @enter_on_video_folder_behaviour_play_menu = Play (menu) @enter_on_video_folder_behaviour_play_lite = Play (lite) @enter_on_video_folder_behaviour_play_plugin = Play (plugin) @enter_on_video_folder_behaviour_play_external = Play (external) @enter_on_video_folder_behaviour_play_spmc = Play (SPMC / KODI) enter_on_video_folder_behaviour_open = Deschide enter_on_video_folder_behaviour_ask_user = Întreabă utilizator @file_player_application_system_player = System player @file_player_application_internal_player = Internal player @file_player_application_internal_player_hifi = Internal player (Hi-Fi) @file_player_application_spmc = SPMC / KODI @file_player_application_hibymusic = HiByMusic @file_player_application_default_action = Android default action @power_button_behaviour_video_output_off = Video output off power_button_behaviour_power_off = Stingere @power_button_behaviour_sleep = Sleep @action_when_storage_attached = Action when storage attached: @action_when_storage_attached_no = No @action_when_storage_attached_ask_user = Ask user @hide_root_android_folders = Hide Android folders in drive root: @hide_root_android_folders_if_empty = If empty @hide_root_android_folders_always = Always @show_builtin_memory_item = Show "Built-in Memory" item: @show_builtin_memory_dunehd_folder = "DuneHD" folder @show_builtin_memory_all_android_folders = All Android folders @file_browser_show_movie_information = Show movie information: @setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: setup_show_in_main_screen_yes = Da setup_show_in_main_screen_no = Nu custom_view_list = Lista @custom_view_icons = Icons @custom_view_icons_3x2 = Icons 3x2 @custom_view_icons_4x2 = Icons 4x2 @custom_view_icons_3x3 = Icons 3x3 @custom_view_icons_5x4 = Icons 5x4 @custom_view_list_and_right_panel = List and right panel @custom_view_icons_3x2_and_right_panel = Icons 3x2 and right panel @custom_view_icons_4x2_and_right_panel = Icons 4x2 and right panel @custom_view_icons_3x3_and_right_panel = Icons 3x3 and right panel @custom_view_icons_5x4_and_right_panel = Icons 5x4 and right panel show_home_in_path_yes = Da show_home_in_path_no = Nu network_folders_at_the_end_yes = Da network_folders_at_the_end_no = Nu iptv_show_in_main_screen_yes = Da iptv_show_in_main_screen_no = Nu @iptv_multicast_buffering_500ms = 500 ms @iptv_multicast_buffering_700ms = 700 ms @iptv_multicast_buffering_1000ms = 1000 ms @iptv_multicast_buffering_1200ms = 1200 ms @iptv_multicast_buffering_1500ms = 1500 ms @iptv_multicast_buffering_2000ms = 2000 ms inet_radio_show_in_main_screen_yes = Da inet_radio_show_in_main_screen_no = Nu torrent_support_enabled = Activat torrent_support_disabled = Dezactivat presenter_enabled_yes = Da presenter_enabled_no = Nu presenter_auto_start_yes = Da presenter_auto_start_no = Nu presenter_on_failure_stop = Opreşte player presenter_on_failure_menu = Întoarce-te la meniul player-ului @user_profile_father = Father @user_profile_mother = Mother @user_profile_child = Child time_sync_disabled = Dezactivat time_sync_enabled = Activat @time_server_auto = (auto) time_zone_gmt_minus_12_00 = GMT -12:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_11_00 = GMT -11:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_10_00 = GMT -10:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_09_00 = GMT -09:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_08_00 = GMT -08:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_07_00 = GMT -07:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_06_00 = GMT -06:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_05_00 = GMT -05:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_04_00 = GMT -04:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_03_30 = GMT -03:30 time_zone_gmt_minus_03_00 = GMT -03:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_02_00 = GMT -02:00 time_zone_gmt_minus_01_00 = GMT -01:00 time_zone_gmt = GMT 00:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_01_00 = GMT +01:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_02_00 = GMT +02:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_03_00 = GMT +03:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_03_30 = GMT +03:30 time_zone_gmt_plus_04_00 = GMT +04:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_04_30 = GMT +04:30 time_zone_gmt_plus_05_00 = GMT +05:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_05_30 = GMT +05:30 time_zone_gmt_plus_05_45 = GMT +05:45 time_zone_gmt_plus_06_00 = GMT +06:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_06_30 = GMT +06:30 time_zone_gmt_plus_07_00 = GMT +07:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_08_00 = GMT +08:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_09_00 = GMT +09:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_09_30 = GMT +09:30 time_zone_gmt_plus_10_00 = GMT +10:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_11_00 = GMT +11:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_12_00 = GMT +12:00 time_zone_gmt_plus_13_00 = GMT +13:00 @time_zone_auto = Auto @setting_time_format = Time format: @time_format_12h = 12-hour @time_format_24h = 24-hour daylight_saving_off = Stins daylight_saving_auto = Auto time_sync_interval_hour = 1 oră time_sync_interval_day = 1 zi time_sync_interval_week = 1 săptămână safe_mode_title = Modalitate Video Sigură safe_mode_analog_ntsc = Analog (Component+Composit+S-Video) 480i 59.94Hz (NTSC) safe_mode_analog_pal = Analog (Component+Composit+S-Video) 576i 50Hz (PAL) safe_mode_composite_ntsc = Analog (Composit) 480i 59.94Hz (NTSC) safe_mode_composite_pal = Analog (Composit) 576i 50Hz (PAL) safe_mode_digital_ntsc = Digital (HDMI) 480i 59.94Hz (NTSC) safe_mode_digital_pal = Digital (HDMI) 720p 59.94Hz safe_mode_digital_1080i = Digital (HDMI) 1080i 59.94Hz @safe_mode_digital_1080p = Digital (HDMI) 1080p 59.94Hz sysinfo_title = Informaţii sysinfo_product_id = ID Produs: @sysinfo_model = Model: sysinfo_firmware_version = Versiune Firmware: @sysinfo_app_version = App version: sysinfo_serial_number = Număr de serie: sysinfo_serial_number_unknown = (necunoscut) sysinfo_license = Licenţă: sysinfo_mac_address = Adresă MAC: sysinfo_mac_address_unknown = (necunoscut) @sysinfo_mac_address_with_primary__2 = %s (Primary: %s) sysinfo_ip_address = Adresă IP: sysinfo_ip_address_unset = (neconfigurat) @sysinfo_ip_address_getting = (getting...) sysinfo_net_up = [conectat] sysinfo_net_down = [neconectat] sysinfo_current_time = Data şi ora curentă: sysinfo_system_storage = Disc de sistem: sysinfo_system_storage_not_attached = Neconectat sysinfo_system_storage_detach_problem = Problemă de deconectare sysinfo_system_storage_built_in = Încorporat sysinfo_system_storage_attached = Conectat sysinfo_system_storage_usage_info__2 = folosit %s din %s sysinfo_extra_apps = Applicaţii extra: sysinfo_extra_apps_installed = Instalat sysinfo_extra_apps_not_installed = Neinstalat sysinfo_internal_serial_number = Număr serial intern: sysinfo_external_serial_number = Număr serial extern: @dune_hd_information_setup_title = Dune HD Information @show_dune_hd_information_messages = Show information messages from Dune HD: license_demo = Demo license_normal = Normal @google_search_prompt = Please say something! @tv_playback = TV playback @tv_channel__1 = TV channel: %s @kartina_tv_video_service = Video service @kartina_tv_video_service__1 = Video service: %s @voice_command_not_recognized = Command not recognized @voice_input_dialog_title = Voice Recognition @voice_input_failed_to_launch = Failed to start voice recognition @voice_input_asking_for_permission = Asking for permission... @voice_input_preparing = Preparing... @voice_input_speak = Speak, please @voice_input_say_command = Say the command @voice_input_results = Results: @voice_input_finishing = Finishing... @voice_input_press_mic_to_voice_input = Press the mic button to speak @voice_input_press_enter_to_select = Press ENTER to select @voice_input_press_enter_to_launch = Press ENTER to start voice input @voice_input_permission_not_granted = No permission to record audio @movies_item_all = All @movies_item_my_collection = My Collection @movies_item_tv_archive = TV Archive @epf_no_internet = No Internet connection @epf_loading = Loading... @epf_no_content = No content available @tv_channel_added_to_favorites = TV channel added to Favorites. @tv_channel_removed_from_favorites = TV channel removed from Favorites. @will_be_removed_from_list__1 = %s list item(s) will be removed @group_all_items = All @empty_list_not_allowed = Empty list not allowed @navigator_popup_reset_to_defaults = Reset to Default Values @navigator_popup_set_default_item = Set Default Item @item_remaining__1 = %s remaining @title_not_supported_for_smb_nfs = Not supported for SMB/NFS @msg_please_copy_to_storage = Please copy file to built-in memory or local storage. @label_auto_watched_marks = Automatic watched marks: @title_auto_watched_marks = Automatic "Watched" Marks @msg_video_file_marked_watched_if_both_conditions_met = Video file marked "Watched" if both conditions are met: @label_auto_watched_time_left = Time left to the end: @label_auto_watched_percent = Watched percent: @navigator_popup_set_watched_mark = Set "Watched" Mark @navigator_popup_clear_watched_mark = Clear "Watched" Mark @navigator_popup_marked_set_watched_mark = Marked: Set "Watched" Mark @navigator_popup_marked_clear_watched_mark = Marked: Clear "Watched" Mark choice_dialog_title = Alegere choice_ok = OK choice_cancel = Şterge choice_yes = Da choice_no = Nu choice_skip = Omite choice_skip_file = Omite Fişier choice_retry = Reîncearcă choice_overwrite = Suprascrie choice_repair = Repară choice_yes_to_all = Da la toate choice_no_to_all = Nu la toate choice_skip_all = Omite Toate choice_overwrite_all = Suprascrie Toate choice_repair_all = Repară Toate paste_dialog_files_changed_because_of_errors = Câteva fişiere au fost modificate din cauza unor erori paste_dialog_files_were_changed = Fişierele au fost schimbate paste_dialog_total_files_changed = Total fişiere schimbate: paste_dialog_total_bytes_changed = Total byte schimbaţi: paste_dialog_title_stop_copying_file = Opreşte copierea fişierelor? paste_dialog_stop_copying_files = Opreşte copierea fişierelor? paste_dialog_stop_moving_file = Opreşte mutarea fişierelor? paste_dialog_stop_moving_files = Opreşte mutarea fişierelor? paste_dialog_path__1 = Destinaţie: %s paste_dialog_folder__1 = Directorul: %s paste_dialog_file__1 = Fişier: %s paste_dialog_source_file__1 = Fişier original: %s paste_dialog_target_file__1 = Fişier destinaţie: %s paste_dialog_error__1 = Eroare: %s paste_dialog_error_paste_to_same_folder = Imposibilă copierea în acelaşi director paste_dialog_error_paste_to_subfolder = Imposibilă copierea în acelaşi subdirector paste_dialog_error_getting_file_info = Eroare la citirea informaţiilor fişierului paste_dialog_error_reading_folder = Eroare la citirea directorului paste_dialog_error_reading_file = Eroare la citirea fişierului paste_dialog_error_writing_to_file = Eroare la scrierea Fişierului paste_dialog_error_copying_folder = Eroare la copierea directorului paste_dialog_error_copying_or_moving_file = Eroare la copiere sau la mutarea Fişierului paste_dialog_error_creating_folder = Eroare la creerea Directorului paste_dialog_error_deleting_folder = Eroare la ştergerea Directorului paste_dialog_error_deleting_file = Eroare la ştergerea Fişierului paste_dialog_error_renaming_file_or_folder = Eroare la redenumirea Fişierului sau a Directorului paste_dialog_file_in_place_of_folder = Imposibilă mutarea sau crearea directorului: există deja un fişier cu acelaşi nume paste_dialog_folder_in_place_of_file = Imposibilă mutarea sau copierea fişierului:: există deja un fişier cu acelaşi nume paste_dialog_duplicate_name = Nu pot muta su copia fişierul: nume deja folosit paste_dialog_file_already_exists = Fişier cu acelaşi nume există deja paste_dialog_confirm_file_deletion = Confirmare ştergere fişier paste_dialog_confirm_delete_partial_copy = Doar o parte de fişier a fost copiată. Şterge copia parţială? paste_dialog_deletion_of_partial_file_failed = Ştergerea şişierului incomplet falită paste_dialog_moving_cannot_delete_source = Mută fişier: imposibilă ştergerea fişierului original paste_dialog_elapsed_time__1 = Timp trecut: %s paste_dialog_remaining_time__1 = Timp rămas: %s paste_prepare_dialog_title = Pregătesc de adăugare paste_prepare_dialog_error_max_files_exceeded = Număr maxim de fişiere depăşit paste_prepare_dialog_error_max_folders_exceeded = Număr maxim de directoare depăşit paste_prepare_dialog_error_max_nested_folders_exceeded = Număr maxim de subdirectoare depăşit paste_prepare_dialog_scanning__1 = Scanare: %s paste_prepare_dialog_files_found = Fişiere găsite: paste_prepare_dialog_total_size__1 = Total dimensiune: %s paste_prepare_dialog_preparing_file_list = Pregătire Lista Fişiere run_paste_dialog_title = Execută lipire run_paste_dialog_copying_file = Copie Fişier run_paste_dialog_copying_files = Copie Fişiere run_paste_dialog_moving_file = Mută Fişier run_paste_dialog_moving_files = Mută Fişiere run_paste_dialog_file__1 = Fişier: %s run_paste_dialog_from_folder__1 = De la: %s run_paste_dialog_to_folder__1 = La: %s run_paste_dialog_total_files_moved__2 = Total: %s de %s fişiere mutate run_paste_dialog_remaining = Rămase: run_paste_dialog_copied_value__2 = %s de %s copiate run_paste_dialog_copied = copiate run_paste_dialog_moved = mutate run_paste_dialog_total__4 = Total: %s de %s (%s de %s fişiere) run_paste_dialog_speed = Viteză medie run_paste_dialog_speed_value__2 = Viteză medie: %s (actuală: %s) file_read_test_dialog_title = Test citire Fişier file_read_test_dialog_error__1 = Eroare: %s file_read_test_dialog_error_opening_file = Eroate Deschidere Fişier file_read_test_dialog_error_reading_file = Eroate Citire Fişier file_read_test_dialog_error_closing_file = Eroate Închidere Fişier file_read_test_dialog_file__1 = Fişier: %s file_read_test_dialog_read_value__2 = %s di %s letti file_read_test_dialog_remaining = Rămase: file_read_test_dialog_avg_speed_value__1 = Viteză medie: %s file_read_test_dialog_avg_speed = VViteză medie: file_read_test_dialog_button_restart = Reporneşte file_read_test_dialog_button_pause = Pauză file_read_test_dialog_button_resume = Reîncepe file_read_test_dialog_button_close = Închide @file_read_test_dialog_checksum_first_iteration = Step 1: Computing checksum... @file_read_test_dialog_checksum_iteration__1 = Step %s: Verifying checksum... @file_read_test_dialog_checksum_failed__1 = Step %s: ERROR: Checksum FAILED. @download_file_dialog_error__1 = Error: %s @download_file_dialog_error_opening_input_stream = Open Error @download_file_dialog_error_opening_output_file = Error Opening File For Writing @download_file_dialog_error_getting_file_size = Error Getting File Size @download_file_dialog_error_reading_input_stream = Read Error @download_file_dialog_error_writing_output_file = Error Writing File @download_file_dialog_error_closing_output_file = Error Closing File @download_file_dialog_opening_url = Opening... @download_file_dialog_read_value__2 = %s of %s downloaded @download_file_dialog_remaining = Remaining: @download_file_dialog_avg_speed_value__1 = Average speed: %s @download_file_dialog_avg_speed = Average speed: @download_file_dialog_button_cancel = Cancel @download_file_dialog_confirm_cancel_title = Cancel downloading? @storage_is_being_checked = Storage is being checked. @format_not_mounted_confirm_dialog_title = Format Storage @format_not_mounted_confirm_dialog_message_lines = 3 @format_not_mounted_confirm_dialog_message_line_1 = Filesystem is not recognized, @format_not_mounted_confirm_dialog_message_line_2 = perhaps storage is not formatted. @format_not_mounted_confirm_dialog_message_line_3 = Format? format_disk_confirm_dialog_title = Formatează HDD format_disk_confirm_dialog_message_lines = 3 format_disk_confirm_dialog_message_line_1 = Discul va fi partiţionat şi formatat. format_disk_confirm_dialog_message_line_2 = O singură partiţie EXT2 va fi creată. format_disk_confirm_dialog_message_line_3 = Toate datele de pe disc vor fi şterse! format_disk_partition_confirm_dialog_title = Formatează partiţie disc format_disk_partition_confirm_dialog_message_lines = 3 format_disk_partition_confirm_dialog_message_line_1 = Partiţia de pe disc va fi formatată. format_disk_partition_confirm_dialog_message_line_2 = Va fi utilizat fişierul de sistem EXT2. format_disk_partition_confirm_dialog_message_line_3 = Toate datele de pe disc vor fi şterse! @format_file_system_dialog_title = Choose File System format_disk_dialog_title = Formatare HDD format_disk_partition_dialog_title = Formatează partiţie disc format_dialog_stop_formatting = Opreşte formatarea? format_dialog_filesystem_ext2 = Fişier sistem: EXT2 format_dialog_writing_superblocks = Scrierea informaţii cont superblock şi fişiere de sistem.. format_dialog_may_take_several_minutes = Trebuiesc mai mult minute până la terminare. format_dialog_writing_inode_tables = Scriere inode tables... format_dialog_finishing = Terminare formatare format_dialog_please_wait_format_finish = Vă rog aşteptaţi termninarea formatării. @format_dialog_failed_to_start = Failed to start formatting format_dialog_error_creating_partition = Eroare la creerea de partiţii format_dialog_error_umounting_partition = Eroare la demontare Filesystem format_dialog_error_formatting = Eroare la formatarea discului @format_dialog_disk_too_large_line1 = Disk is too large. @format_dialog_disk_too_large_line2 = Formatting is not possible. @format_dialog_partition_too_large_line1 = Disk is too large. @format_dialog_partition_too_large_line2 = Formatting is not possible. @format_dialog_filesystem__1 = Filesystem: %s @format_dialog_creating_volume_structures = Creating volume structures... partition_check_dialog_title = EXT2/EXT3 Control Partiţie partition_check_dialog_confirm_line1 = Probleme în fişierele de sistem: vor fi controlate şi reparate. partition_check_dialog_confirm_line2 = NOTĂ: această funcţie este experimentală. partition_check_dialog_confirm_line3 = Nu o folosi dacă partiţia conţine date importante! @partition_check_dialog_too_large_line1 = Partition is too large. @partition_check_dialog_too_large_line2 = Partition check is not possible. partition_check_dialog_stop_partition_check = Opreşte controlul? partition_check_dialog_error_checking = Eroare la pornirea controlului partiţiei partition_check_dialog_preparing = APornesc controlul partiţiei... partition_check_dialog_stage1 = Stage 1 of 5: Control inodes, blocks, şi mărimea partition_check_dialog_stage2 = Stage 2 of 5: Control structură directoare partition_check_dialog_stage3 = Stage 3 of 5: Control conectivitate directoare partition_check_dialog_stage4 = Stage 4 of 5: Control reference counts partition_check_dialog_stage5 = Stage 5 of 5: Control group summary information partition_check_dialog_finishing = Control partiţie la încheiere partition_check_dialog_please_wait_check_finish = Vă rog aşteptaţi încheierea controlului. @partition_check_dialog_failed_to_start = Failed to start checking partition_check_results_dialog_title = EXT2/EXT3 Control partiţie partition_check_results_cancelled = Controlul a fost oprit de utilizator partition_check_results_no_errors = Nu au fost găsite erori partition_check_results_system_error = Eroare de sistem partition_check_results_check_aborted = Control întrerupt partition_check_results_not_ext2_ext3 = Filesystem nu este EXT2/EXT3? partition_check_results_errors_found = Găsite erori în Filesystem partition_check_results_errors_not_corrected = Corectare erori falită partition_check_results_errors_corrected = Toate erorile au fost corectate partition_check_results_reboot_needed = Este necerară repornirea player-ului partition_check_results_button_reboot = Restartează confirm_dvd_video_autoplay_title = disc DVD-Video recunoscut confirm_bluray_autoplay_title = disc Blu-ray recunoscut confirm_cd_audio_autoplay_title = disc CD-Audio recunoscut confirm_autoplay_start_playback = Începe redarea? @enter_on_folder_dialog_title = Folder enter_on_dvd_video_folder_dialog_title = director DVD-Video @enter_on_dvd_video_disc_dialog_title = DVD-Video disc enter_on_bluray_folder_dialog_title = director Blu-ray @enter_on_bluray_image_dialog_title = Blu-ray image @enter_on_bluray_disc_dialog_title = Blu-ray disc enter_on_video_folder_dialog_button_play = Redă enter_on_video_folder_dialoh_button_open = Deschide @enter_on_skin_folder_dialog_title = Custom skin folder @enter_on_skin_folder_dialog_button_install_skin = Install skin @enter_on_skin_folder_dialog_button_open_folder = Open folder resume_playback_dialog_title = Redare resume_playback_button__1 = Continuă redarea (%s) resume_playback_button__2 = Continuă redarea (%s din %s) resume_playback_button__3 = Continuă redarea (%s din %s) (%s%%) @resume_playback_button_ext__2 = Resume playback (%s) (%s) @resume_playback_button_ext__3 = Resume playback (%s) (%s of %s) @resume_playback_button_ext__4 = Resume playback (%s) (%s of %s) (%s%%) play_from_the_beginning_button = Redă de la început resume_playback_label = Continuă redarea: storage_internal_ide_hard_disk = Hard Disk storage_internal_usb_hard_disk = Hard Disk storage_sata_minipci_hard_disk = Hard Disk storage_tangox_sata_hard_disk = Hard Disk storage_usb_storage = Disc USB storage_partition__2 = (%s/%s) storage_no_access = ACCES IMPOSIBIL storage_no_disk = NICIUN DISC @storage_checking = CHECKING storage_internal_ide_dvd_drive = Unitate Optică storage_tangox_sata_dvd_drive = Unitate Optică storage_usb_dvd_drive = USB Unitate Optică @storage_flash_card = Memory Card @built_in_memory_title = Built-in Memory @storage_detected_title = Storage detected @storage_detected_msg_used__1 = used %s%% @label_choose_action = Choose action: @storage_detected_button_no_action = No action @storage_detected_button_open_in_file_browser = Open in File Browser @navigator_action_view = View @navigator_action_favorite = Favorite @navigator_action_copy = Copy @navigator_action_paste = Paste @navigator_action_forward = Forward @navigator_action_backward = Backward @navigator_action_skin = Skin @navigator_action_keyboard = Keyboard @navigator_action_clear = Erase @navigator_action_input_mode = Input Mode @navigator_action_scroll = Scroll @navigator_action_move = Move navigator_lang_setup_title = Alege limba interfaţă navigator_item_marked = (selectat) navigator_item_copied = copiat navigator_item_cut = tăiat navigator_popup_refresh = Actualizează navigator_popup_open = Deschide navigator_popup_play = Redare navigator_popup_play_lite = Redare (lite) navigator_popup_play_plugin = Redare (plugin) navigator_popup_play_menu = Redare (meniu) navigator_popup_play_external = Redare (externă) navigator_popup_play_with = Redare cu ... navigator_popup_info = Informaţii @navigator_popup_switch_view = Switch View navigator_popup_new_folder = Director nou navigator_popup_new_net_folder = Nou director de reţea navigator_popup_edit_net_folder = Modifică director de reţea navigator_popup_delete_net_folder = Şterge director de reţea @navigator_popup_delete_root_shortcut = Delete Shortcut @navigator_popup_remove_from_favorites = Remove from Favorites navigator_popup_unmark = Deselectează navigator_popup_mark = Selectează navigator_popup_mark_all = Selectează toate navigator_popup_unmark_all = Deselectează toate navigator_popup_delete_marked = Şterge selectate navigator_popup_cut_marked = Taie selectate navigator_popup_copy_marked = Copie selectate navigator_popup_rename = Redenumeşte navigator_popup_delete = Şterge navigator_popup_cut = Taie navigator_popup_copy = Copie navigator_popup_paste = Incolează navigator_popup_clear_clipboard = Elimină clipboard @navigator_popup_sort = Sort Settings @navigator_popup_dvbt_scan_channels = Scan Digital TV Channels... @navigator_popup_dvbs_scan_channels = Scan Satellite TV Channels... @navigator_popup_dvb_update_icons = Update Channel Icons @navigator_popup_dvb_delete_usb_drivers = Delete USB DVB Drivers @navigator_popup_dune_tv_clear_cache__1 = Clear %s Cache @navigator_popup_add_to_main_screen = Add to Main Screen @navigator_popup_remove_from_main_screen = Remove from Main Screen @navigator_popup_move_to_main_screen = Move to Main Screen @navigator_popup_add_to_favorites = Add to Favorites @navigator_popup_set_password = Set Password @navigator_popup_remove_password = Remove Password @navigator_popup_add_as_network_folder = Add as Network Folder @navigator_popup_setup = Setup @navigator_popup_enable_auto_start = Enable auto start @navigator_popup_disable_auto_start = Disable auto start @navigator_popup_delete_app = Delete @navigator_popup_restore_deleted_apps = Restore Deleted Applications @navigator_popup_now_playing = Now Playing @navigator_popup_eject_insert = Eject/Insert Disc @navigator_popup_edit_movie_info = Edit Movie Information... @navigator_popup_tv_series_info = TV Series Information @navigator_popup_set_as_bg_image = Set as Background Image @navigator_popup_voice_input = Voice Input @navigator_popup_configure_list = Configure List... @navigator_popup_configure_app_sections = Configure Application Sections... @navigator_popup_safe_eject = Eject Device navigator_manual_net_item__1 = Reţea (%s) navigator_error_access_net_folder = Imposibilă accesarea directorului de reţea @navigator_error_access_nfs_share = Can not open NFS share @navigator_nfs_server_enable_option = Enable option in NFS server settings: @navigator_more_details__1 = More details: %s navigator_empty_folder = (goală) @navigator_empty_source_list = No sources available. @navigator_button_back = Return navigator_delete_net_folder_confirmation = Şterge director de reţea? navigator_error_creating_folder = Eroare creare director navigator_error_renaming_file = Eroare redenumire fişier navigator_error_name_invalid = Nume invalid navigator_error_name_already_used = Nume deja în uz @navigator_error_iptv_not_available = IPTV configuration not avaliable @navigator_error_internet_radio_not_available = Internet radio configuration not avaliable @navigator_error_illegal_operation_on_marked_items = Illegal operation on the marked items navigator_label_folder = Director: navigator_label_file = Fişier: navigator_label_new_name = Nume nou: navigator_label_error = Erare: navigator_playlist_is_empty = Playlist goală navigator_item_info_title_file = Informaţii fişier navigator_item_info_title_folder = Informaţii director navigator_item_info_title_special_file = Informaţii speciale fişier navigator_item_info_title_internal_ide_hdd = Informaţii Hard Disk navigator_item_info_title_internal_usb_hdd = Informaţii Hard Disk navigator_item_info_title_sata_minipci_hdd = Informaţii Hard Disk navigator_item_info_title_tangox_sata_hdd = Informaţii Hard Disk navigator_item_info_title_internal_ide_dvd = Informaţii Drive Optic navigator_item_info_title_tangox_sata_dvd = Informaţii Drive Optic navigator_item_info_title_usb = Informaţii Drive USB navigator_item_info_title_usb_dvd = Informaţii Drive Optic USB navigator_item_info_title_network_folder = Informaţii Director Reţea @navigator_item_info_title_builtin_memory = Built-in Memory Information navigator_item_info_title_manual_network_folder = Informaţii Director Reţea Manual @navigator_item_info_title_smb_share = SMB Network Folder Information @navigator_item_info_title_nfs_share = NFS Network Folder Information @navigator_item_info_title_flash_card = Memory Card Storage Information navigator_item_info_label_file = Fişier: navigator_item_info_label_folder = Director: @navigator_item_info_label_workgroup = Workgroup: navigator_item_info_label_location = Poziţie: navigator_item_info_label_url = URL: navigator_item_info_label_error = Eroare: navigator_item_info_label_file_size = Mărime: navigator_item_info_label_file_size_value__2 = %s (%s) navigator_item_info_label_modified = Modifica: navigator_item_info_label_accessed = Accesat: navigator_item_info_button_read_test = Test Citire navigator_item_info_label_file_system = Fişier Sistem: navigator_item_info_label_storage_label = Etichetă Volum: navigator_item_info_label_storage_uuid = UUID: navigator_item_info_file_system_unknown = necunoscut navigator_item_info_label_total = Total: navigator_item_info_label_used = Folosit: navigator_item_info_label_available = Disponibile: navigator_item_info_label_status = Stare: navigator_item_info_status_connected = conectat navigator_item_info_status_not_connected = neconectat navigator_item_info_status_no_disk = niciun disc navigator_item_info_status_disk_inserted = disc introdus navigator_item_info_label_connection = Conexiune: navigator_item_info_connection_ide_master = IDE (master) navigator_item_info_connection_ide_slave = IDE (slave) navigator_item_info_label_partition = Partiţie: navigator_item_info_partition_value__2 = %s din %s navigator_item_info_label_name = Nume: navigator_item_info_label_type = Tip: navigator_item_info_label_server = Server: navigator_item_info_label_address = Adresă: navigator_item_info_button_format_disk = Formatează Disc navigator_item_info_button_format_partition = Formatează Partiţie navigator_item_info_button_check_partition = Controlează Partiţie @navigator_item_info_button_disconnect = Disconnect @navigator_item_info_disconnecting = Disconnecting... @navigator_item_info_disconnect_failed = Failed to disconnect navigator_item_info_reading_information = Citire informaţii... @navigator_connect_failed = Failed to connect navigator_file_read_test_title = Test Cist Fişier navigator_license_invalid_file = Licenţă fişier non validă navigator_license_serial_number_mismatch = Număr de serie necorespunzător navigator_license_specified_serial_number = S/n în fişier: navigator_license_required_serial_number = S/n al player-ului: navigator_license_update_confirmation = Actualizează licenţa? navigator_license_update_old_license = Licenţă veche: navigator_license_update_new_license = Licenţă nouă: navigator_license_update_error = Actualizare licenţă falită navigator_license_update_success = Licenţă actualizată navigator_license_update_success_message__1 = Licenţă nouă: %s @navigator_license_demo_warning_title = ATTENTION! @navigator_license_demo_warning_message = Player is not activated. Some functions will not be available. navigator_activation_dialog_title = Activare Player navigator_activation_invalid_file = Fişier activare invalid navigator_activation_send_request_confirmation = Trimite cerere de activare? navigator_activation_performing_request = Trimit cerere activare... navigator_activation_request_failed = Eroare navigator_media_player_chooser_title = Alege acţiune navigator_media_player_chooser_message = Playlist-ul conţine imagini şi alte fişiere multimediale. navigator_media_player_chooser_view_photos = Vezi Imagini @navigator_media_player_chooser_view_photos_and_play_audio_files = View photos and play audio files navigator_media_player_chooser_play_mediafiles = Redă Fişiere Multimediale @navigator_error_failed_to_open_url = Failed to open URL navigator_cd_audio_track_caption__3 = Pista %s (%s:%s) @navigator_error_system_storage_not_attached_message = System storage is not attached. @navigator_add_to_favorites_succeeded_text = Item added to favorites @navigator_error_add_to_favorites_failed = Failed to add item to favorites @nav_set_as_bg_image_could_not_load_image = Failed to load image file. @nav_set_as_bg_image_incorrect_format_or_size = Image file should be JPG 1920x1080. @navigator_confirm_delete_app_title = Delete application? @navigator_loading_prefix = Loading @configure_list_title = List Configuration @configure_app_sections_title = Application Sections Configuration @navigator_sort_title = Sort Settings @navigator_sort_field_name = Name @navigator_sort_field_size = Size @navigator_sort_field_atime = Accessed @navigator_sort_field_mtime = Modified @navigator_sort_field_unsorted = Unsorted @sort_dialog_label_sort_by = Sort by: @sort_dialog_label_direction = Direction: @sort_dialog_label_folders_on_top = Folders on top: @sort_dialog_dir_asc = Ascending @sort_dialog_dir_desc = Descending sort_dialog_apply_and_save = Aplică și salvează failed_to_write_folder_info = Acțiunea nu este posibilă. Nu poate scrie fişierul "..._folder.txt" în acesată locaţie. choose_player_dialog_title = Alege player-ul @navigator_section_sources = Sources @navigator_section_explorer = Explorer @navigator_section_tv = TV @navigator_section_favorites = Favorites @navigator_section_applications = Applications @navigator_section_dunehd_applications = Dune HD Applications @navigator_section_all_applications = All Applications @navigator_section_collections = Collections @navigator_section_setup = Setup @navigator_section_video = Video @navigator_section_music_and_radio = Music and Radio @navigator_section_news_and_weather = News and Weather @navigator_section_social_networks = Social Networks @navigator_section_games = Games @navigator_section_file_manager = File Manager @navigator_sections = Menu Sections @navigator_section_sources_details = Browse your files and folders on HDD, home network, USB storage, etc. @navigator_section_applications_details = Various applications like web browser and online services. @navigator_section_tv_details = Watch programs broadcasted via DVB, IPTV and the like. @navigator_section_favorites_details = Access the shortcuts you have placed here from other locations. @navigator_section_collections_details = Browse and manage movies, photos and music, organized and annotated. @navigator_section_setup_details = Adjust player settings and interface look-and-feel. @navigator_section_video_details = Watch video clips from popular internet resources. @navigator_section_music_and_radio_details = Play music and radio from popular internet resources. @navigator_section_news_and_weather_details = Up-to-date news and weather from various providers. @navigator_section_social_networks_details = Applications for communication in various social networks. @navigator_section_games_details = Logic, table and other video games. @navigator_collections_all_movies = All Movies @navigator_collections_all_music = All Music @navigator_collections_all_photos = All Photos @navigator_collections_my_movies = My Movies @navigator_collections_my_music = My Music @navigator_collections_my_photos = My Photos @navigator_application_wrong_region = Wrong region @navigator_application_currently_not_available = Currently not available @navigator_add_to_favorites_title = Add to Favorites @navigator_add_to_favorites_label_name = Name: @navigator_button_add_shortcut_to_favorites = Add Shortcut @navigator_button_add_copy_to_favorites = Add Copy @navigator_utility_files_dialog_title = Choose File @navigator_brl_failed_to_mount = Failed to mount image. @navigator_brl_failed_to_get_playlists = Failed to get playlists. @navigator_brl_no_playlists = No valid playlists found. @navigator_brl_playlist_na = Failed to get playlist properties. @navigator_brl_clip_na = Failed to get clip properties. @navigator_brl_playlist_clips_na = Failed to get playlist clips. @navigator_brl_failed_to_process_playlist = Failed to process playlist. @navigator_brl_and_chapters__1 = , %s chapters @navigator_brl_choose_playlist = Choose playlist @app_delete_dialog_title = Delete Application @app_delete_dialog_failed = Failed to delete application. @app_delete_dialog_ok = Application deleted successfully. @no_more_apps_to_add = No more applications to add. @navigator_no_spmc_title = SPMC / KODI not installed @navigator_no_spmc_message = Please install SPMC / KODI. use_app_to_play_content__1 = Pentru a reda acest conținut, poți folosi aplicația %s. content_should_be_on_storage = Conținutul ar trebui să fie accesibil în stocarea locală (de exemplu, unitatea USB). content_should_be_opened_manually = Conținutul trebuie deschis manual. button_launch_app__1 = Lansează aplicația %s title_sacd_image = Imagine SACD title_cue_playlist = Lista de redare CUE title_playback_launch = Lansare redare title_required_app_not_installed__1 = Aplicația necesară nu este instalată: %s msg_download_and_install_app = Descarci și instalezi aplicația? @msg_install_app = Install application? msg_downloading = Descărcare... title_installing_additional_playback_components = Instalează componentele software suplimentare pentru redare @exit_confirmation_title = Exit Confirmation msg_hifi_audio_output_enabled = Ieșire audio Hi-FI activată msg_hifi_audio_output_disabled = Ieșire audio Hi-FI dezactivată @file_player_not_permitted = Playback is not permitted. @bluray_lite_not_permitted = BDLite playback is not permitted. @dvd_player_not_permitted = DVD-Video playback is not permitted. @bluray_player_not_permitted = Blu-ray playback is not permitted. @flash_player_not_permitted = Playback is not permitted. @web_browser_not_permitted = Web Browser launch is not permitted. @photo_viewer_not_permitted = Photo Viewer is not permitted. @application_launch_not_permitted = Application launch is not permitted. @application_install_not_permitted = Application installation is not permitted. @application_update_not_permitted = Application update is not permitted. @file_browser_not_permitted = Access to sources is not permitted. @msg_playback_restriction_hdr10 = No Internet access. Failed to check Dune HD license. Playback is limited to HDR10. network_browser_title = Network Browser network_browser_network_type_smb = SMB @network_browser_network_type_nfs_servers = NFS Servers network_browser_network_type_upnp = UPnP network_browser_mount_connect_to_resource = Conectare la resurse de reţea network_browser_mount_failed_title = Resurse de reţea neaccesibile network_browser_mount_failed_description = Probabil nu ai permisiuni de accesare network_browser_label_user_name = Utilizator: network_browser_label_password = Parolă: network_browser_user_name_is_not_set = Utilizator neconfigurat network_browser_connecting = Conectare... network_browser_popup_connect_as_user = Conecate ca utilizator @network_browser_popup_disconnect = Disconnect @network_browser_disconnect_failed = Failed to disconnect @network_browser_popup_disconnecting = Disconnecting... @network_browser_default_smb_network_folder_name__2 = %s on %s smb_mount_in_use_title = Server SMB deja în folosinţă smb_mount_in_use_description1 = Accesul la diverse resurse de reţea smb_mount_in_use_description2 = pentru un singur server nu este permis @smb_mount_in_use_description3 = (ensure clipboard is empty) @network_mount_in_use_title = Network resource already in use photo_viewer_slideshow_on = SlideShow On photo_viewer_slideshow_off = SlideShow Off photo_viewer_repeat_on = Repeat Playlist On photo_viewer_repeat_off = Repeat Playlist Off photo_viewer_shuffle_on = Shuffle Playlist On photo_viewer_shuffle_off = Shuffle Playlist Off @photo_viewer_zoom__1 = Zoom: %s @photo_viewer_zoom_fit_to_screen = fit to screen @photo_viewer_zoom_pixel_to_pixel = pixel to pixel @photo_viewer_zoom_special = custom @photo_viewer_zoom_loading = Loading image... @photo_viewer_scale__1 = Scale: %s @photo_viewer_x__1 = X: %s @photo_viewer_y__1 = Y: %s @photo_viewer_center = center photo_viewer_info_file = Fişier photo_viewer_info_format = Format photo_viewer_info_width = Lăţime photo_viewer_info_height = Înălţime photo_viewer_info_bit_depth = Profunditate Bit photo_viewer_info_format_gif = GIF photo_viewer_info_format_bmp = BMP photo_viewer_info_format_png = PNG photo_viewer_info_format_jpeg = JPEG @photo_viewer_info_format_aai = AAI photo_viewer_info_format_unknown = Necunoscut photo_viewer_open_error = Eroare încarăcare imagine @photo_viewer_operation_not_compatible_with_bg_music = Operation is not compatible with background audio @photo_viewer_bg_audio_controls__1 = Background audio controls: %s video_setup_title = Video video_setup_new_video_mode = Nouă modalitate video: video_setup_confirm_new_mode = Apasă ^C1ENTER^C0 pentru a păstra noua setare. video_setup_revert_to_old_mode = Apasă ^C1RETURN^C0 pentru a te întoarce la vechea setare. video_setup_reverting_timer__1 = Întoarcere la vechea setare în %s secunde. @applying_display_settings_title = Applying Display Settings video_setup_status = Stare video_setup_settings = Setări video_setup_changes_not_saved = Schimbările nu au fost salvate video_setup_current_video_mode = Modalitate video actuală: video_setup_video_connector = Conectare Video: video_setup_video_mode = Modalitate Video: video_setup_maximum_video_mode = Mod video maxim: video_setup_aspect_ratio = Aspect ratio: video_setup_aspect_ratio_auto = Auto video_setup_auto_framerate = Auto framerate: @video_setup_auto_resolution = Auto resolution: @video_setup_advanced_settings = Additional settings: @video_setup_advanced_settings_edit = Edit... @video_setup_vxp_settings = VXP settings: video_setup_hdr_settings = Setări HDR: video_setup_hdr_and_dovi_settings = Setări HDR și Dolby Vision: @video_mode_unsupported__1 = %s (unsupported) video_setup_video_mode_hdmi_auto = Auto (EDID) @auto_video_mode_confirm_title = Auto (EDID) video mode @auto_video_mode_confirm_text1 = TV-default video mode will be used. @auto_video_mode_confirm_text2 = Notes: @auto_video_mode_confirm_text3 = - Incompatible with autoframerate. @auto_video_mode_confirm_text4 = - Incompatible with some advanced settings. @auto_video_mode_confirm_text5 = (To enable more functionality, @auto_video_mode_confirm_text6 = please specify video mode manually.) video_setup_auto_framerate_disabled = Dezactivat video_setup_auto_framerate_enabled = Activ video_setup_auto_framerate_auto = Auto (EDID) @video_setup_auto_framerate_50_60_hz = Except 24p (25/30/50/60Hz) @video_setup_auto_framerate_24_50_60_hz = All (24/25/30/50/60Hz) @video_setup_auto_framerate_24_50_hz = 24p+PAL (24/25/50Hz) @video_setup_auto_framerate_24_60_hz = 24p+NTSC (24/30/60Hz) @video_setup_auto_framerate_50_60_no_25_30_hz = Except 24p (50/60Hz) @video_setup_auto_framerate_24_50_60_no_25_30_hz = All (24/50/60Hz) @video_setup_auto_framerate_all = All framerates @video_setup_auto_framerate_all_prefer_double_rate = All framerates, prefer double rate @video_setup_auto_framerate_except_24p = Except 24p @video_setup_auto_framerate_except_24p_prefer_double_rate = Except 24p, prefer double rate video_setup_auto_framerate_confirm_title = Auto Framerate video_setup_auto_framerate_confirm_line1 = Video output framerate va fi corectat în automat video_setup_auto_framerate_confirm_line2 = în baza fişierelor care vor fi redate. video_setup_auto_framerate_confirm_line3 = Note: @video_setup_auto_framerate_confirm_line4 = - Not supported for Auto (EDID) video mode. video_setup_auto_framerate_confirm_line5 = - Funcţionează doar cu HDMI 720p/1080i/1080p video. video_setup_auto_framerate_confirm_line6 = - Asigură-te că TV-ul suportă modalitatea video dorită. @video_setup_auto_resolution_confirm_title = Auto Resolution @video_setup_auto_resolution_confirm_line1 = Video output resolution will be automatically adjusted @video_setup_auto_resolution_confirm_line2 = according to played content during file playback. @video_setup_auto_resolution_disabled = Disabled @video_setup_auto_resolution_enabled = Enabled @video_advanced_settings_dialog_title = Additional Video Settings @hdr_settings_dialog_title = HDR Settings hdr_and_dovi_settings_dialog_title = Setări HDR și Dolby Vision video_setup_maximum_hdmi_color_depth = Adâncime maximă de culoare pentru HDMI: @video_setup_hdmi_color_depth = HDMI color depth: @video_setup_hdmi_color_depth_auto = Auto (EDID) video_setup_hdmi_color_depth_8_bit = 8 bit video_setup_hdmi_color_depth_10_bit = 10 bit video_setup_hdmi_color_depth_12_bit = 12 bit video_setup_hdmi_cec = HDMI CEC: @video_setup_hdmi_cec_enabled = Enabled @video_setup_hdmi_cec_disabled = Disabled @label_picture_settings = Picture settings: @label_screen_saver = Screen saver: video_setup_sdr_hdr_conversion = Conversie SDR/HDR : @video_setup_sdr_hdr_conversion_auto = Auto video_setup_sdr_hdr_conversion_sdr_to_hdr = Conversie SDR la HDR video_setup_sdr_hdr_conversion_hdr_to_sdr = Conversie HDR la SDR hdr_processing_mode = Modul de procesare HDR: @hdr_processing_mode_auto = Auto hdr_processing_mode_hdr_always = Întotdeauna HDR hdr_processing_mode_sdr_always = Întotdeauna SDR hdr_processing_mode_sdr_bt2020_for_bt2020 = SDR BT.2020 pentru video BT.2020 hdr_processing_mode_hlg_always = Întotdeauna HLG hdr_processing_mode_dovi_vs10_always = Întotdeauna procesare Dolby VS10 hdr_processing_mode_dovi_vs10_for_sdr = Procesare Dolby VS10 pentru video SDR hdr_processing_mode_dovi_vs10_for_hdr = Procesare Dolby VS10 pentru video HDR hdr_processing_mode_dovi_vs10_for_dv = Procesare Dolby VS10 pentru video DV hdr_processing_mode_dovi_vs10_for_sdr_hdr = Procesare Dolby VS10 pentru video SDR, HDR hdr_processing_mode_dovi_vs10_for_sdr_dv = Procesare Dolby VS10 pentru video SDR, DV hdr_processing_mode_dovi_vs10_for_hdr_dv = Procesare Dolby VS10 pentru video HDR, DV hdr_processing_mode_dovi_vs10_for_sdr_hdr_dv = Procesare Dolby VS10 pentru video SDR, HDR, DV dovi_output_mode = Mod Dolby Vision: @dovi_output_mode_auto = Auto dovi_output_mode_lldv = LLDV (în funcţie de unitatea de redare) dovi_output_mode_std_dv = STD DV (în funcţie de televizor) dovi_output_mode_disable_dv = Dezactivat @dovi_4k_support = Dolby Vision 4Kp50/60: dovi_4k_support_enabled = Activat dovi_4k_support_disabled = Dezactivat @video_setup_hdr10p = HDR10+: @hdr10p_auto = Auto hdr10p_enabled = Activat hdr10p_disabled = Dezactivat @video_setup_msg_deep_color = deep color label_deep_color = Mod Deep Color: deep_color_disabled = Dezactivat deep_color_enabled = Activat @video_setup_msg_rgb_mode = RGB 4:4:4 @video_setup_rgb_mode = RGB mode: @rgb_mode_disabled = Disabled @rgb_mode_enabled = Enabled label_analog_av_output = Ieșire analogică A/V : analog_av_output_disabled = Dezactivat analog_av_output_enabled = Activat video_setup_deinterlacing_mode = Mod Deinterlacing: @deinterlacing_mode_sharp = Sharp @deinterlacing_mode_smooth = Smooth @video_setup_force_dvi_output = Force DVI output: @force_dvi_output_confirm_text1 = HDMI video output will be set to DVI mode. @video_setup_output_colorspace = Output colorspace: @output_colorspace_auto = Auto @output_colorspace_bt_601 = BT.601 @output_colorspace_bt_709 = BT.709 @output_colorspace_rgb_full = RGB-Full @output_colorspace_rgb_limited = RGB-Limited @auto_output_colorspace_confirm_text1 = BT.601 will be used for SD video modes. @auto_output_colorspace_confirm_text2 = BT.709 will be used for HD video modes. @video_setup_default_decoder_colorspace = Default decoder colorspace: @default_decoder_colorspace_auto = Auto @default_decoder_colorspace_bt_601 = BT.601 @default_decoder_colorspace_bt_709 = BT.709 @auto_default_decoder_colorspace_confirm_text1 = BT.601 will be used for SD content. @auto_default_decoder_colorspace_confirm_text2 = BT.709 will be used for HD content. video_setup_hdr_conversion = Conversie BT.2020/HDR: video_setup_preferred_hdmi_color_depth = Adâncimea de culoare HDMI preferată: preferred_hdmi_color_depth_maximum = Maxim preferred_hdmi_color_depth_as_in_content = Ca și în conținut @label_hdr = HDR: video_setup_hdmi_enable_3d = Suport HDMI 3D: @hdmi_enable_3d_confirm_text1 = HDMI video output will never switch into 3D mode. @vxp_settings_dialog_title = VXP Settings @vxp_ace = VXP adaptive contrast enhancement: @vxp_shadows = VXP shadows enhancement: @vxp_highlights = VXP highlights enhancement: @vxp_ace_disabled = Disabled @vxp_ace_enabled = Enabled @vxp_ace_demo = Demo @vxp_enhancement_min__1 = %s (Off) @vxp_enhancement_max__1 = %s (Max) @video_setup_video_noise_reduction = Noise reduction: chroma_subsampling_4k_p5060_8bit = Chroma subsampling pentru 4Kp50/60 8-bit: chroma_subsampling_4k_p5060_12bit = Chroma subsampling pentru 4Kp50/60 12-bit: chroma_subsampling_4k_p2430_12bit = Chroma subsampling pentru 4Kp24..30 12-bit: chroma_subsampling_non_4k_12bit = Chroma subsampling pentru non-4K 12-bit: @notes_title = Notes: @note_not_supported_for_auto_edid = - Not supported for Auto (EDID) video mode. @note_does_not_affect_bluray_playback = - Does not affect Blu-ray playback. @hdmi_color_depth_confirm_title = Confirm non-recommended setting @hdmi_color_depth_confirm_text__1 = The default and recommended setting is "%s". @hdmi_color_depth_confirm_text2 = Other settings may not work well @hdmi_color_depth_confirm_text3 = depending on HDMI equipment and cables. @hdmi_color_depth_confirm_text4 = Are you sure? @preferred_hdmi_color_depth_confirm_text__1 = The default and recommended setting is "%s". @preferred_hdmi_color_depth_confirm_text2 = Choosing other setting may lead to decreased picture quality @preferred_hdmi_color_depth_confirm_text3 = when using SDR/HDR conversion or other video processing. @preferred_hdmi_color_depth_confirm_text4 = Are you sure? @preferred_colorspace_for__1 = Color space for %s: @preferred_hdr_mode_for_menu = How to output menu: @preferred_hdr_mode_for_video__1 = How to output %s video: @use_vs10_for_menu = Use Dolby VS10 for menu: @use_vs10_for_video__1 = Use Dolby VS10 for %s video: network_setup_title = Reţea network_setup_connection = Conexiune: network_setup_mode = Modalitate: @network_setup_wifi_ap_mode = Wi-Fi access point: network_setup_wifi_settings = Configurări Wi-Fi: network_setup_ip_settings = Confifurări TCP/IP: @network_setup_pppoe_settings = PPPoE settings: @network_setup_wifi_ap_settings = Wi-Fi access point settings: network_setup_status = Stare network_setup_settings = Setări network_setup_edit = Modifică... network_setup_ip_address = Adresă IP: network_setup_mask = Mască de reţea: network_setup_gateway = Gateway: network_setup_dns_1 = DNS server 1: network_setup_dns_2 = DNS server 2: network_setup_changes_not_saved = Schimbările nu au fost salvate network_setup_continue_anyway = Continui oricum? network_setup_wifi_not_found = Hardware-ul Wi-Fi nu a fost găsit. network_setup_gigaeth_not_found = Hardware-ul 1Gbit Ethernet nu a fost găsit. @network_setup_wifi_ap_not_allowed_title = Incompatible Settings @network_setup_wifi_ap_not_allowed_text_1 = Wi-Fi access point can't be enabled @network_setup_wifi_ap_not_allowed_text_2 = together with selected connection type. network_setup_enable_wifi_device = Activează Wi-Fi network_setup_disable_wifi_device = Dezactivează Wi-Fi network_setup_wifi_connected_to_ssid__1 = [conectat la %s] title_enabling_wifi = Activează Wi-Fi... wifi_ap_setup_title = Wi-Fi @wifi_ap_setup_disabled = Disabled @wifi_ap_setup_enabled = Enabled @wifi_ap_setup_ssid_empty = (empty) wifi_ap_setup_ip_address = Adresa IP a punctului de acces Wi-Fi: @wifi_ap_setup_warning_bridge_mode_title = Warning @wifi_ap_setup_warning_bridge_mode_line1 = Cannot use Automaitic (DHCP) ethernet connection @wifi_ap_setup_warning_bridge_mode_line2 = setting with AP bridge mode. upgrade_title = Firmware upgrade @app_upgrade_title = Application Upgrade upgrade_upgrade = Upgrade upgrade_launch_upgrade = Lansează upgrade upgrade_cancel = Anulează upgrade_restart = Reporneşte upgrade_return = Întoarcere upgrade_current_version__1 = Versiune actuală firmware: %s @app_upgrade_current_version__1 = Current application version: %s upgrade_new_version__1 = Versiune nouă firmware: %s @app_upgrade_new_version__1 = New application version: %s @upgrade_downloading = Downloading firmware file... @app_upgrade_downloading = Downloading application file... upgrade_checking = Control fişier firmware... @app_upgrade_checking = Checking application file... upgrade_upgrading = Actualizare memorie flash... @app_upgrade_upgrading = Installing application... @upgrade_attention_text_1 = Do not switch off the player. @upgrade_attention_text_2 = Software update is currently in progress upgrade_progress__3 = Progres: %s (%s din %s bytes). ota_upgrade_extra_progress__2 = Modulul %s din %s. upgrade_error__1 = Eroare: %s upgrade_success = Actualizare efectuată. upgrade_restart_instruction = Reporneşte player-ul pentru a putea folosi noul firmware. @upgrade_restart_message = Player will be restarted to activate the new firmware @upgrade_continue_after_restart_message = Player will be restarted to continue firmware upgrade upgrade_invalid_firmware_file = Fişier firmware invalid upgrade_unsupported_firmware_file_format = Format fişier firmware nesuportat @upgrade_incompatible_hardware_revision = Firmware version is incompatible with hardware revision @upgrade_confirm_warning_text_1 = WARNING! @upgrade_confirm_warning_text_2 = During upgrade screen may become blank. @upgrade_confirm_warning_text_3 = Do not switch off the player or disconnect @upgrade_confirm_warning_text_4 = any storages during upgrade; in case of any @upgrade_confirm_warning_text_5 = disruption, the player may become non-functioning. @app_upgrade_confirm_install_apps_text_1 = Permission to install apps is required. @app_upgrade_confirm_install_apps_text_2__1 = Please choose %s in the list of applications @app_upgrade_confirm_install_apps_text_3 = and allow this. @app_upgrade_confirm_install_apps_text_4 = Use BACK button to close the settings menu. upgrade_preparing = Preparare upgrade... upgrade_preparation_failure = Începere upgrade falită. upgrade_cancelled = Upgrade anulat. upgrade_init_system_storage_title = Iniţiez Discul de Sistem upgrade_init_system_storage_line1 = Discul de Sistem e necesar pentru câteva upgrade_init_system_storage_line2 = funcţii ale player-ului neconfigurate. upgrade_init_system_storage_line3 = Am găsit acest disc gol: upgrade_init_system_storage_line4 = Vrei să-l foloseşti ca Disc de Sistem? upgrade_init_system_storage_line5 = NOTĂ: va fi formatat şi va fi ascuns. upgrade_initializing_system_storage = Iniţiez Discul de Sistem... upgrade_no_system_storage_title = Niciun Disc de Sistem upgrade_no_system_storage_line1 = Disc de Sistem nu este ataşat. upgrade_no_system_storage_line2 = Câteva funcţii ale player-ului nu vor fi disponibile. upgrade_no_system_storage_line3 = Continuă? upgrade_system_storage_not_enough_space = Discul de Sistem nu are spaţiu liber de ajuns. upgrade_installing_extra_apps = Instalare aplicaţii extra... @upgrade_title_prepare = Preparing for software update @upgrade_title_upgrade = Software update @upgrade_title_success = Software update succeeded @upgrade_title_error = Error @upgrade_message_checking = Checking software update @upgrade_message_downloading_dvb = Downloading software from DVB network @upgrade_message_downloading_ip = Downloading software from IP network @upgrade_message_downloading = Downloading software @upgrade_message_error_with_code__1 = Please contact service center. Code %s general_setup_title = General general_setup_interface_language = Limbă Interfaţă: general_setup_screensaver_timeout = Screen saver: @general_setup_thx_media_director_processing = THX Media Director: @hide_advanced_settings = Hide advanced settings: @general_setup_disc_menu_language_code = Disc menu language: @general_setup_audio_language_code = Audio language: @general_setup_subtitle_language_code = Subtitle language: @enable_dvd_subtitles_by_default = Enable subtitles by default for DVD: general_setup_language_code_auto = Auto @msg_restricted_by_parental_code = Restricted by parental code @parental_control_setup_title = Parental Control @parental_code = Parental code: enter_pin_dialog_title = Introdu codul PIN label_pin = PIN: @wrong_pin = Wrong PIN code. @msg_password_was_set = Password is set. Parental code is now required to enter. @msg_password_was_removed = Password is removed. @title_enter_parental_code = Enter parental code @wrong_parental_code = Wrong parental code. @title_parental_code_not_set = Parental code is not set @parental_code_set_in_settings_parental_control = Set the code in menu Settings / Miscellaneous / Parental Control. @change_parental_code_title = Change parental code @set_parental_code_title = Set parental code @parental_code_old_code = Current code: @parental_code_new_code = New code: @parental_code_confirmation = Confirmation: @parental_code_wrong_confirmation = Wrong protect code confirmation @parental_code_wrong_current_code = Wrong current code. @parental_code_unset = unset @parental_code_enter_empty_to_unset = Enter empty code to unset the code. @msg_parental_code_is_set = Parental code is set. @msg_parental_code_changed = Parental code changed. @msg_parental_code_removed = Parental code removed. @pcontrol_schedule = Schedule: @pcontrol_current_time__2 = %s. Current time: %s @pcontrol_locked_till__1 = Locked till %s @pcontrol_unlocked_till__1 = Unlocked till %s @pcontrol_always_locked = Always locked @pcontrol_never_locked = Never locked @pcontrol_temp_unlocked__1 = Temporarily unlocked by code (%s min) @pcontrol_min_before_lock__1 = %s min left before lock @pcontrol_schedule_unset = unset @pcontrol_schedule_title = Schedule @pcontrol_lock__1 = Lock %s @pcontrol_lock_period_title = Lock Period @pcontrol_range_start = Start: @pcontrol_range_end = End: @pcontrol_title_start = Start @pcontrol_title_end = End @pcontrol_hours = Hours: @pcontrol_minutes = Minutes: audio_setup_title = Audio @audio_setup_digital_audio_connector = Digital audio connector: audio_setup_spdif_mode = Modalitate audio Digital: @audio_setup_decoding_mode = Audio decoding mode: @audio_setup_max_spdif_sample_rate = Maximum S/PDIF sample rate: @audio_setup_drc_mode = Dynamic range control: @audio_setup_volume_control_mode = Volume control: @audio_setup_volume_indication = Volume indication: @audio_setup_max_digital_outputs_sample_rate = Maximum digital outputs sample rate: @audio_setup_native_sample_rate = Output native sample rate: audio_setup_hdmi_mode = HDMI-audio: audio_setup_bluray_audio_mode = Blu-ray-audio: audio_setup_dts_conversion_mode = Conversie DTS audio-CD : setup_hifi_analog_audio_output_title = Ieșire Hi-Fi analogică audio (ESS DAC) (RCA, XLR, căşti) setup_hifi_audio_output_title = Ieșire Hi-Fi audio (RCA, XLR, căşti, coaxial S/PDIF) @setup_ess_dac_settings = ESS DAC settings: setup_ess_dac_source = Sursă ESS DAC: setup_hifi_audio_output_source = Sursă: setup_hifi_digital_audio_output_title = Ieșire Hi-Fi audio digitală (XMOS) (I2S-E, coaxial S/PDIF) setup_hifi_digital_audio_output = Ieșire Hi-Fi audio digitală: setup_hifi_digital_audio_output_title_2 = Ieșire Hi-Fi audio (RCA, XLR) setup_hifi_digital_audio_output_2 = Ieșire Hi-Fi audio: @setup_title_ess_dac_settings = ESS DAC Settings @setup_ess_dac_filter = Filter: web_browser_setup_title = Web Browser web_browser_setup_show_in_main_screen = Arată pe ecranul principal: web_browser_setup_overscan = Overscan: web_browser_setup_font_size = Mărime caractere: @web_browser_setup_zoom_level = Zoom level: @web_browser_setup_resolution = Resolution: iptv_setup_title = IPTV iptv_setup_show_in_main_screen = Arată pe ecranul principal: @iptv_setup_multicast_buffering = Buffering period for UDP multicast: @iptv_setup_udp_multicast_buffering = Buffering period for UDP multicast: inet_radio_setup_title = Internet Radio inet_radio_setup_show_in_main_screen = Arată pe ecranul principal: torrent_setup_title = Torrent torrent_setup_status_not_running = nu este pornit torrent_setup_status_running = pornit torrent_setup_status_stopping = oprire torrent_setup_status_restarting = repornire torrent_setup_button_start = Redă torrent_setup_button_restart = Reporneşte torrent_setup_button_stop = Opreşte torrent_setup_label_status = Stare Client Torrent: torrent_setup_label_show_in_main_screen = Arată pe ecranul principal: torrent_setup_label_run_on_boot = Porneşte la pornirea player-ului: torrent_setup_label_empty_start = Opreşte toate torrentele la pornire: torrent_setup_label_settings = Impostări (necesită repornire): torrent_setup_button_edit = Modifică... torrent_setup_dialog_title = Impostări Client Torrent torrent_setup_label_bw_in = Max. trafic în intrare: torrent_setup_label_bw_out = Max. trafic în ieşire: torrent_setup_label_max_peers = Număr Max. de peers: torrent_setup_label_max_uploads = Număr Max. în uploads: torrent_setup_label_port = Poartă: torrent_client_bw_unlimited = Nelimitat torrent_client_bw_5kbs = 5 KB/s torrent_client_bw_10kbs = 10 KB/s torrent_client_bw_20kbs = 20 KB/s torrent_client_bw_50kbs = 50 KB/s torrent_client_bw_100kbs = 100 KB/s torrent_client_bw_200kbs = 200 KB/s torrent_client_bw_500kbs = 500 KB/s torrent_client_bw_1mbs = 1 MB/s torrent_client_bw_2mbs = 2 MB/s torrent_client_bw_5mbs = 5 MB/s torrent_client_max_peers_default = Nelimitat torrent_client_max_uploads_auto = Auto torrent_client_max_uploads_unlimited = Nelimitat torrent_setup_confirm_client_restart = Reporneşte clientul torrent cu noile setări? torrent_setup_invalid_value = valoare eronată photo_viewer_setup_title = Vizualizator Imagini photo_viewer_slide_show_delay = Întârziere slideshow: photo_viewer_transition_effect = Efect trecere: @photo_viewer_auto_scaling_at_loading = Fast loading: slide_show_delay_3s = 3 secunde slide_show_delay_4s = 4 secunde slide_show_delay_5s = 5 secunde slide_show_delay_6s = 6 secunde slide_show_delay_7s = 7 secunde slide_show_delay_8s = 8 secunde slide_show_delay_9s = 9 secunde slide_show_delay_10s = 10 secunde slide_show_delay_15s = 15 secunde slide_show_delay_20s = 20 secunde slide_show_delay_30s = 30 secunde slide_show_delay_1m = 1 minut slide_show_delay_2m = 2 minute slide_show_delay_3m = 3 minute slide_show_delay_5m = 5 minute slide_show_delay_10m = 10 minute slide_show_delay_15m = 15 minute slide_show_delay_30m = 30 minute slide_show_delay_1h = 1 oră slide_show_delay_2h = 2 ore slide_show_delay_3h = 3 ore slide_show_delay_6h = 6 ore slide_show_delay_12h = 12 ore slide_show_delay_1d = 1 zi @transition_effect_none = None transition_effect_random = Aleator transition_effect_smooth_appearance = Aspect nitid transition_effect_small_squares = Pătrate mici transition_effect_from_center_to_edges = DIn centru spre margine transition_effect_from_center_horizontally = Din centru orizontal transition_effect_from_center_vertically = Din centru vertical transition_effect_from_edges_to_center = De la margine spre centru transition_effect_from_edges_horizontally = De la margine orizontal transition_effect_from_edges_vertically = De la margine vertical transition_effect_from_left_to_right = De la stânga la dreapta transition_effect_from_right_to_left = De la dreapta la stânga transition_effect_from_top_to_bottom = De sus în jos transition_effect_from_bottom_to_top = De jos în sus transition_effect_moving_halfs = Mută la jumătate transition_effect_moving_quarters = Mută la un sfert @auto_scaling_at_loading_enabled = Enabled @auto_scaling_at_loading_disabled = Disabled network_browser_setup_title = Network Browser network_browser_setup_show_in_main_screen = Arată pe ecranul principal: @smb_server_setup_title = SMB Server @smb_server_enabled = Enabled: @smb_server_name = Server name: @smb_server_description = Server description: @smb_server_workgroup = Workgroup: @smb_server_smb1_enabled = SMB1 enabled: @smb_server_password_enabled = Password enabled: @smb_server_user_name = User name: @smb_server_password = Password: @smb_server_hint1 = Connect by IP and use port 10445. Example: \\ @smb_server_hint2 = On Windows, configure port mapping. @smb_server_hint3 = More details: @smb_server_hint4 = @dvb_setup_scan_mode = Scan mode: @dvb_setup_scan_mode_installed_config = Custom @dvb_setup_scan_mode_preset_config = Choose Location @dvb_setup_scan_mode_special = Special @dvb_setup_sorting_channels = Sort channels: @dvb_setup_sorting_channels_by_lcn = By LCN @dvb_setup_sorting_channels_by_name = By name @dvb_setup_hide_encrypted_channels = Hide encrypted channels: @dvb_setup_hide_internet_channels = Hide Internet/HbbTV channels: @dvbt_setup_title = Digital TV @dvbt_enable_antenna_power = Enable antenna power: @dvbt_append_provider_to_channel_name = Append provider name to channel name: @dvbt_location = Scan mode: @dvbt_scan_dvbt_channels = Scan Channels... @dvbt_location_is_not_set = Scan mode is not defined @dvbt_location_unset = (undefined) @dvbt_location_unknown = Automatic (Full) @dvbt_location_custom = Custom @dvbt_db_failed_to_install = Failed to install Digital TV scan database. @dvbc_setup_title = Cable TV @dvbc_setup_scan_network_scan = Network scan: @dvbc_setup_start_frequency = Start frequency, kHz: @dvbc_setup_end_frequency = End frequency, kHz: @dvbc_setup_step = Step: @dvbc_setup_modulation = Modulation: @dvbc_setup_symbol_rate = Symbol rate, kS/s: @dvbc_setup_symbol_rate_auto = Auto @dvbc_setup_button_scan = Scan Channels... @dvbc_setup_step_bw_5 = 5 MHz @dvbc_setup_step_bw_6 = 6 MHz @dvbc_setup_step_bw_7 = 7 MHz @dvbc_setup_step_bw_8 = 8 MHz @dvbc_setup_modulation_qpsk = QPSK @dvbc_setup_modulation_8psk = 8PSK @dvbc_setup_modulation_qam_128 = QAM 128 @dvbc_setup_modulation_qam_16 = QAM 16 @dvbc_setup_modulation_qam_256 = QAM 256 @dvbc_setup_modulation_qam_32 = QAM 32 @dvbc_setup_modulation_qam_64 = QAM 64 @dvbc_setup_modulation_qam_auto = Auto @dvbc_setup_invalid_value = Invalid value @dvbs_setup_title = Satellite TV @dvbs_setup_label_settings = Satellite TV settings: @dvbs_setup_settings_n_configurations__1 = %s configurations @dvbs_setup_total_reachable__2 = %s total, %s reachable @dvbs_setup_label_satellites = Satellites: @dvbs_setup_label_transponders = Transponders: @dvbs_setup_label_channels = Channels: @dvbs_setup_label_configuration = LNB configuration: @dvbs_setup_label_config_name = Name: @dvbs_setup_label_satellite = Satellite: @dvbs_setup_label_switch_kind = Switch kind: @dvbs_setup_label_switch_port = Switch port: @dvbs_setup_label_lnb_kind = LNB kind: @dvbs_setup_label_custom_lnb_settings = Custom LNB settings: @dvbs_setup_label_lnb_lof_low = LOF low: @dvbs_setup_label_lnb_lof_high = LOF high: @dvbs_setup_label_lnb_threshold = Threshold: @dvbs_setup_label_lnb_polarization = Polarization: @dvbs_setup_label_voltage_mode = Voltage: @dvbs_setup_label_tone_mode = Tone: @dvbs_setup_button_create_new_config = New... @dvbs_setup_button_delete_selected_config = Delete @dvbs_setup_button_edit_selected_config = Edit... @dvbs_setup_new_configuration = New LNB Configuration @dvbs_setup_new_configuration__1 = New LNB Configuration (%s) @dvbs_setup_button_scan_dvbs_channels = Scan Channels... @dvbs_setup_config_none = list is empty @dvbs_setup_satellite_none = list is empty @dvbs_setup_create_config_title = Create LNB Configuration @dvbs_setup_edit_config_title = Edit LNB Configuration @dvbs_setup_edit_custom_lnb_title = Edit Custom LNB Settings @dvbs_setup_delete_config_title = Delete the selected configuration? @dvbs_setup_no_satellites_title = No Satellites Configured @dvbs_setup_no_satellites_line1 = Please import "satellites.xml" file. @dvbs_setup_no_satellites_line2 = Choose the file in the file browser and press "ENTER". @dvbs_setup_saving_config = Saving the configuration... @dvbs_setup_error = Error @dvbs_setup_label_error_description = Description: @dvbs_setup_config_name_already_used = configuration name already used. @dvbs_setup_config_name_invalid = invalid configuration name. @dvbs_setup_switch_kind_none = None @dvbs_setup_switch_kind_diseqc10 = 4 ports (DiSEqC 1.0) @dvbs_setup_lnb_kind_universal = Universal @dvbs_setup_lnb_kind_circular = Circular @dvbs_setup_lnb_kind_c_band = C-Band @dvbs_setup_lnb_kind_custom = Custom @dvbs_setup_lnb_pol_linear = Linear @dvbs_setup_lnb_pol_circular = Circular @dvbs_setup_voltage_mode_polarization = Auto (polarization) @dvbs_setup_voltage_mode_13v = 13V @dvbs_setup_voltage_mode_18v = 18V @dvbs_setup_tone_mode_band = Auto (band) @dvbs_setup_tone_mode_on = On @dvbs_setup_tone_mode_off = Off @widget_settings_setup_title = Widget @widget_setup_enabled = Show widget: @widget_temperature_unit = Temperature unit: @widget_country = Country: @widget_city = City: @widget_location_auto = (auto) @widget_setup_title = Widget @online_services_setup_title = Online Services @online_services_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @ivi_setup_title = @ivi_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @radiotime_setup_title = RadioTime @radiotime_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @shoutcast_setup_title = SHOUTcast @shoutcast_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @netflix_setup_title = Netflix @netflix_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @maxdome_setup_title = MaxDome @maxdome_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @facebook_setup_title = Facebook @facebook_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @twitter_setup_title = Twitter @twitter_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @odnoklassniki_setup_title = Odnoklassniki @odnoklassniki_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @vkontakte_setup_title = VKontakte @vkontakte_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @hulu_setup_title = Hulu @hulu_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @pandora_setup_title = Pandora @pandora_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @amazon_setup_title = Amazon @amazon_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @blockbuster_setup_title = BLOCKBUSTER @blockbuster_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @russia_ru_setup_title = @russia_ru_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @vudu_setup_title = VUDU @vudu_setup_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @kartina_tv_setup_title = Kartina.TV @kartina_tv_show_in_main_screen = Show in menu: @kartina_tv_login = Subscription: @kartina_tv_password = Password: @kartina_tv_packet = Packet: @kartina_tv_expires = Expires: @kartina_tv_edit_subscription = Edit Subscription... @kartina_tv_protect_code = Code for protected channels: @kartina_tv_parental_code = Parental code: @kartina_tv_buffering = Buffering period: @kartina_tv_stream_standard = Streaming standard: @kartina_tv_stream_server = Streaming server: @kartina_tv_bitrate = Bitrate: @kartina_tv_time_shift = Time shift (hours): @kartina_tv_catchup = Catch-up recording: @kartina_tv_subscription_unset = unset @kartina_tv_interface_type = Interface: @kartina_tv_interface_type_new = New design @kartina_tv_interface_type_classic = Classic design @kartina_descriptions_font = Descriptions font: @kartina_descriptions_font_normal = Normal @kartina_descriptions_font_small = Small @kartina_tv_button_manage_mediateka = Manage VOD... @kartina_tv_title_manage_mediateka = Manage VOD @kartina_tv_button_additional_settings = Additional Settings... @kartina_tv_title_additional_settings = Additional Settings @kartina_tv_title_stream_standard = Streaming Standard @kartina_tv_extended_epg = Extended program guide: @kartina_tv_extended_epg_enabled = Enabled @kartina_tv_extended_epg_disabled = Disabled @kartina_tv_interface_ivi = ivi interface: @kartina_tv_interface_ivi_android_tv = Android TV @kartina_tv_interface_ivi_dune_shell = Dune Shell @kartina_tv_user_rate_action_show = Always show @kartina_tv_user_rate_action_pass = Password protect @kartina_tv_user_rate_action_hide = Hide from list @kartina_tv_label_user_rate_blood = Violent bloody scenes: @kartina_tv_label_user_rate_violence = Brutal scenes of violence: @kartina_tv_label_user_rate_obsence = Profanity and obscene expressions: @kartina_tv_label_user_rate_porn = Pornography and depraved sexual nature: @kartina_tv_label_user_rate_horror = Scary and horror scenes: @kartina_tv_bitrate_premium = Premium @kartina_tv_bitrate_normal = Standard @kartina_tv_bitrate_low = Low @kartina_tv_bitrate_mobile = Mobile @kartina_tv_protect_code_title = Change code for protected channels @kartina_tv_parental_code_title = Change parental code @kartina_tv_protect_code_old_code = Current code: @kartina_tv_protect_code_new_code = New code: @kartina_tv_protect_code_confirmation = Confirmation: @kartina_tv_protect_code_wrong_confirmation = Wrong protect code confirmation @kartina_tv_buffering_sec__1 = %s s @kartina_tv_catchup_enabled__1 = Enabled (%s) @kartina_tv_catchup_enabled = Enabled @kartina_tv_catchup_disabled = Disabled @kartina_tv_server_configuration_title = Kartina.TV Server Configuration @kartina_tv_label_server_address = Server address: @kartina_tv_label_current_server_address = Current server address: @kartina_tv_server_address_not_allowed = Server address is not allowed. @kartina_tv_looking_for_best_stream_server = Looking for best streaming server... @kartina_tv_diable_catchup_title = Attention @kartina_tv_diable_catchup_msg1 = Catch-up recording will be stopped and all stored programs will be deleted. @kartina_tv_diable_catchup_msg2 = Are you sure you want to disable catch-up recording? @kartina_tv_osd_menu_settings = Kartina.TV settings presenter_setup_title = Semnătură Digitală presenter_setup_presenter_enabled = Activat: presenter_setup_presenter_auto_start = Pornire automată: presenter_setup_presenter_on_failure = Pentru erori: apps_setup_title = Aplicaţii misc_setup_title = Diverse @appearance_setup_appearance = Appearance: @appearance_new = New @appearance_old = Old @appearance_custom = Customize manually @ui_type_1 = Plain @ui_type_2 = Tabs @ui_type_3 = Folders @ui_type_4 = Top menu @appearance_setup_ui_type = Main screen style: @appearance_setup_animation_effects = Animation effects: @animation_effects_enabled_for_50hz_plus_videomodes = Enabled for 50Hz+ video modes @animation_effects_enabled_for_all_videomodes = Enabled for all video modes @animation_effects_enabled = Enabled @animation_effects_disabled = Disabled appearance_setup_widescreen_adaptation = Adaptează interfața la lățimea ecranului: widescreen_adaptation_none = Nu @widescreen_adaptation_235_1 = 2.35:1 appearance_setup_title = Aspect appearance_setup_main_screen_view = Arătare ecran principal: appearance_setup_setup_view = Setare arătare ecran: appearance_setup_folder_view = Setare director predefinit: @appearance_setup_film_service_view = "Dune HD Movies" service view: appearance_setup_show_home_in_path = Icoana "Home" în titlu: appearance_setup_setup_show_in_main_screen = Icoana "Setări" pe ecranul principal: appearance_setup_network_folders_at_the_end = Director de reţea la sfârşit: @expand_main_screen_folders = Additional categories in main screen: @setting_gui_skin = Skin: @gui_skin_default = Default @gui_skin_default__1 = %s (default) @gui_skin_base = Base @gui_skin_install_from_dune_store = Install from Dune Store... @gui_skin_custom = Custom @gui_skin_custom__1 = Custom (%s) @gui_skin_custom_title = Custom Skin @gui_skin_custom_not_installed = Custom skin is not installed. @gui_skin_custom_archive_to_install = Launch 'dune_skin[...].zip' file to install it. @gui_skin_custom_folder_to_install = Launch folder with 'dune_skin.txt' file to install it. @gui_skin_install_dialog_title = Install Custom Skin @gui_skin_install_dialog_will_be_installed = Custom skin will be installed. @gui_skin_install_dialog_error_no_storage = Error: no suitable storage found. @gui_skin_install_dialog_failed_to_install_skin = Failed to install skin @gui_skin_install_dialog_installed_ok = Custom skin installed successfully. @ui_ttf_font = UI TTF font: @ui_ttf_font_title = Custom font for UI @appearance_main_setup_title = Main @appearance_additional_setup_title = Additional @label_autoplay_video = Autoplay video: @label_content_details_at_the_top = Content details at the top: @label_navigation_panel_on_the_left = Navigation panel on the left: optical_drive_setup_title = Unitate Optică optical_drive_setup_autoplay_dvd_video = Autoplay DVD-Video: optical_drive_setup_autoplay_bluray = Autoplay Blu-ray: optical_drive_setup_autoplay_cd_audio = Autoplay CD-Audio: optical_drive_setup_control_method = Metodă control viteză: optical_drive_setup_navigator = Fişier browser: optical_drive_setup_dvd_video = DVD-Video playback: optical_drive_setup_file_playback = Fişier playback: autoplay_no = Nu autoplay_yes = Da autoplay_ask_user = Întreabă utilizator drive_speed_1x = 1X (1385 KB/s) drive_speed_2x = 2X (2770 KB/s) drive_speed_3x = 3X (4155 KB/s) drive_speed_4x = 4X (5540 KB/s) drive_speed_5x = 5X (6925 KB/s) drive_speed_6x = 6X (8310 KB/s) drive_speed_7x = 7X (9695 KB/s) drive_speed_8x = 8X (11080 KB/s) drive_speed_9x = 9X (12465 KB/s) drive_speed_10x = 10X (13850 KB/s) drive_speed_11x = 11X (15235 KB/s) drive_speed_12x = 12X (16620 KB/s) drive_speed_13x = 13X (18005 KB/s) drive_speed_14x = 14X (19390 KB/s) drive_speed_15x = 15X (20775 KB/s) drive_speed_16x = 16X (22160 KB/s) drive_speed_17x = 17X (23545 KB/s) drive_speed_18x = 18X (24930 KB/s) drive_speed_19x = 19X (26315 KB/s) drive_speed_20x = 20X (27700 KB/s) encodings_setup_title = Codificări encodings_setup_ext2_ext3_encoding = Codificare Ext2/Ext3: encodings_setup_nfs_encoding = Codificare NFS: encodings_setup_ftp_server_encoding = Codificare server FTP: encodings_setup_playlist_encoding = Codificare Playlist: encodings_setup_subtitles_encoding = Codificare subtitrare: @encodings_setup_id3_encoding = Audio file tags encoding: @encodings_setup_dvb_default_encoding = DVB default encoding: system_setup_title = Sistem system_setup_fast_disk_access = Accesare rapidă disc: system_setup_bluray_playback_improvements = Îmbunătăţiri reproducere Blu-ray: system_setup_bluray_bitstream_improvements = Îmbunătăţiri Blu-ray bitstream: system_setup_experimental_1gbit_ethernet_support = Suport experimental la 1Gbit Ethernet: @system_setup_fan_setting = Fan: @system_setup_dvd_engine_type = DVD engine: @system_setup_hls_initial_bandwidth = HLS/DASH startup bandwidth: @system_setup_dvb_buffering = Buffering period for DVB: @system_setup_hls_buffering = Buffering period for HLS: bluray_playback_improvements_enabled = Activat bluray_playback_improvements_disabled = Dezactivat bluray_bitstream_improvements_enabled = Activat bluray_bitstream_improvements_disabled = Dezactivat experimental_1gbit_ethernet_support_enabled = Activat experimental_1gbit_ethernet_support_disabled = Dezactivat @fan_setting_off = Off @fan_setting_20_percent__0 = 20% @fan_setting_30_percent__0 = 30% @fan_setting_40_percent__0 = 40% @fan_setting_50_percent__0 = 50% @fan_setting_60_percent__0 = 60% @fan_setting_70_percent__0 = 70% @fan_setting_80_percent__0 = 80% @fan_setting_90_percent__0 = 90% @fan_setting_100_percent__0 = 100% @fan_setting_enabled = Enabled @fan_setting_disabled = Disabled @fan_setting_auto = Auto @dvd_engine_type_1 = Type 1 @dvd_engine_type_2 = Type 2 @hls_initial_bandwidth_auto = Auto @hls_initial_bandwidth_low = Low @hls_initial_bandwidth_high = High experimental_1gbit_ethernet_confirm_title = Confirmare abilitare la suportul experimental pentru 1Gbit Ethernet experimental_1gbit_ethernet_confirm_text = Abilitare supoer experimental la 1Gbit Ethernet experimental_1gbit_ethernet_confirm_text2 = nu este deloc recomandat pentru utilizatorii normali. experimental_1gbit_ethernet_confirm_text3 = Eşti sigur că vrei să-l abilitezi? @fan_setting_confirm_title = Confirm fan disabling @fan_setting_confirm_text = Disabling the fan is not recommended, @fan_setting_confirm_text2 = especially when an internal HDD is used. @fan_setting_confirm_text3 = You can do it on your own risk, if you are @fan_setting_confirm_text4 = confident in temperature conditions. @fan_setting_confirm_text5 = Are you sure you want to disable the fan? @fan_setting_with_speed_confirm_text_off = Turning the fan off is not recommended, @fan_setting_with_speed_confirm_text = It is not recommended to set too low fan speed, @fan_setting_with_speed_confirm_text2 = especially when an internal HDD is used. @fan_setting_with_speed_confirm_text3 = You can do it on your own risk, if you are @fan_setting_with_speed_confirm_text4 = confident in temperature conditions. @fan_setting_with_speed_confirm_text5_off = Are you sure you want to turn the fan off? @fan_setting_with_speed_confirm_text5 = Are you sure you want to set such fan speed? @non_default_setting_confirm_title = Confirm non-recommended setting @non_default_setting_confirm_text__1 = The default and recommended setting is "%s". @non_default_setting_confirm_text2 = Other settings may lead to problems and are not @non_default_setting_confirm_text3 = recommended unless you know what you are doing. @non_default_setting_confirm_text4 = Are you sure? @info_about_setting = Information about setting @buffering_100ms = 100 ms @buffering_200ms = 200 ms @buffering_300ms = 300 ms @buffering_500ms = 500 ms @buffering_700ms = 700 ms @buffering_1000ms = 1000 ms @buffering_1200ms = 1200 ms @buffering_1500ms = 1500 ms @buffering_2000ms = 2000 ms @buffering_3000ms = 3000 ms @buffering_5000ms = 5000 ms @playback_setup_title = Playback @playback_language_setup_title = Language @playback_subtitles_setup_title = Subtitles @playback_bookmarks_setup_title = Bookmarks @playback_control_setup_title = Control @playback_tv_control_setup_title = Control (TV) @playback_preferences_setup_title = Preferences @enable_subtitles_by_default = Enable subtitles by default for files: @enable_dvb_subtitles_by_default = Enable subtitles by default for DVB: @default_subtitles_preference = Default subtitles preference for files: @subtitles_main_order = Subtitles main order: @libass_mode = Enhanced SSA/ASS rendering: @text_subtitles_font = Text subtitles font type: @text_subtitles_ttf_font = Text subtitles TTF font: @text_subtitles_ttf_font_title = Custom font for text subtitles @ttf_font_not_installed = Custom font is not installed. @ttf_font_to_install = Launch '*.ttf' file to install it. @ttf_font_install_title = Install Custom Font @ttf_font_install_dialog_label = Use TTF font as: @ttf_font_install_option_subs = TTF font for text subtitles @ttf_font_install_option_ui = TTF font for UI @ttf_font_install_option_both = Both @ttf_font_install_installed_ok = TTF font installed successfully. @quick_toggling_of_single_subtitles = Quick toggling of single subtitles: @enter_closes_streams_menu = "ENTER" closes subtitles/audio menu: @default_subtitles_preference_external = External @default_subtitles_preference_internal = Internal @subtitles_main_order_ltr = Left-to-right @subtitles_main_order_rtl = Right-to-left @libass_mode_overscan = With overscan @libass_mode_no_overscan = Without overscan @libass_mode_off = Off @text_subtitles_font_ttf = TTF @text_subtitles_font_dune = Dune @ttf_font_light = Light @ttf_font_regular = Regular @ttf_font_condensed = Condensed @ttf_font_custom = Custom @enable_subtitles_by_default_no = No @enable_subtitles_by_default_yes = Yes @enable_subtitles_by_default_external_only = External only @enable_subtitles_by_default_internal_only = Internal only @show_audio_files_tags = Show audio file tags: @show_audio_files_tags_yes = Yes @show_audio_files_tags_no = No @autoresume_video_files = Autoresume video files: @autoresume_audio_files = Autoresume audio files: @autoresume_dvd = Autoresume DVD: @persistent_zoom = Remember zoom settings: @persistent_deinterlacing_mode = Remember deinterlacing mode settings: @optimize_torrserver_settings = Optimize TorrServer settings: @show_recording_indicator = Show recording indicator: @timeshift_mode = TimeShift (DVB, IPTV): @timeshift_mode_yes = Enabled @timeshift_mode_no = Disabled @choose_bdlite_playlist = Choose BDLite playlist: @choose_bdlite_playlist_automatically = Automatically @choose_bdlite_playlist_ask_user = Ask user @cinema_mode = "Cinema" mode: @cinema_mode_disabled = Disabled @cinema_mode_enabled = Enabled @popup_menu_playback_behaviour = "POP UP MENU" button: @popup_menu_playback_show_menu = Show functions menu @popup_menu_playback_show_playlist = Show playlist/TV menu @return_to_prev_tv_channel = Return to previous TV channel: @return_to_prev_tv_channel_disabled = Disabled @return_to_prev_tv_channel_return_button = "RETURN" button @return_to_prev_tv_channel_clear_button = "CLEAR" button @enter_video_playback_behaviour = "ENTER" button for video: @enter_audio_playback_behaviour = "ENTER" button for audio: @enter_tv_playback_behaviour = "ENTER" button for TV: @playback_behaviour_pause_and_show_controls = Pause + show control menu @playback_behaviour_pause = Pause @playback_behaviour_show_controls = Show control menu @playback_behaviour_show_main_menu = Show main menu @playback_behaviour_show_playlist = Show playlist menu @playback_behaviour_show_tv_menu = Show TV menu @left_right_playback_behaviour = "LEFT"/"RIGHT" buttons: @left_right_tv_playback_behaviour = "LEFT"/"RIGHT" buttons for TV: @up_down_playback_behaviour = "UP"/"DOWN" buttons: @up_down_seek_behaviour = "UP"/"DOWN" buttons in time seek: @p_plus_minus_file_playback_behaviour = "P+"/"P-" buttons for files: @rew_fwd_keys_in_epg_behaviour = "REW"/"FWD" buttons in EPG: @playback_behaviour_seek = Time seek @playback_behaviour_fast_forward_rewind = Fast forward/rewind @playback_behaviour_volume_control = Volume control @playback_behaviour_switch_channels_files = Switch channels/files @playback_behaviour_switch_files = Switch files @playback_behaviour_choose_via_select = Choose function via SELECT @stop_by_return = Stop by "RETURN": @persistent_vxp_settings = Remember VXP settings: @osd_3d_depth = 3D depth for OSD: @behaviour_scroll_by_pages = Scroll by pages @behaviour_scroll_by_days = Scroll by days sacd_preferable_area = Zonă preferabilă SACD: @sacd_preferable_area_stereo = Stereo sacd_preferable_area_multichannel = Multicanal @power_management_setup_title = Power Management @battery_status = Battery status: @battery_status_power_source_connected__1 = %s%% (power source connected) @battery_status_power_source_disconnected__1 = %s%% (power source disconnected) @lamp_power = Brightness: @lamp_power_100_boosted = 100%%+ (boosted) @lamp_power_100_percent = 100%% @lamp_power_75_percent = 75%% (battery time 1.2x) @lamp_power_50_percent = 50%% (battery time 1.5x) @lamp_power_confirm_title = Confirm non-recommended setting @lamp_power_confirm_text__1 = The default and recommended setting is "%s". @lamp_power_confirm_text2 = WARNING: The use of boosted brightness may cause overheating, @lamp_power_confirm_text3 = it is not guaranteed to work. @lamp_power_confirm_text4 = Are you sure? @projection_type = Projection type: @projection_type_front = Front @projection_type_front_ceiling = Front ceiling @projection_type_rear = Rear @projection_type_rear_ceiling = Rear ceiling @power_button_behaviour = "POWER" button action: @power_on_mode = Power-on mode: @power_on_main_screen = Main screen @power_on_black_screen = Black screen @sleep_timer = Sleep timer: @sleep_timer_value_off = Off @sleep_timer_value_20_min = 20 minutes @sleep_timer_value_30_min = 30 minutes @sleep_timer_value_60_min = 60 minutes @sleep_timer_value_90_min = 90 minutes @sleep_timer_value_120_min = 120 minutes @sleep_timer_value_150_min = 150 minutes @sleep_timer_value_180_min = 180 minutes @sleep_timer_value_300_min = 5 hours hdd_auto_sleep_timer = Intrare automată în repaus automata a HDD: hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_off = Dezactivat hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_1_min = După 1 minute hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_3_min = După 3 minute hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_5_min = După 5 minute hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_10_min = După 10 minute hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_20_min = După 20 minute hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_30_min = După 30 minute hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_60_min = După 60 minute hdd_auto_sleep_timer_value_120_min = După 120 minute @auto_start_favorite = Auto start favorite item: @power_on_action_none = None @start_exit_setup_title = Start & Exit @exit_app_by_return = Exit app by "RETURN" button: @auto_start_app = Auto start app: @file_browser_setup_title = File Browser advanced_setup_title = Avansat advanced_setup_screen_shots_method = Screen shots: advanced_setup_screen_shots_format = Format screen shot: advanced_setup_fast_smb_access = Accesare rapidă la SMB: advanced_setup_hide_system_files = Ascunde fişierele de sistem: advanced_setup_enter_on_file_behaviour = butonul "ENTER" pe fişier: advanced_setup_play_on_file_behaviour = butonul "PLAY" pe fişier: advanced_setup_enter_on_dvd_video_folder_behaviour = butonul "ENTER" pe un director DVD-Video: advanced_setup_enter_on_bluray_folder_behaviour = butonul "ENTER" pe un director Blu-ray: advanced_setup_file_player_application = Aplică redarea fișierului: setup_player_for_video = Player pentru fișiere video: setup_player_for_avi = Player pentru fișiere AVI: setup_player_for_audio = Player pentru fișiere audio: setup_player_for_audio_hifi_output = Player pentru fișiere audio (ieșire Hi-Fi): advanced_setup_remote_control_type = Tipul de telecomandă: @advanced_setup_remote_control_old_rc_support = Old remote support @setup_button_software_license = Software License @user_profiles_setup_title = Profiles @user_profiles_setup_profile = User Profile: @user_profiles_setup_parent_access_code_title = Enter Access Code @user_profiles_setup_parent_access_code_label = Access Code: @user_profiles_setup_parent_access_code_error = Wrong access code @sip_phone_setup_title = Phone @sip_phone_setup_server = Server: @sip_phone_setup_user_name = User Name: @sip_phone_setup_user_id = User ID: @sip_phone_setup_password = Password: @sip_phone_setup_register_button = Register @date_time_setup_title = Date and Time time_sync_setup_title = Ora sincronizării time_sync_setup_time_sync = Ora sincronizării time_sync_setup_time_zone = Zonă orarie time_sync_setup_time_server = Oră Server time_sync_setup_daylight_saving = Daylight Saving Time time_sync_setup_time_sync_interval = Interval de sincronizare @built_in_display_setup_title = Built-in Display @fip_display_setup_title = Display @fip_show_current_menu_item = Show current menu item: @fip_show_titles_during_playback = Show titles during playback: @show_clock_in_standby = Show clock in standby: fip_display_brightness = Luminozitatea afișajului: fip_pwrled_brightness = Luminozitatea LED-ului (unitate pornită): fip_standby_led_brightness = Luminozitatea LED-ului (unitate oprită): fip_display_show_clock_ss = Ceas cu secunde: fip_display_show_for_video = Afișează pentru video: fip_display_show_for_audio = Afișează pentru audio: brightness_off = Oprit brightness_level__1 = Nivel %s @fip_pwrled = LED (when player is on): @fip_pwrled_on = On @fip_pwrled_off = Off @fip_display = Display: @fip_display_on = On @fip_display_off = Off fip_display_elapsed_time = Timpul scurs fip_display_remaining_time = Timpul rămas fip_display_title_big_elapsed_and_total_time = Titlul mare, timpul scurs și total fip_display_title_big_elapsed_and_remaining_time = Titlul mare, timpul scurs și rămas fip_display_title_small_elapsed_and_total_time = Titlul mic, timpul scurs și total fip_display_title_small_elapsed_and_remaining_time = Titlul mic, timpul scurs și rămas fip_display_clock = Ceas @fip_display_nothing = Nothing @dune_hd_movies_setup_title = Dune HD Movies @dune_hd_movies_setup_film_service_access = "Dune HD Movies" service: fw_upgrade_setup_title = Firmware Upgrade @app_fw_upgrade_setup_title = Application Upgrade @fw_upgrade_setup_label_current_version = Current firmware version: @app_fw_upgrade_setup_label_current_version = Current application version: @fw_upgrade_setup_label_ignore_beta_versions = Ignore beta versions: @app_fw_upgrade_setup_label_ignore_beta_versions = Ignore beta versions: @fw_upgrade_setup_label_autocheck_updates = Check updates automatically: @app_fw_upgrade_setup_label_autocheck_updates = Check updates automatically: @fw_upgrade_setup_label_warn_about_autocheck_failures = Warn about check failures: @app_fw_upgrade_setup_label_warn_about_autocheck_failures = Warn about check failures: @fw_upgrade_setup_label_autoupdates_enabled = Autoupdate in standby: @app_fw_upgrade_setup_label_autoupdates_enabled = Autoupdate in standby: @fw_upgrade_setup_label_try_to_keep_flashdata = Try to keep flash memory storage during upgrade: @fw_upgrade_setup_button_check = Check Available Updates @app_fw_upgrade_setup_button_check = Check Available Updates @fw_upgrade_setup_checking = Checking... @app_fw_upgrade_setup_checking = Checking... @fw_upgrade_setup_check_failed_message_line_1 = Failed to download information about available updates. @fw_upgrade_setup_check_failed_message_line_2 = Please check Internet connection. @app_fw_upgrade_setup_check_failed_message_line_1 = Failed to download information about available updates. @app_fw_upgrade_setup_check_failed_message_line_2 = Please check Internet connection. @sysstor_setup_title = System Storage @sysstor_setup_label_flash_memory_storage = Flash memory storage: @sysstor_setup_flash_memory_enabled = Enabled @sysstor_setup_flash_memory_disabled = Disabled @sysstor_setup_flash_memory_usage_info__2 = used %s of %s @sysstor_setup_button_init_system_storage = Initialize System Storage @sysstor_setup_button_clear_bluray_cache = Clear Blu-ray Cache @sysstor_setup_button_clear_system_storage = Clear System Storage @sysstor_setup_button_deinit_system_storage = Deinitialize System Storage @sysstor_setup_button_enable_flash_memory_storage = Enable Flash Memory Storage @sysstor_setup_button_clear_flash_memory_storage = Clear Flash Memory Storage @plugins_setup_title = Plugins @plugin_info_dialog_title = Plugin Information @plugin_info_dialog_label_caption = Caption: @plugin_info_dialog_label_name = Name: @plugin_info_dialog_label_type = Type: @plugin_info_dialog_label_version = Version: @plugin_info_dialog_label_has_update = Available update: @plugin_info_dialog_yes_with_version__1 = %s @plugin_info_dialog_label_deleted = Deleted: @plugin_info_dialog_button_delete = Uninstall @plugin_info_dialog_button_restore = Restore @label_plugin = Plugin: @plugin_confirm_delete_dialog_title = Delete plugin? @plugin_delete_dialog_title = Delete Plugin @plugin_delete_dialog_failed_to_delete_plugin = Failed to delete plugin. @plugin_delete_dialog_deleted_ok = Plugin deleted successfully. @plugin_setup_popup_delete_plugin = Delete Plugin @plugin_setup_popup_restore_plugin = Restore Plugin @plugin_setup_deleted = (deleted) @extra_setup_title = Advanced location_setup_title = Locație location_config_dialog_title = Configurarea locației location_confirm_dialog_title = Confirmă locația label_location = Locația: location_unknown = necunoscut support_setup_title = Suport @label_last_sent_debug_dump_id = Last sent debug dump ID: @label_dump_stored_in_flash = Debug dump stored in flash memory: debug_dump_id_none = Niciunul @button_send_debug_dump = Send debug dump net_folder_dialog_type = Tip: net_folder_dialog_name = Nume: net_folder_dialog_server = Server: net_folder_dialog_directory = Director: net_folder_dialog_user = Utilizator: net_folder_dialog_password = Parolă: net_folder_dialog_protocol = Protocol: net_folder_dialog_title_new = Nou director de reţea net_folder_dialog_title_edit = Modifică director de reţea net_folder_dialog_error_empty_name = Nume nespecificat. net_folder_dialog_error_empty_server = Server nespecificat. net_folder_dialog_error_empty_directory = Director nespecificat. net_folder_dialog_error_name_already_used = Nume deja în uz. net_folder_dialog_error_server_already_mounted = Server deja montat. @rename_file_dialog_title = Rename File @rename_folder_dialog_title = Rename Folder new_folder_dialog_title = Nou Director new_folder_dialog_name = Nume: new_folder_dialog_error_name_already_used = Nume deja în uz. @new_folder_dialog_error_empty_name = Folder name is empty. @new_folder_dialog_error_prohibited_chars = Folder name contains prohibited characters. delete_dialog_title = Şterge delete_dialog_confirm_file_deletion = Confirmare ştergere Fişier @delete_dialog_delete_shortcut_title = Delete shortcut? delete_dialog_file__1 = Fişier: %s delete_dialog_folder__1 = Director: %s delete_dialog_path__1 = Poziţie: %s delete_dialog_error__1 = Eroare: %s delete_dialog_delete_file_confirmation = Şterge fişier? delete_dialog_confirm_folder_deletion = Confirmare ştergere director delete_dialog_folder_confirmation = Şterge directorul şi tot conţinutul său? @delete_dialog_confirm_no_deletable_items = Cannot delete marked items delete_dialog_confirm_multiple_files_deletion = Confirmare ştergere multiplă fişiere delete_dialog_delete_marked_items__1 = Şterge %s obiecte selecţionate? delete_dialog_stop_deleting_file = Opreşte ştergerea fişierului? delete_dialog_stop_deleting_files = Opreşte ştergerea fişierelor? delete_dialog_error_getting_info = Eroare la citirea informaţiilor despre fişier delete_dialog_error_reading_folder = Eroare Citire Director delete_dialog_error_deleting_folder = Eroare Ştergere Director delete_dialog_error_deleting_file = Eroare Ştergere Fişier delete_dialog_max_nested_folders_exceeded = Număr maxim de directoare depăşit delete_dialog_deleting__1 = Ştergere: %s delete_dialog_files_deleted = Fişiere şterse: delete_dialog_folders_deleted = Directoare şterse: delete_dialog_deleting_files = Ştergere Fişier delete_dialog_deleting_folder = Ştergere Director delete_dialog_deleting_file = Ştergere Fişier build_playlist_dialog_title = Creare Playlist build_playlist_dialog_stop_building_playlist = Opreşte creerea Playlist-ului? build_playlist_dialog_error_getting_info = Eroare la primirea informaţiilor despre fişier build_playlist_dialog_file__1 = Fişier: %s build_playlist_dialog_folder__1 = Director: %s build_playlist_dialog_path__1 = Poziţie: %s build_playlist_dialog_url__1 = Adresă: %s build_playlist_dialog_error__1 = Eroare: %s build_playlist_dialog_error_reading_folder = Eroare la citirea directorului build_playlist_dialog_error_opening_playlist_file = Eroare la deschiderea fişierului build_playlist_dialog_error_fetching_playlist_file = Eroare la descărcarea fişierului build_playlist_dialog_max_nested_folders_exceeded = Număr maxim de directoare depăşit build_playlist_dialog_scanning__1 = Scanare: %s build_playlist_dialog_media_files_added = Fişiere adăugate: debug_dump_dialog_title = Debug Dump debug_dump_dialog_label_will_be_saved = Debug dump va fi salvat într-un fişier. debug_dump_dialog_label_file__1 = Fişier: %s debug_dump_dialog_label_location__1 = Poziţie: %s debug_dump_dialog_label_saved_ok = Debug dump a fost salvat cu succes. debug_dump_dialog_saving = Salvare Debug Dump debug_dump_dialog_label_wait_saving = Vă rog aşteptaţi salvarea fişierului. debug_dump_dialog_label_error__1 = Eroare: %s debug_dump_dialog_error_top_level1 = Imposibilă salvarea în directorul principal. debug_dump_dialog_error_top_level2 = Alege te rog un alt director. debug_dump_dialog_error_failed_to_save = Salvare falită pentru debug dump. debug_dump_dialog_error_during_generation = Eroare pe timpul denerării de debug dump. @debug_dump_will_be_sent_to_server = Debug dump will be sent to server. @debug_dump_sent_to_server = Debug dump was sent to server. @debug_dump_button_send = Send @debug_dump_dialog_sending = Sending Debug Dump to Server @debug_dump_dialog_label_wait_uploading = Please wait until uploading is finished. @debug_dump_will_be_stored_to_flash = Debug dump will be stored in the flash memory. @debug_dump_stored_to_flash = Debug dump is stored in the flash memory. @debug_dump_label_id__1 = Dump ID: %s @debug_dump_show_id_when_contacting_support = Specify this ID when contacting technical support. @debug_dump_dialog_error_failed_to_upload = Failed to upload debug dump to server. @debug_dump_invalid_server_response = Invalid data received from server. @debug_dump_follow_instructions_to_contact_support = Please use the following instructions to contact technical support: @debug_dump_connect_to_internet_and_repeat = Connect to Internet and press "Send debug dump" again. @debug_dump_previously_stored_will_be_deleted = The previously stored debug dump will be deleted. @debug_dump_previously_stored_will_be_sent_to_server = The previously stored debug dump will be sent to server. @debug_dump_deleted_ok = Debug dump deleted successfully. @debug_dump_failed_to_delete = Failed to delete debug dump. web_browser_title = Web Browser launch_web_browser_title = Porneşte Web Browser launch_web_browser_url = URL: launch_web_browser_empty_url = URL e gol. @text_editor_dialog_title = Onscreen Keyboard text_editor_popup_copy_text = Copia Text text_editor_popup_paste_text = Lipeşte Text text_editor_popup_show_keyboard = Afișează tastatura text_editor_popup_hide_keyboard = Ascunde tastatura text_editor_popup_clear_text = Sterge textul text_editor_popup_hide_text = Ascunde textul text_editor_popup_show_text = Arată textul @text_editor_popup_android_keyboard = Android Keyboard @text_editor_popup_voice_input = Voice Input ip_setup_dialog_title = Setări TCP/IP wifi_setup_dialog_title = Setări Wi-Fi wifi_setup_ssid = SSID: wifi_setup_security = Siguranţă: wifi_setup_password = Parolă: wifi_setup_password_too_small__1 = Parola trebuie să conţină minim %s caractere @wifi_setup_scan_for_networks = Scan for Wi-Fi networks... @wifi_setup_choose_network_dialog_title = Choose Wi-Fi Network @wifi_setup_scan_failed = Scan for Wi-Fi networks failed @wifi_setup_no_networks_available = There is no available Wi-Fi networks @wifi_setup_find_more = Find more... @wifi_setup_scan_impossible_title = Scan Impossible @wifi_setup_scan_impossible_text_1 = Scan for Wi-Fi networks is impossible @wifi_setup_scan_impossible_text_2 = while Wi-Fi access point is running. @wifi_ap_setup_mode = Mode: @wifi_ap_setup_channel = Channel: @wifi_ap_mode_router = Router @wifi_ap_mode_bridge = Bridge @wifi_ap_channel_value__2 = %s (%s GHz) @pppoe_setup_dialog_title = PPPoE Settings @pppoe_setup_login = Login: @pppoe_setup_password = Password: @pppoe_setup_dns_mode = DNS mode: @pppoe_setup_dns_mode_server = Automatic @pppoe_setup_dns_mode_specify = Manual @pppoe_setup_dhcp = DHCP (Dual Access): @pppoe_setup_dhcp_enabled = Enabled @pppoe_setup_dhcp_disabled = Disabled @wifi_ap_setup_dialog_title = Wi-Fi Access Point Settings @bg_audio_volume__1 = Volume: %s dB @bg_audio_volume_bare__1 = Volume: %s @bg_audio_volume0 = Volume: off @bg_audio_unmuted = Background audio: unmuted @bg_audio_muted = Background audio: muted @bg_audio_play = Background audio: play @bg_audio_pause = Background audio: pause osd_help_line_controls = CONTROALE: osd_volume__1 = %s dB @osd_volume0 = off osd_zoom__1 = Zoom: %s osd_zoom_factor = Factor Zoom: osd_aspect_ratio_correction = Corectare Aspect ratio: osd_border = Margini: osd_zoom_shift = Mişcare: osd_zoom_none = normal osd_zoom_235_fill_169__0 = măreşte osd_zoom_43_to_169__0 = lărgeşte @osd_zoom_43_to_169_nl__0 = non-linear stretch @osd_zoom_2x_nl__0 = non-linear stretch to full screen osd_zoom_169_to_43__0 = lungeşte osd_zoom_cut_edges = taie marginile osd_zoom_custom = personal @osd_zoom_full_enlarge = full screen @osd_zoom_full_stretch = stretch to full screen osd_status_slow__1 = Redu 1/%sx osd_status_fast_forward__1 = %sx osd_status_rewind__1 = %sx osd_container__1 = Container: %s osd_format__1 = Format: %s @osd_codec__1 = Codec: %s @osd_hdr_conversion_on = (conversion on) @osd_hdr_conversion_off = (conversion off) @osd_file_name__1 = File: %s osd_file_resolution = Rezoluţie Fişier: osd_file_resolution_na = Rezoluţie Fişier: N/A osd_current_video_mode = Modalitate video curentă: osd_max_bitrate__1 = Bitrate maxim: %s osd_max_bitrate_na = Bitrate maxim: N/A osd_average_bitrate__1 = Bitrate mediu: %s osd_average_bitrate_na = Bitrate mediu: N/A osd_current_bitrate__1 = Bitrate curent: %s osd_current_bitrate_na = Bitrate curent: N/A @osd_current_quality_na = Current quality: Not selected @osd_current_quality_hi = Current quality: Hi @osd_current_quality_low = Current quality: Low @osd_current_quality_medium__1 = Current quality: Medium %s @osd_bitrate__1 = Bitrate: %s @osd_bitrate_na = Bitrate: N/A osd_file_duration__1 = Durata: %s osd_file_duration_na = Durata: N/A osd_file_position__1 = Poziţie: %s @osd_file_remaining__1 = Remaining time: %s @osd_pltv_duration__1 = Duration: %s @osd_pltv_duration_na = Duration: N/A @osd_pltv_position__1 = Position: %s @osd_pltv_remaining__1 = Live offset: %s osd_dvd_menu_duration = Durata: - osd_dvd_menu_position = Poziţie: - osd_container_audio = Audio osd_container_plain_video = Video pur osd_container_picture = Immgine osd_codec_unknown = Necunoscut @osd_tag_title__1 = Title: %s @osd_tag_file_title__1 = File title: %s @osd_tag_artist__1 = Artist: %s @osd_tag_artists__1 = Artists: %s @osd_tag_album__1 = Album: %s @osd_tag_track__1 = Track: %s @osd_tag_year__1 = Year: %s @osd_tag_date__1 = Date: %s @osd_tag_comment__1 = Comment: %s @osd_tag_genre__1 = Genre: %s @osd_tag_albumartist__1 = Album artist: %s @osd_tag_albumartists__1 = Album artists: %s @osd_tag_musicbrainz_albumartist__1 = Musicbrainz album artist: %s @osd_tag_ensemble__1 = Ensemble: %s @osd_tag_performer__1 = Performer: %s @osd_tag_composer__1 = Composer: %s @osd_tag_arranger__1 = Arranger: %s @osd_tag_lyricist__1 = Lyricist: %s @osd_tag_conductor__1 = Conductor: %s @osd_tag_mood__1 = Mood: %s @osd_tag_mixartist__1 = Remixer: %s @osd_tag_mixer__1 = Mixer: %s @osd_tag_djmixer__1 = Mix-DJ: %s @osd_tag_engineer__1 = Engineer: %s @osd_tag_producer__1 = Producer: %s @osd_tag_label__1 = Label: %s @osd_tag_releasetype__1 = Release type: %s @osd_tag_disc__1 = Disc: %s @osd_file_position__2 = Position: %s / %s @osd_file_chapter__1 = Chapter: %s @osd_brl_playlist__1 = Playlist: %s @osd_playlist__3 = Playlist: %s / %s (%s) osd_audio__4 = Pista audio %s din %s: %s%s @osd_audio_info__3 = Audio track: %s / %s, %s osd_audio__2 = Pista audio: %s%s osd_audio_tracks = Piste audio osd_audio_none = niciuna @osd_audio_1_channel = 1ch @osd_audio_2_channel = 2ch @osd_audio_multi_channel = Mch osd_audio_no_info = pista audio osd_audio_external = extern osd_audio_external_uc = Extern @osd_audio_original = original @osd_audio_sample_rate__1 = %s Hz @osd_audio_bit_depth_bits__1 = %s bits @osd_audio_bit_depth_bit__1 = %s bit osd_audio_output__2 = Ieșire audio: %s, %s osd_audio_output__3 = Ieșire audio: %s, %s, %s @osd_audio_output_hifi = Hi-Fi (XMOS) @osd_audio_output_hifi_2 = Hi-Fi osd_audio_output_regular = Regulat osd_audio_output_internal_player = player intern osd_audio_output_internal_player_hifi = player intern (Hi-Fi) osd_subtitles_tracks = Lista subtitrări @osd_subtitles_closed_captions = closed captions @osd_subtitles_closed_captions_uc = Closed captions osd_subtitles_external = extern osd_subtitles_external_uc = Extern @osd_subtitles_forced = forced @osd_subtitles_hidden = hidden @osd_subtitles_subtitles_hidden = Subtitles hidden @osd_subtitles_subtitles_hidden_info = Subtitles: hidden @osd_subtitles_hidden_hint = PRESS D TO RE-ENABLE osd_subtitles_text_codec = text osd_subtitles_text_codec_uc = Text osd_subtitles_no_info = Subtitrare osd_subtitles_value__4 = Subtitrare %s din %s: %s%s @osd_subtitles_value_info__4 = Subtitle track: %s / %s, %s%s osd_subtitles_value__2 = Subtitrare %s din %s @osd_subtitles_value_info__2 = Subtitle track: %s / %s @osd_subtitles_value_online__1 = Subtitle track: online %s osd_subtitles_disabled = Subtitrare dezactivată osd_subtitles_disabled_in_list = Stins osd_subtitles_setup = Setări osd_switching_audio = Schimbare audio... osd_switching_subtitles = Schimbare subtitrare... @osd_stream_health__1 = Stream health: %s%% @osd_angle_value__2 = Angle %s of %s @osd_switching_angle = Switching angle... osd_jump_to__1 = Du-te la %s osd_av_offset__1 = Corecatre Audio Sync: %s s osd_subs_y_offset__1 = Poziţie Verticală: %s pixels osd_subs_offset__1 = Corectare Sync: %s s osd_subs_color_scheme__1 = Culoare: %s osd_subs_color_scheme_0 = alb osd_subs_color_scheme_1 = gri osd_subs_color_scheme_2 = galben osd_subs_color_scheme_3 = verde osd_subs_color_scheme_4 = blu osd_subs_color_scheme_5 = roşu osd_subs_font__1 = Caracter: %s osd_subs_font_0 = mic osd_subs_font_1 = mediu @osd_subs_font_2 = large @osd_subs_font_3 = x-large @osd_subs_font_4 = xx-large osd_online_subtitles = Subtitrare online osd_search_open_subtitles = Caută subtitrări prin osd_repeat_search_open_subtitles = Repetă căutarea subtitrărilor prin osd_online_subtitles_not_available = (indisponibil) osd_online_subtitles_searching = (caută...) osd_online_subtitle_label_time_correction = Corectarea timpului: osd_online_subtitle_label_matches_movie = Se potrivește cu filmul: osd_online_subtitle_error_text_download = Eroare: Nu s-a putut descărca fișierul. osd_pal_sound_on = PAL corectare viteză audio pornită osd_pal_sound_off = PAL corectare viteză audio oprită osd_deinterlacing_mode_bob = DMod deinterlaciare: bob osd_deinterlacing_mode_weave = Mod deinterlaciare: off osd_deinterlacing_mode_blend = Mod deinterlaciare: constant blend osd_deinterlacing_mode_ma = Mod deinterlaciare: motion adaptive @osd_deinterlacing_mode_vxp = Deinterlacing mode: VXP @osd_deinterlacing_mode_bob_recommended = BOB IS RECOMMENDED @osd_vxp_ace_off = VXP ACE: off @osd_vxp_ace_demo = VXP ACE: demo (on | off) @osd_vxp_ace_on = VXP ACE: on @osd_hdr_osd_conversion_on = BT.2020/HDR conversion on @osd_hdr_osd_conversion_off = BT.2020/HDR conversion off osd_recording_notification__2 = Înregistrare #%s: %s @osd_recording_notification_bg__2 = Background recording #%s: %s osd_recording_stop_notification = Înregistrare terminată @osd_recording_bg_error_no_tuner = Recording can't start: no second tuner @osd_recording_bg_error_no_main_target = Recording can't start: no storage @osd_recording_bg_error_no_main_target_access = Recording can't start: can't write @osd_recording_error_drm_blocks = Recording is not permitted osd_status_file_name_and_position__3 = %s (%s di %s) @osd_title__2 = Title %s of %s osd_chapter__2 = Capitolul %s din %s osd_video_standard__1 = Standard: %s osd_brightness = Luminozitate osd_contrast = Contrast osd_saturation = Saturare osd_hue = Hue osd_dvd_region__1 = Regiune: %s osd_dvd_any_region = Toate osd_hz_value__1 = %sHz osd_buffer_underruns__1 = Buffer underruns: %s osd_playlist_repeat_on = Repetă playlist: on osd_playlist_repeat_off = Repetă playlist: off osd_dvd_region_mismatch = Acest disc nu poate fi folosit osd_dvd_region_mismatch2 = în regiunea ta! @osd_bluray_current_region = Current region (press button to change): @osd_bluray_switching_region__1 = Switching region to %s ... @osd_time_search = Go to @osd_music_hint1 = PRESS INFO TO SHOW DETAILS @osd_music_hint2 = PRESS ENTER TO SHOW PLAYLIST @osd_general_failure_not_supported = Error: format is not supported. @osd_general_failure_detection_failed = Error: file format detection failed. @osd_general_failure_bad_url = Error: bad URL. @osd_general_failure_codec_unsupported = Error: file codec is not supported. @osd_general_failure_encrypted_mpeg2ts = Error: file is encrypted or corrupted. @osd_general_failure_encrypted_dvb = Error: channel is encrypted or too weak. @osd_general_failure_dvb_no_reception = Error: no reception. @osd_general_failure_ape_settings_too_high = Error: APE parameters are not supported. @osd_general_failure_wavpack_settings_too_high = Error: Wavpack parameters are not supported. @osd_general_failure_sacd_dst_not_supported = DST compression is not supported. @osd_general_failure_sacd_dst_not_supported2 = DST compression is supported only for stereo DSD64. @osd_general_failure_sacd_dst_not_supported3 = DST compression is supported only for DSD64. @osd_general_failure_sacd_dsd_mc_not_supported = Multichannel DSD is not supported. @osd_general_failure_bad_cue_sheet = Error: bad or unsupported cue sheet. @osd_general_failure_not_mp4 = Error: MP4 optimization failed, not a MP4 file. @osd_general_failure_sacd_dsd_params_not_supported = DSD parameters are not supported. @osd_general_failure_wav_proxy_overflow = Error: too long file. @osd_general_failure_dune_tv_login_failed = Error: subscription is invalid, please check settings. @osd_general_failure_dune_tv_concurrent_use = Error: subscription is used elsewhere. @osd_general_failure_dune_tv_access_denied = Error: access denied. Please re-enter application. @osd_general_failure_dune_tv_packet_expired = Error: packet expired. @osd_general_failure_dune_tv_contract_paused = Error: contract paused. @osd_general_failure_dune_tv_contract_inactive = Error: contract is inactive. @osd_general_failure_cant_play = Error: file can't be played. @osd_general_failure_cant_open = Error: file can't be opened. @osd_general_failure_playback_error = Playback error. @osd_network_status_failure = Error: no network connection. @osd_failure_with_code__1 = Cannot connect to server (%s). @osd_failure_with_code2 = No signal. @osd_failure_archive_not_available = Archive program not available. @osd_unsupported_gmc = Format support is incomplete, distortions are possible. @osd_unsupported_resolution_and_fps = 4Kp50/60: Format is not supported, distortions are possible. @osd_brl_unsupported_playlist = Playlist is not supported, its presentation may be wrong. @osd_cant_switch_tracks = Cannot switch tracks when recording. @osd_too_big_file_disabling_hifi_mode = Too big file, disabling Hi-Fi mode. @osd_unsupported_format_disabling_hifi_mode = Unsupported format, disabling Hi-Fi mode. @osd_epg_current_time__1 = Current time and date: %s @osd_dvb_current_time_na = Current time and date: N/A @osd_epg_current_program = Current program: @osd_epg_next_program = Next program: @osd_epg_expires__1 = Your subscription expires (%s) @osd_epg_expires_line2 = Please prolongate the subscription @osd_dvb_program_na = N/A @osd_dvb_signal_noise = Signal strength: @osd_cue_search_progress__1 = Searching for cue sheets: %s @osd_brl_full_playlist = Full playlist @osd_brl_chapters_list = Chapters @osd_brl_playlists_list = Playlists @osd_brl_view = View @osd_seek_volume_switch_label_seek = Press SELECT to switch to volume control @osd_seek_volume_switch_label_volume = Press SELECT to switch to time bar @osd_standby_timer__1 = Sleep timer will be activated in %s seconds @global_sleep_timer_message_line_2 = Press any key to cancel @osd_dvb_signal_strength__1 = Signal strength: %s @osd_dvb_signal_quality__1 = Signal quality: %s @osd_dvb_ber__1 = BER: %s @osd_dvb_frequency_khz__1 = Frequency: %s kHz @osd_dvb_service_id__1 = SID: %s @osd_dvb_polarization__1 = Polarization: %s @osd_dvb_symbol_rate__1 = Symbol rate: %s kSps @osd_dvb_satellite_name__1 = Satellite name: %s @osd_dvb_signal_strength_and_quality__2 = Signal strength: %s, signal quality: %s @osd_switching_video_mode_to__1 = Switching video mode to %s... @osd_epg_label_year = Year: @osd_epg_label_country = Country: @osd_epg_label_genre = Categories: @osd_epg_label_actor = Actor: @osd_epg_label_actors = Actors: @osd_epg_label_presenter = Presenter: @osd_epg_label_presenters = Presenters: @osd_epg_label_director = Director: @osd_epg_label_directors = Directors: @osd_epg_label_transmission = Transmission @osd_epg_label_editor = Editor: @osd_epg_label_editors = Editors: @osd_epg_label_composer = Composer: @osd_epg_label_composers = Composers: @osd_epg_label_writer = Scenario: @osd_epg_label_production = Production: @osd_epg_label_about_tv_series = TV series: @osd_epg_label_about_program = TV programme: @osd_dune_tv_today = Today @osd_dune_tv_favorites = Favorites @osd_dune_tv_movies = Movies @osd_dune_tv_no_program = Program is not available @osd_dune_tv_loading_in_progress = Loading... @osd_dune_tv_protect_code = Code for protected channels: @osd_dune_tv_buffering = buffering... @osd_dune_tv_login_dos = Access denied for 10 minutes. @osd_dune_tv_buffering_status__1 = Buffering: %s @osd_dune_tv_buffering_status0 = Buffering... @osd_dune_tv_connecting_status = Connecting... @osd_dune_tv_connecting = connecting... @osd_dune_tv_starting = Playing... @osd_dune_tv_protect_code_hint = PRESS MENU TO CHOOSE ANOTHER CHANNEL @osd_dune_tv_search = Search: @osd_dune_tv_action_search = Search @osd_dune_tv_action_return = Return @osd_dune_tv_press_enter_to_enter = Press ENTER to enter @osd_plugin_tv_today = Today @osd_plugin_tv_favorites = Favorites @osd_plugin_tv_no_program = Program is not available @osd_plugin_tv_loading_in_progress = Loading... @osd_plugin_tv_protect_code = Code for protected channels: @osd_plugin_tv_buffering = buffering... @osd_plugin_tv_login_dos = Access denied for 10 minutes. @osd_plugin_tv_buffering_status__1 = Buffering: %s @osd_plugin_tv_buffering_status0 = Buffering... @osd_plugin_tv_connecting_status = Connecting... @osd_plugin_tv_connecting = connecting... @osd_plugin_tv_starting = Playing... @osd_plugin_tv_protect_code_hint = PRESS MENU TO CHOOSE ANOTHER CHANNEL @osd_program_loading_in_progress = Program Guide is loading... @osd_drm_starting = Starting DRM... @osd_drm_stopping = Stopping DRM... @osd_drm_failure = Access denied. @osd_no_signal = No signal. @osd_antenna_overcurrent = Antenna short circuit or overcurrent. @osd_menu_action_title = Menu @osd_menu_action_playlist = Playlist @osd_menu_action_tv_menu = TV menu @osd_menu_action_audio = Audio tracks @osd_menu_action_subtitles = Subtitles @osd_menu_action_time_search = Time search @osd_menu_action_zoom = Zoom @osd_menu_action_picadj = Picture settings @osd_menu_action_av_offset = Audio sync correction @osd_menu_action_pal_sound = PAL sound speed correction @osd_menu_action_deinterlacing_mode = Deinterlacing mode @osd_menu_action_teletext = Teletext @osd_menu_action_3d_mode = 3D mode @osd_menu_action_info = Information @osd_menu_action_ext_epg = Extended information @osd_menu_color_button_action = @ICON@ button action @osd_menu_action_dvd_root_menu = DVD menu @osd_menu_action_dvd_angle_switching = Angle selection @osd_menu_action_3d_mode_2d = 2D @osd_menu_action_3d_mode_sbsl = Side by side @osd_menu_action_3d_mode_tnbl = Top and bottom @osd_menu_action_3d_mode_sbsr = Side by side right eye first @osd_menu_action_3d_mode_tnbr = Top and bottom right eye first @osd_menu_action_3d_parity_left_eye_first = Left eye first @osd_menu_action_3d_parity_right_eye_first = Right eye first @generic_update_preparing = Preparing... @generic_update_downloading = Downloading data... @generic_update_unpacking = Installing... @generic_update_installing = Installing... @generic_update_cancelling = Cancelling... @generic_update_stop_title = Cancel Update? @icon_archives_update_title = Application Data Update @icon_archives_update_failed_title = Application Data Update Failed @dune_tv_archive = Archive @dune_tv_all_channels = All channels @dune_tv_favorites = Favorites @dune_tv_application_not_installed__1 = Application %s not installed @dune_tv_check_connection = Please check Internet connection. @dune_tv_update_downloading_images__1 = Downloading images: %s @dune_tv_connecting = Connecting... @dune_tv_applying_changes = Applying changes... @dune_tv_update_title__1 = %s Update @dune_tv_update_failed_title__1 = %s Update Failed @dune_tv_connect_failed_title__1 = Connect to server %s failed @dune_tv_group = Group @dune_tv_channel = Channel @dune_tv_popup_hide_channel = Hide channel @dune_tv_popup_manage_hidden_channels = Manage hidden channels @dune_tv_title_manage_hidden_channels = Hidden Channels Management @dune_tv_no_hidden_channels = There are no hidden channels @dune_tv_number_of_hidden_channels__1 = Number of hidden_channels: %s @dune_tv_restore_all_hidden_channels = Restore all hidden channels? @dune_tv_popup_add_to_favorites = Add to Favorites @dune_tv_popup_remove_from_favorites = Remove from Favorites @dune_tv_popup_move_backward = Move backward @dune_tv_popup_move_forward = Move forward @dune_tv_max_favorites_size_exceeded = Maximum size of Favorites exceeded @dune_tv_cache_cleared = Cache successfully cleared @dune_tv_failed_to_clear_cache = Failed to clear cache @dune_tv_enter_protect_code_title = Enter code for protected channels @dune_tv_label_protect_code = Code: @dune_tv_movie_number__1 = Movie %s @dune_tv_movie_part__1 = Part %s @dune_tv_format_dvd = Standard @dune_tv_format_tv = Low @dune_tv_format_fullhd = Full HD @dune_tv_format_hd = HD @dune_tv_format_3d = 3D @dune_tv_format_high = High @dune_tv_format_medium = Medium @dune_tv_format_mobile_high = Mobile high @dune_tv_format_mobile_low = Mobile low @dune_tv_message = Message @dune_tv_message_loading = Loading... @dune_tv_message_delete = Delete @dune_tv_message_creation_date = Created: @dune_tv_message_important = Important: @dune_tv_message_type = Type: @dune_tv_message_read = Read: @dune_tv_movies_action_my_movies = My Movies @dune_tv_movies_apply_genres = Show movies of selected genres @dune_tv_movies_all_genres = All @dune_tv_movies_genres_select_hint = Use SELECT to choose multiple genres @dune_tv_movies_enter_search_pattern = Enter part of movie name: @dune_tv_movies_search_editor = Editor @dune_tv_movies_loading_list = Loading... @dune_tv_movies_empty_list = (empty) @dune_tv_movies_movie = Movie @dune_tv_movies_popup_add_to_favorites = Add to my movies @dune_tv_movies_popup_remove_from_favorites = Remove from my movies @dune_tv_movie_button_play = Play @dune_tv_movie_button_add_to_favorites = Add to my movies @dune_tv_movie_button_remove_from_favorites = Remove from my movies @dune_tv_movie_added_to_favorites = Movie added to my movies @dune_tv_movie_removed_from_favorites = Movie removed from my movies @dune_tv_movie_length_min__1 = %s min. @dune_tv_movie_imdb = IMDB: @dune_tv_movie_kinopoisk = Kinopoisk: @dune_tv_movie_mpaa = MPAA: @dune_tv_movie_budget = Budget: @dune_tv_movie_budget_mln__1 = %s mil @dune_tv_movie_director = Director: @dune_tv_movie_directors = Directors: @dune_tv_movie_scenario = Scenario: @dune_tv_movie_cast = Cast: @dune_tv_movie_series = Series @kartina_tv_title = Kartina.TV @kartina_tv_tv = TV @kartina_tv_login_dialog_title = Enter Kartina.TV Subscription @kartina_tv_request_error_title = Error @kartina_tv_request_error_in_command_title__1 = Error (command: %s) @kartina_tv_request_error_connect = Failed to connect to Internet. @kartina_tv_request_error_ktv_connect = Failed to connect to Kartina.TV @kartina_tv_request_error_internal = Unknown internal error. @kartina_tv_request_error_dos = Access denied for 10 minutes. @kartina_tv_request_error_login_failed = Subscription is invalid, please check settings. @kartina_tv_request_error_concurrent_use = Subscription is used elsewhere. @kartina_tv_request_error_auth_failed = Access denied. @kartina_tv_request_error_auth_failed_line2 = Probably subscription is used elsewhere. @kartina_tv_request_error_wrong_current_code = Current code is wrong. @kartina_tv_request_error_invalid_server_response = Invalid data received from server. @kartina_tv_request_error_no_episodes = Empty list of episodes got from server. @kartina_tv_request_error_description__1 = Description: %s. @kartina_tv_request_error_code__1 = Error code: %s. @kartina_tv_request_login_failed_title = Kartina.TV Login Failed @kartina_tv_request_login_failed_invalid_subscription = Subscription is invalid. @kartina_tv_request_please_check_subscription = Please check subscription settings. @kartina_tv_button_edit_subscription = Edit subscription @kartina_tv_button_close = Close @kartina_tv_login_required = Kartina.TV login is required to procees @kartina_tv_invalid_url_settings_file = Invalid Kartina.TV URL-settings file @kartina_tv_using_defaults = The default values will be used. @kartina_tv_mediateka = Mediateka @kartina_tv_ivi_movies = IVI Movies @kartina_tv_megogo_movies = Megogo Movies @kartina_tv_start_movies = Start Movies @kartina_tv_more_tv_movies = More TV @kartina_tv_film_ua_movies = Твоє кіно @kartina_tv_okko_tv_movies = Okko @kartina_tv_pamg_movies = Քո կինոն @kartina_tv_kinopoisk_movies = Kinopoisk HD @kartina_tv_tntpremier_movies = PREMIER @kartina_tv_mediateka_not_available = Service "Mediateka" is not available @kartina_tv_mediateka_kartina_tv = Медиатека @kartina_tv_videoteka_start = START - HD Премьеры @kartina_tv_videoteka_ivi = Онлайн-кинотеатр ivi @kartina_tv_videoteka_megogo = Видеотека Megogo @kartina_tv_videoteka_more_tv = More TV @kartina_tv_videoteka_film_ua = Твоє кіно @kartina_tv_videoteka_okko_tv = Okko @kartina_tv_videoteka_pamg = Քո կինոն @kartina_tv_videoteka_kinopoisk = КиноПоиск HD @kartina_tv_videoteka_tntpremier = PREMIER @kartina_tv_videoteka_last = Last @kartina_tv_videoteka_best = Best @kartina_tv_videoteka_favorites = My Movies @kartina_tv_videoteka_genres = Genres @kartina_tv_videoteka_collections = Collections @kartina_tv_videoteka_categories = Categories @kartina_tv_videoteka_search = Search @kartina_tv_kiosk = Kiosk @kartina_tv_private = Messages @kartina_tv_info = Info @kartina_tv_kiosk_launching_line1 = Application launch may take @kartina_tv_kiosk_launching_line2 = some time. Now the TV screen @kartina_tv_kiosk_launching_line3 = will go blank for a while. @kartina_tv_message_billing = Billing @kartina_tv_message_system = System @kartina_tv_message_info = Info @kartina_tv_message_user = User @kartina_tv_message_social = Social @kartina_tv_message_do_not_show_anymore = Do not show anymore @kartina_tv_help = Help @kartina_tv_settings_title = Kartina.TV Settings @kartina_tv_error_content_unavailable_on_site = Content not available on site. @kartina_tv_error_content_unavailable_in_region = Content not available in your region. @kartina_tv_error_content_data_missing = The requested content data is missing. @kartina_tv_error_content_unavailable_for_user = Content not available for this user. @kartina_tv_ivi_sort_pop = Popular @kartina_tv_ivi_sort_new = Last released @kartina_tv_ivi_sort_ivi = ivi rating @kartina_tv_ivi_sort_kp = KP rating @kartina_tv_ivi_sort_imdb = IMDB rating @kartina_tv_ivi_sort_budget = Budget @kartina_tv_ivi_sort_boxoffice = Box sales revenue @kartina_tv_ivi_sort_year = Release year @kartina_tv_ivi_season_with_name__2 = Season %s. %s @kartina_tv_label_teleteka = Teleteka: @kartina_tv_teleteka_enabled = Enabled @kartina_tv_teleteka_disabled = Disabled @plugin_connecting = Connecting... @plugin_operation_timed_out = Operation time exceeded @plugin_not_supported = Plugin not supported @plugin_movie_button_play = Play @plugin_movie_button_add_to_favorites = Add to my movies @plugin_movie_button_remove_from_favorites = Remove from my movies @plugin_movie_added_to_favorites = Movie added to my movies @plugin_movie_removed_from_favorites = Movie removed from my movies @plugin_movie_length_min__1 = %s min. @plugin_movie_imdb = IMDB: @plugin_movie_kinopoisk = Kinopoisk: @plugin_movie_mpaa = MPAA: @plugin_movie_budget = Budget: @plugin_movie_budget_mln__1 = %s mil @plugin_movie_director = Director: @plugin_movie_directors = Directors: @plugin_movie_scenario = Scenario: @plugin_movie_cast = Cast: @plugin_movie_series = Series @plugin_movie_action_my_movies = My Movies @plugin_archive_update_title = Application Data Update @plugin_archive_update_files_to_download__1 = Files to download: %s @plugin_archive_update_preparing = Preparing @plugin_archive_update_downloading_archive = Downloading archive @plugin_archive_update_unpacking_archive = Unpacking archive @plugin_archive_update_finalizing = Finalizing @plugin_archive_update_caching_images = Caching images @plugin_folder_loading_list = Loading... @plugin_folder_empty_list = (empty) @plugin_default_vod_my_movies = My Movies @plugin_default_vod_action_my_movies = My Movies @plugin_default_vod_action_add_to_my_movies = Add to My Movies @plugin_default_vod_action_remove_from_my_movies = Remove from My Movies @plugin_default_vod_movie_already_my_movie = Movie already resides in My Movies @plugin_default_vod_movie_added_to_my_movies = Movie has been added to My Movies @plugin_default_vod_movie_removed_from_my_movies = Movie has been removed from My Movies @plugin_default_vod_enter_search_pattern = Enter part of movie name: @plugin_default_vod_search_pattern_should_not_be_empty = Search pattern should not be empty @plugin_default_tv_action_favorite = Favorite @plugin_default_tv_action_forward = Forward @plugin_default_tv_action_backward = Backward @plugin_default_tv_action_menu = Menu @plugin_default_tv_action_hide_info = Hide info @plugin_default_tv_action_add_info = Tech. info @plugin_default_tv_action_main_menu = Main Menu @plugin_default_tv_action_add_to_favorites = Add to Favorites @plugin_default_tv_action_remove_from_favorites = Remove from Favorites @plugin_default_tv_channel_already_favorite = Channel already resides in Favorites @plugin_default_tv_channel_added_to_favorites = Channel has been added to Favorites @plugin_default_tv_action_delete_channel = Delete Channel @plugin_default_tv_action_rename_channel = Rename Channel @plugin_default_tv_action_delete_all_channels = Delete All Channels @plugin_default_system_error = System error @plugin_default_error_cannot_create_php_plugin = Failed to initialize PHP plugin. @plugin_default_error_php_unhandled = Unhandled PHP plugin error. @plugin_default_error_call_php_plugin_vendor = Call the PHP plugin vendor. @plugin_default_all_channels = All channels @plugin_default_favorites = Favorites @plugin_default_error_empty_channel_list = Channel list is empty. @plugin_default_title_application_error = Application error @plugin_default_msg_plugin_init_failed = Application can not start. @plugin_default_msg_unhandled_plugin_error = Application caused an error and will be closed. @skin_installer_title = Install Skin @skin_installer_error_bad_url = Error: bad URL. @skin_installer_stop_install_title = Stop installation? @skin_installer_status_preparing = Preparing to install... @skin_installer_status_downloading = Downloading skin... @skin_installer_status_installing = Installing skin... @skin_installer_status_finalizing = Finalizing installation... @skin_installer_status_succeeded = Installation succeeded. @skin_installer_status_failed = Installation failed. @skin_installer_status_cancelled = Installation cancelled by user. @skin_installer_bytes_downloaded__1 = %s downloaded. @skin_installer_bytes_downloaded__2 = %s of %s downloaded. @skin_installer_error_open_failed = Error: failed to start download. @skin_installer_error_read_failed = Download error. @skin_installer_error_write_failed = Write error. @skin_installer_error_no_space = Error: not enough free space. @skin_installer_error_not_compatible = Error: skin is not compatible with current firmware. @skin_installer_error_install_failed = Error: failed to install skin. @plugin_installer_title = Install Application @plugin_installer_title__1 = Install Application %s @plugin_installer_confirm_replace_already_installed__1 = Application %s already installed. @plugin_installer_confirm_replace_question = Replace it? @plugin_installer_stop_install_title = Stop installation? @plugin_installer_status_preparing = Preparing to install... @plugin_installer_status_downloading = Downloading application... @plugin_installer_status_installing = Installing application... @plugin_installer_status_finalizing = Finalizing installation... @plugin_installer_status_succeeded = Installation succeeded. @plugin_installer_status_failed = Installation failed. @plugin_installer_status_cancelled = Installation cancelled by user. @plugin_installer_bytes_downloaded__1 = %s downloaded. @plugin_installer_bytes_downloaded__2 = %s of %s downloaded. @plugin_installer_no_errors_found = No errors found. @plugin_installer_error_open_failed = Error: failed to start download. @plugin_installer_error_read_failed = Download error. @plugin_installer_error_write_failed = Write error. @plugin_installer_error_no_space = Error: not enough free space. @plugin_installer_error_install_failed = Error: failed to install application. @plugin_installer_error_install_not_permitted = Error: not permitted to install application. @plugin_installer_error_missing_manifest = Error: application manifest is missing. @plugin_installer_error_invalid_manifest = Error: application manifest is invalid. @plugin_installer_error_name_is_invalid__1 = Error: application name %s is invalid. @plugin_installer_error_name_changed__1 = Error: application name changed to %s. @plugin_installer_error_bad_url = Error: bad URL. @plugin_installer_error_no_storage = Error: suitable storage not found. @plugin_installer_error_name_already_used__1 = Error: application %s already installed. @plugin_installer_error_md5_not_match = Error: checksum verification failed. @plugin_installer_error_invalid_plugin = Error: invalid application data. @plugin_installer_error_description__1 = Description: %s. @plugin_installer_installed_ok__1 = %s: installed successfully. @plugin_installer_button_launch = Launch @plugin_installer_system_storage_no_space = Not enough free space on system storage. @plugin_installer_flash_memory_storage_no_space = Not enough free space on flash-memory storage. @plugin_installer_space_needed__1 = Free space needed: %s. @plugin_installer_update_title = Update Application @plugin_installer_update_title__1 = Update Application %s @plugin_installer_update_status_installing = Updating application... @plugin_installer_update_status_finalizing = Finalizing application update... @plugin_installer_update_status_succeeded = Update succeeded. @plugin_installer_update_status_failed = Update failed. @plugin_installer_update_status_cancelled = Update cancelled by user. @application_updater_confirm_title = Update Application @application_updater_confirm_application__1 = Application: %s. @application_updater_confirm_old_version__1 = Current version: %s. @application_updater_confirm_new_version__1 = New version: %s. @application_updater_version_unset = none @application_updater_update_is_critical = Application update is required to continue. @application_updater_confirm_question = Update application? @application_updater_button_update = Update @application_updater_button_remind_later = Remind Me Later @application_updater_launch_title = Launch Application @application_updater_check_update_failed = Check for update failed. @application_updater_launch_prohibited = Application launch is impossible. @application_updater_syncronize_title__1 = Application %s @application_updater_synchronize_failed = Failed to syncronize application version with firmware version. @application_failed_to_launch_title = Failed to launch application @application_not_installed = Application is not installed @application_cannot_be_launched_directly = Application cannot be launched directly @application_impossible_to_launch = Impossible to launch application @application_uninstaller_title = Delete Application @application_uninstaller_failed = Failed to delete application. @application_uninstaller_failed_to_remove_builtin = Impossible to delete the built-in application. iptv_title = IPTV inet_radio_title = Internet Radio @download_cancelling = Cancelling... @download_finalizing = Finalizing... @download_write_error_to_persistfs = Error writing to system storage @download_no_space_left_on_persistfs = No space left on system storage @download_write_error_to_flashdata = Error writing to flash memory storage @download_no_space_left_on_flashdata = No space left on flash memory storage @download_progress_message__3 = %s of %s processed (%s downloaded) @dvbt_scan_channel_images_title = Digital TV Channel Images @dvbc_scan_channel_images_title = Cable TV Channel Images @dvb_scan_image_storage_missing = No suitable storage found for channel images. @dvb_scan_at_least_one_needed_for_images = At least one of them is needed for image downloading. @dvb_scan_button_continue_without_images = Continue Without Channel Images @dvbt_scan_failed_title = Digital TV channels scan failed @dvbc_scan_failed_title = Cable TV channels scan failed @dvb_scan_failed_message = Error occurred while scanning. @dvbt_scan_succeeded_title = Digital TV channels scan succeeded @dvbc_scan_succeeded_title = Cable TV channels scan succeeded @dvb_scan_succeeded_label_channels_found = Channels found: @dvbt_scan_cancelled_title = Digital TV channels scan cancelled by user @dvbc_scan_cancelled_title = Cable TV channels scan cancelled by user @dvb_error_reading_custom_configuration_file = Failed to read custom configuration file @dvb_search_channel_images = Updating channel icons @dvb_no_channels_configured = Channels not configured @dvb_channels_not_configured = Channels not configured. @dvb_specify_settings_and_scan = Specify the settings and perform scan. @dvb_confirm_delete_channel_title = Delete Channel? @dvb_rename_channel_dialog_title = Rename Channel @dvb_rename_channel_dialog_label_name = Name: @dvbt_scan_title = Scan Digital TV Channels @dvbc_scan_title = Scan Cable TV Channels @dvbs_scan_title = Scan Satellite TV Channels @dvb_stop_scan_title = Stop Scanning? @dvb_scan_stage_preparing = Preparing for scan @dvb_scan_stage_scanning_startup = Launching scan @dvb_scan_stage_scanning__1 = Scanning %s kHz @dvb_scan_stage_tuning__1 = Tuning to %s kHz @dvb_scan_stage_loading_resources = Loading resources @dvb_scan_stage_finalizing = Finalizing @dvb_scan_stage_cancelling = Cancelling @dvb_scan_stage_scanning = Scanning... @dvbt_confirm_scan_dialog_not_configured_title = Digital TV channels scan @dvbc_confirm_scan_dialog_not_configured_title = Cable TV channels scan @dvb_confirm_scan_dialog_not_configured_line1 = Scan for available channels? @dvb_confirm_scan_dialog_not_configured_line2 = NOTE: operation may take a while. @dvbt_confirm_scan_dialog_already_configured_title = Digital TV channels already configured @dvbc_confirm_scan_dialog_already_configured_title = Cable TV channels already configured @dvb_confirm_scan_dialog_already_configured_line1 = Repeat scan and replace existing configuration? @dvb_confirm_scan_dialog_already_configured_line2 = NOTE: operation may take a while. @dvb_scan_hardware_not_configured = DVB hardware not configured. @dvb_scan_start_frequency_greater_end_frequency = Start frequency greater than end frequency. @dvb_scan_start_frequency_not_in_range__3 = Start frequency %s kHz not in range [%s..%s]. @dvb_scan_end_frequency_not_in_range__3 = End frequency %s kHz not in range [%s..%s]. @usb_dvb_drivers_not_installed_title = USB DVB drivers not installed @usb_dvb_drivers_not_installed_line1 = Do you want to download and install drivers automatically? @usb_dvb_drivers_failed_to_install = Failed to install USB DVB drivers. @dvb_scan_dialog_bandwidth__1 = Scanning bandwidth: %s @dvb_scan_dialog_transponders__2 = Transponders: %s of %s scanned @dvb_scan_dialog_channels__1 = Channels: %s found @dvb_scan_dialog_scanning_frequency__1 = Scanning frequency: %s Hz @dvb_scan_dialog_preparing = Preparing for scanning... @dvb_scan_dialog_scanning_stopped = Scanning stopped by user @dvb_scanning_fatal_error__1 = Fatal error (%s Hz). @dvb_scanning_fatal_error = Fatal error. @dvb_scanning_finish_no_channels = No channels have been found. @dvb_scanning_check_antenna_connected = Please check antenna is connected. @dvb_scanning_finished = Scanning finished successfully. @dvb_signal__3 = Signal: strength %s, SNR %s, BER %s @dvb_signal_quality_strength_locked__2 = Signal: quality %s%%, strength %s%%, locked @dvb_signal_quality_strength_unlocked__2 = Signal: quality %s%%, strength %s%%, not locked @dvb_bandwidth_6mhz = 6 MHz @dvb_bandwidth_7mhz = 7 MHz @dvb_bandwidth_8mhz = 8 MHz @dvbt_title = Digital TV @dvbt_hardware_not_found_title = Digital TV hardware not found @dvbt_hardware_not_found_line1 = Please ensure Dune DVB-T USB stick is attached. @dvbt_hardware_init_failed = Digital TV hardware intialization failed. @dvbt_system_storage_not_attached_title = System storage is not attached @dvbt_system_storage_not_attached_message = Support for channel icons will be disabled. @dvbt_choose_scan_mode_title = Choose Scan Mode @dvbt_choose_scan_mode_given_country_city = By Location @dvbt_choose_scan_mode_general = Automatic (Full Scan) @dvbt_choose_scan_mode_custom = Use Custom Configuration File @dvbt_choose_country_code_title = Choose Country @dvbt_choose_city_title = Choose City @dvbt_choose_profile_title = Choose Scan Profile @dvbc_title = Cable TV @dvbc_choose_region_title = Choose Region @dvbs_title = Satellite TV @dvbs_group_public = Public @dvbs_hardware_not_found_title = Satellite TV hardware not found @dvbs_hardware_init_failed_title = Satellite TV hardware initialization failed @dvbs_scanning_preparing = Preparing for scan... @dvbs_scanning = Scanning... @dvbs_scanning_saving_results = Saving the results... @dvbs_scanning_confirmation_dialog_title = Confirm Replacing All Channels @dvbs_scanning_confirmation_dialog_message = On successful scan, all previously stored channels will be deleted. @dvbs_scanning_finish_dialog_title = Scanning Finished @dvbs_scanning_finish_no_sats_line1 = No satellites can be reached with the current setup. @dvbs_scanning_finish_no_sats_line2 = Previously stored channels will be kept. @dvbs_scanning_finish_no_channels = No channels have been found. @dvbs_scanning_parse_error = Error parsing the stream. @dvbs_scanning_not_locked_error = Error: no signal. @dvbs_scanning_fatal_error = Fatal error. @dvbs_scanning_transponder_start = Scanning transponder... @dvbs_scanning_finished = Scanning finished successfully. @dvbs_import_satellites_confirmation_dialog_title = Confirm Replacing All Satellites @dvbs_import_satellites_confirmation_dialog_message = All previously stored satellites and channels will be deleted. @dvbs_import_satellites_error = Importing satellites has failed. @dvbs_import_satellites_finish_dialog_title = Importing Finished @dvbs_import_satellites_success = Satellites imported successfully. @dvbs_import_setup_confirmation_dialog_title = Confirm Replacing Satellite TV Settings @dvbs_import_setup_confirmation_dialog_message = All Satellite TV settings will be replaced. @dvbs_import_setup_error = Importing Satellite TV settings has failed. @dvbs_import_setup_finish_dialog_title = Importing Finished @dvbs_import_setup_success = Satellite TV settings imported successfully. @dvbs_stop_scan_title = Stop Scanning? @dvbs_scan_dialog_satellites__2 = Satellites: %s of %s scanned @dvbs_scan_dialog_transponders__2 = Transponders: %s of %s scanned @dvbs_scan_dialog_channels__1 = Channels: %s found @dvbs_scan_dialog_preparing = Preparing for scanning... @dvbs_scan_dialog_scanning_stopped = Scanning stopped by user @online_services_title = Online Services @ivi_title = @ivi_initialization = Initialization @radiotime_title = RadioTime @shoutcast_title = SHOUTcast @netflix_title = Netflix @maxdome_title = MaxDome @facebook_title = Facebook @twitter_title = Twitter @odnoklassniki_title = Odnoklassniki @vkontakte_title = VKontakte @hulu_title = Hulu @pandora_title = Pandora @amazon_title = Amazon @blockbuster_title = BLOCKBUSTER @russia_ru_title = @vudu_title = VUDU torrent_downloads_title = Torrent torrent_downloads_inactive = inactiv torrent_downloads_starting = activare... torrent_downloads_stopping = dezactivare... torrent_downloads_error = eroare torrent_downloads_popup_play_torrent = Redă torrent_downloads_popup_open_torrent = Deschide torrent_downloads_popup_start = Activează torrent_downloads_popup_stop = Dezactivează torrent_downloads_popup_start_all = Activează toate torrent_downloads_popup_stop_all = Dezactivează toate torrent_downloads_popup_del = Şterge torrent_downloads_popup_del_all = Şterge Toate torrent_downloads_popup_stop_client = Opreşte clientul Torrent torrent_downloads_client_not_running = Clientul torrent nu este pornit torrent_downloads_button_start = Porneşte torrent_downloads_empty_text_line1 = Nu sunt torrente active torrent_downloads_empty_text_line2 = Porneşte fişierul ".torrent" din browser pentru a adăuga unul nou torrent_downloads_info_missing = Primire informaţii... torrent_downloads_error_opening_content_folder = Eroare la deschiderea directorului ce conţine torrentele torrent_downloads_error_playing_content_folder = Eroare la redarea contenutului din directorul torrentelor torrent_downloads_check_ext2_ext3_encoding = Asigură-te că, codificare Ext2/Ext3 este Unicode (UTF-8) torrent_should_be_running = Clientul Torrent nu este pornit torrent_client_start_failed = Nu pot porni clientul torrent torrent_error_storage_missing = Motiv: discul nu este ataşat @torrent_error_storage_unsupported_filesystem = Reason: attached storage has unsupported filesystem torrent_confirm_addition_title = Confirmă adăugarea Torrent torrent_confirm_addition_label_name = Nume: torrent_confirm_addition_add_torrent = Adaugi torrent? torrent_confirm_del_title = Confirmă Ştergere Torrent torrent_confirm_del_label_delete = Ştergi torrent? torrent_confirm_del_all_title = Confirmă ştergerea Torrent torrent_confirm_del_all_label_delete = Ştergi toate torrentele? torrent_confirm_stop_client_title = Conferma Arresto Client Torrent torrent_confirm_stop_client_label_delete = Opreşti clientul torrent? torrent_invalid_torrent_file = Fişier torrent invalid torrent_label_name = Nume: torrent_label_error = Motiv: torrent_name_already_exist = Numele este deja în uz torrent_error_adding_torrent = Eroare la adaugarea torrentului torrent_error_starting_torrent = Eroare la activarea torrentului torrent_error_stopping_torrent = Eroare la dezactivarea torrentului torrent_error_starting_all_torrents = Eroare la activarea tuturor torrentelor torrent_error_stopping_all_torrents = Eroare la dezactivarea tuturor torrentelor torrent_error_deleting_torrent = Eroare la ştergerea torrentului torrent_error_deleting_all_torrents = Eroare la ştergerea tuturor torrentelor torrent_add_read_failed = Fişier torrent invalid torrent_add_empty_name = Nume torrent gol torrent_add_storage_not_mounted = Nicio unitate externă potrivită pentru conţinutul torrentelor torrent_error_com = Eroare de comunicaţie torrent_error_bad_folder = Directorul torrentelor este defect torrent_error_bad_torrent = torrent defect torrent_error_bad_entry = voce torrent defectă torrent_error_bad_tracker = torrent tracker greşit torrent_error_cant_create_folder = Imposibilă crearea directorului pentru conţinutul torrentelor torrent_error_no_key = Nicio cheie torrent_error_no_entry = nicio voce torrent torrent_error_shutdown = eroare internă de comunicaţie torrent_error_torrent_is_active = torrentul e activ torrent_error_entry_exists = voce torrent deja existentă torrent_error_torrent_is_inactive = torrentul nu este activ torrent_error_unknown = eroare necunoscută @torrent_confirm_start_title = Warning @torrent_confirm_start_text_1 = You should not use torrent client for illegal content. @torrent_confirm_start_text_2 = Continue? @kartina_tv_torrent_confirm_start_text_1 = Kartina.TV and HDI Dune are not responsible @kartina_tv_torrent_confirm_start_text_2 = for any use of illegal content. @torrent_confirm_unlimited_traffic_playback_title = Warning @torrent_confirm_unlimited_traffic_playback_text_1 = Torrent client is running with unlimited input traffic. @torrent_confirm_unlimited_traffic_playback_text_2 = Smooth playback is not guaranteed. @torrent_confirm_unlimited_traffic_playback_text_3 = Continue? @sip_phone_title = Phone @sip_phone_call = Call @sip_phone_address_book = Address Book @sip_phone_history = History @sip_phone_call_sip_address = Phone number or SIP address: @sip_phone_address_book_details_name = Name: @sip_phone_address_book_details_sip_address = Number or SIP Address: @sip_phone_history_incoming_call = Incomming Call @sip_phone_history_outgoing_call = Outgoing Call @sip_phone_history_missed_call = Missed Call @sip_phone_history_details_name = Name: @sip_phone_history_details_sip_address = Number or SIP Address: @sip_phone_history_details_time = Time: @sip_phone_history_action_clear = Clear @sip_phone_history_action_delete_item = Delete @sip_phone_history_confirm_clear_title = Confirm Clear @sip_phone_history_confirm_clear_message = Clear calls history? @sip_phone_history_confirm_delete_item_title = Confirm Deletion @sip_phone_history_confirm_delete_item_message = Delete item from call history? @phone_call_gui_title_incoming = Incoming Call @phone_call_gui_title_outgoing = Calling... @phone_call_gui_title_in_call = Talking @phone_call_gui_title_rejected = Call Rejected @phone_call_gui_title_ended = Call Ended @phone_call_gui_title_partner_rejected = Subscriber Not Available @phone_call_gui_title_partner_ended = Call Ended by Partner @phone_call_gui_title_error = Error @phone_call_gui_button_incoming_reject = Decline @phone_call_gui_button_incoming_answer = Answer @phone_call_gui_button_outgoing_cancel = Cancel @phone_call_gui_button_in_call_end_call = End Call @phone_call_gui_button_close = Close presenter_title = Semnătura digitală presenter_sync_osd_title = Sincronizare cu alte player-e presenter_sync_osd_time_to_wait__1 = Timp de aşteptare: %s sec. presenter_sync_osd_my_ip_address__1 = Adresa mea IP: %s presenter_sync_osd_server_ip_address__1 = Adresă IP al serverului: %s presenter_sync_osd_num_devices__1 = Număr totalde player-e: %s presenter_sync_osd_num_ready_devices__1 = Numărul total de player-e gata de pornire: %s presenter_sync_osd_next_clip__1 = Următorul clip: %s presenter_sync_osd_next_clip_name__3 = %s (%s din %s) @plugin_online_upgrade_forced_autocheck = Checking for plugin updates... @plugin_online_upgrade_dialog_title = Plugins Auto Update @plugin_online_upgrade_updates_detected = Plugin update(s) detected: @plugin_online_upgrade_plugin_versions__3 = Plugin %s, version: %s (old: %s) @plugin_online_upgrade_more_plugins__1 = (%s more updates...) @plugin_online_upgrade_update_all_button = Update All @plugin_online_upgrade_remind_later_button = Remind Me Later @fw_online_upgrade_dialog_title = Online Firmware Upgrade @app_fw_online_upgrade_dialog_title = Online Application Upgrade @fw_online_upgrade_forced_autocheck = Checking for firmware updates... @app_fw_online_upgrade_forced_autocheck = Checking for application updates... @fw_online_upgrade_autocheck_failed_message_text_1 = Failed to automatically check firmware updates. @fw_online_upgrade_autocheck_failed_message_text_2 = Please check Internet connection. @app_fw_online_upgrade_autocheck_failed_message_text_1 = Failed to automatically check application updates. @app_fw_online_upgrade_autocheck_failed_message_text_2 = Please check Internet connection. @fw_online_upgrade_autocheck_failed_ignore_button = Ignore @fw_online_upgrade_autocheck_failed_do_not_warn_button = Do not Warn Me Anymore @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_autocheck_text_1 = Firmware updates will not be checked automatically. @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_autocheck_text_2 = NOTE: You may miss important fixes and new features. @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_autocheck_text_3 = Are you sure? @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_autocheck_text_1 = Application updates will not be checked automatically. @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_autocheck_text_2 = NOTE: You may miss important fixes and new features. @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_autocheck_text_3 = Are you sure? @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_warn_about_autocheck_failures_text_1 = You will not be warned about automatic check failures. @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_warn_about_autocheck_failures_text_2 = NOTE: You may miss important fixes and new features. @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_warn_about_autocheck_failures_text_3 = Are you sure? @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_warn_about_autocheck_failures_text_1 = You will not be warned about automatic check failures. @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_warn_about_autocheck_failures_text_2 = NOTE: You may miss important fixes and new features. @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_disable_warn_about_autocheck_failures_text_3 = Are you sure? @fw_online_upgrade_no_new_version_message = No new firmware version available. @app_fw_online_upgrade_no_new_version_message = No new application version available. @fw_online_upgrade_new_version_message = New firmware version is available: @app_fw_online_upgrade_new_version_message = New application version is available: @fw_online_upgrade_beta_non_current_version_caption__1 = %s (beta) @fw_online_upgrade_beta_current_version_caption__1 = %s (beta) [current] @fw_online_upgrade_stable_non_current_version_caption__1 = %s @fw_online_upgrade_stable_current_version_caption__1 = %s [current] @fw_online_upgrade_install_button = Install @fw_online_upgrade_show_all_versions_button = Show All Versions @fw_online_upgrade_remind_later_button = Remind Me Later @fw_online_upgrade_skip_this_version_button = Skip This Version @fw_online_upgrade_show_all_version_dialog_title = Choose Version to Install @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_skip_version_text_1 = The following firmware version will be skipped: @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_skip_version_text_2 = Are you sure? @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_skip_version_text_1 = The following application version will be skipped: @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_skip_version_text_2 = Are you sure? @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_beta_version_text_1 = Beta firmware version will be installed. @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_beta_version_text_2 = Are you sure? @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_beta_version_text_1 = Beta application version will be installed. @app_fw_online_upgrade_confirm_beta_version_text_2 = Are you sure? @fw_online_upgrade_searching_suitable_storage = Searching suitable storage... @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_download_text = Firmware file will be downloaded to the following storage: @fw_online_upgrade_confirm_download_system_storage_text = Firmware file will be downloaded to the system storage. @fw_online_upgrade_no_suitable_storage_text_1__1 = Writable storage with enough free space (%s MB) not found. @fw_online_upgrade_no_suitable_storage_text_2 = Please insert such storage and try again. @fw_online_upgrade_downloading = Downloading firmware file. @fw_online_upgrade_unpacking = Unpacking firmware file... @fw_online_upgrade_unpacking_error_text = Firmware file unpacking error. @sysstor_player_restart_message = Player will be restarted. @sysstor_choose_storage_title = Choose Storage @sysstor_enable_flash_memory_storage_title = Enable Flash Memory Storage @sysstor_confirm_disable_fw_opt_text_1 = The following optional firmware components will be disabled: @sysstor_confirm_disable_fw_opt_supplementary_fonts = - Supplementary fonts (asian) @sysstor_confirm_disable_fw_opt_text_2 = You will be able to restore these components @sysstor_confirm_disable_fw_opt_text_3 = by performing firmware upgrade. @sysstor_confirm_disable_fw_opt_text_4 = Continue? @sysstor_fw_opt_in_use_text_1 = It is not possible to disable optional firmware components. @sysstor_fw_opt_in_use_text_2 = They are in use now. @sysstor_fw_opt_in_use_text_3 = Flash memory storage will not be enabled. @sysstor_enable_flash_memory_storage_failed_message = Failed to enable flash memory storage. @sysstor_clear_flash_memory_storage_title = Clear Flash Memory Storage @sysstor_clear_flash_memory_storage_confirm_message = All data on flash memory storage will be deleted. @sysstor_clear_flash_memory_storage_succeeded_message = Flash memory storage is cleared. @sysstor_clear_flash_memory_storage_failed_message = Failed to clear flash memory storage. @sysstor_init_system_storage_title = Initialize System Storage @sysstor_init_system_storage_ensure_empty_storage_text_1 = Please ensure that an empty storage is attached to the player. @sysstor_init_system_storage_ensure_empty_storage_text_2 = At least 2GB storage is recommended. @sysstor_init_system_storage_searching_suitable_storage = Searching suitable empty storage... @sysstor_init_system_storage_no_empty_storage_message = No suitable empty storage found. @sysstor_init_system_storage_confirm_message = The following empty storage will be initialized as the system storage: @sysstor_init_system_storage_confirm_partition_text_1 = The following empty storage will be reformatted to two partitions: @sysstor_init_system_storage_confirm_partition_text_2 = The first partition (2 GB) will be initialized as the system storage. @sysstor_init_system_storage_extra_apps_note_text_1 = NOTE: extra applications are not installed. @sysstor_init_system_storage_extra_apps_note_text_2 = Perform firmware upgrade to install them. @sysstor_init_system_storage_failed_message = Failed to initialize system storage. @sysstor_clear_bluray_cache_title = Clear Blu-ray Cache @sysstor_clear_bluray_cache_confirm_message = Blu-ray cache will be cleared. @sysstor_clear_bluray_cache_succeeded_message = Blu-ray cache is cleared. @sysstor_clear_bluray_cache_failed_message = Failed to clear Blu-ray cache. @sysstor_clear_system_storage_title = Clear System Storage @sysstor_clear_system_storage_confirm_message = All data on system storage will be deleted. @sysstor_clear_system_storage_succeeded_message = System storage is cleared. @sysstor_clear_system_storage_failed_message = Failed to clear system storage. @sysstor_clear_system_storage_confirm_extra_apps_text_1 = Do you want to clear the storage completely? @sysstor_clear_system_storage_confirm_extra_apps_text_2 = In this case, installed extra application will be lost. @sysstor_clear_system_storage_confirm_extra_apps_text_3 = You will be able to restore them by performing firmware upgrade. @sysstor_clear_system_storage_confirm_clear_completely_button = Clear Completely @sysstor_clear_system_storage_confirm_keep_extra_apps_button = Keep Extra Applications @sysstor_deinit_system_storage_title = Deinitialize System Storage @sysstor_deinit_system_storage_confirm_message = System storage will be deinitialized. @sysstor_deinit_system_storage_succeeded_message = System storage is deinitialized. @sysstor_deinit_system_storage_failed_message = Failed to deinitialize system storage. @sysstor_init_writable_no_suitable_storage_with_free_space_found__1 = No suitable storage with %s KB free space found. @sysstor_init_writable_no_suitable_storage_found = No suitable storage found. @sysstor_init_writable_flash_memory_storage_disabled = Flash memory storage is disabled. @sysstor_init_writable_flash_memory_storage_no_space = Flash memory storage has not enough free space. @sysstor_init_writable_system_storage_not_attached = System storage is not attached. @sysstor_init_writable_system_storage_no_space = System storage has not enough free space. @sysstor_init_writable_at_least_one_storage_needed = At least one of them is needed. @sysstor_init_writable_enable_flash_memory_storage_button = Enable Flash Memory Storage @sysstor_init_writable_init_system_storage_button = Initialize System Storage @sysstor_system_storage_attached_title = System storage was attached @sysstor_system_storage_detached_title = System storage was detached without deinitialization @sysstor_system_storage_detached_text_line1 = Some player functions may not work correctly. @sysstor_minimum_space_required__1 = Required minimum amount of free space: %s @sysstor_minimum_space_recommended__1 = Recommended amount of free space: %s @sysstor_formatting = Formatting system storage... @sysstor_copying_data = Copying data to system storage... @sysstor_finalizing = Finalizing... @sip_phone_registration_failed = Server registration failed @sip_phone_registration_succeeded = Server registration succeeded @premium_function_bd_menu = BD Menu @premium_function_my_collection = My Collection @premium_function_dune_plus = Dune Plus @premium_function_title__1 = Premium Function (%s) @premium_function_msg__1 = Premium Function: %s @premium_function_failed_to_check_license = Failed to check license. @premium_function_failed_to_start_normal_trial = Failed to start trial period. @premium_function_failed_to_start_prepaid_trial = Failed to start prepaid period. @premium_function_failed_to_begin_payment = Failed to begin payment procedure. @premium_function_failed_to_begin_payment_management = Failed to begin payment / management procedure. @premium_function_firmware_upgrade_required = Firmware upgrade is required. @premium_function_check_internet_and_retry = Please check your Internet connection and retry. @premium_function_button_fw_upgrade = Firmware Upgrade @premium_function_button_pay = Pay @premium_function_button_pay_manage = Pay / Manage @premium_function_button_activate = Activate @premium_function_button_start_normal_trial = Start trial period @premium_function_button_start_prepaid_trial = Start prepaid period @premium_function_payment_required = Payment is required. @premium_function_normal_trial_available_then_payment_needed__1 = A free trial period is available (%s), after that payment will be required. @premium_function_prepaid_trial_available_then_payment_needed__1 = A prepaid period is available (%s), after that payment will be required. @premium_function_promo_ended__1 = Promo period expired on %s. @premium_function_normal_trial_ended__1 = Trial period expired on %s. @premium_function_prepaid_trial_ended__1 = Prepaid period expired on %s. @premium_function_last_paid_period_ended__1 = Last paid period expired on %s. @premium_function_promo_active_till__1 = A free promo period is active till %s. @premium_function_promo_active_unlim = A free promo period is active. @premium_function_after_promo_prepaid_trial_available__1 = After the promo period ends, a prepaid period will be available (%s). @premium_function_normal_trial_active__2 = A free trial period is active till %s (%s), @premium_function_normal_trial_active_unlim = A free trial period is active. @premium_function_prepaid_trial_active__2 = A prepaid period is active till %s (%s), @premium_function_prepaid_trial_active_unlim = A prepaid period is active. @premium_function_then_payment_required = after that payment will be required. @premium_function_use_setup_premium_functions_to_pay = Use menu Settings / Miscellaneous / Premium Functions for payment. @premium_function_dune_extra_status = Dune Extra status: @premium_function_paid_till__2 = Paid till %s (%s). @premium_function_paid_unlim = Paid, unlimited access. @premium_function_access_valid_till__2 = Access is valid till %s (%s), @premium_function_use_qr_code_to_pay = To pay please scan QR code @premium_function_use_qr_code_to_pay_manage = To pay / manage please scan QR code @premium_function_or_open_web_page_to_pay__1 = or open %s in the Internet browser @premium_function_open_web_page_to_pay__1 = To pay please open %s in the Internet browser @premium_function_open_web_page_to_pay_manage__1 = To pay / manage please open %s in the Internet browser @premium_function_and_enter_code__1 = and enter the code: %s @premium_function_waiting_for_payment__1 = Waiting for payment%s @premium_function_waiting_for_payment_management__1 = Waiting%s @premium_function_payment_waiting_time_exceeded = Payment waiting time exceeded @premium_function_payment_management_waiting_time_exceeded = Waiting time exceeded @premium_functions_setup_title = Premium Functions @premium_function_bd_menu__1 = BD Menu (%s) @premium_function_my_collection__1 = My Collection (%s) @premium_function_dune_plus__1 = Dune Plus (%s) @premium_function_short_error = failed to check license @premium_function_short_firmware_upgrade_required = firmware upgrade required @premium_function_short_payment_required = payment is required @premium_function_short_promo_till__1 = free promo period till %s @premium_function_short_promo_unlim = free promo period @premium_function_short_normal_trial_till__1 = free trial period till %s @premium_function_short_normal_trial_unlim = free trial period @premium_function_short_prepaid_trial_till__1 = prepaid period till %s @premium_function_short_prepaid_trial_unlim = prepaid period @premium_function_short_paid_till__1 = paid till %s @premium_function_short_paid_unlim = paid, unlimited access @premium_function_day__1 = %s day @premium_function_days_2_4__1 = %s days @premium_function_days__1 = %s days @premium_function_days_left__1 = days remaining: %s ### Translations for plugin 'dunestore' @dunestore_plugin_title = Dune Store @dunestore_plugin_title_internal_error = Internal Error @dunestore_plugin_title_error = Error @dunestore_plugin_error_catalog_download_failed = Failed to download application catalog. @dunestore_plugin_error_catalog_parse_failed = Failed to parse application catalog. @dunestore_plugin_label_application = Application: @dunestore_plugin_label_version = Available version: @dunestore_plugin_label_installed_version = Current version: @dunestore_plugin_label_installed = Installed: @dunestore_plugin_label_skin = Skin: @dunestore_plugin_label_languages = Languages: @dunestore_plugin_button_launch = Launch @dunestore_plugin_button_install = Install @dunestore_plugin_button_update = Update @dunestore_plugin_button_uninstall = Delete @dunestore_plugin_add_more_apps = Add... @dunestore_plugin_community_applications = Community Applications @dunestore_plugin_community_skins = Community Skins @dunestore_plugin_section_skins = Skins @dunestore_plugin_title_setup_tv_section = TV Section Setup @dunestore_plugin_title_choose_tv_app = Please choose an application for TV section @dunestore_plugin_msg_change_setting_in_tv_menu = (To change the setting, use the menu "Setup / Applications / TV".) @dunestore_plugin_msg_following_tv_apps_available = For your region and language, the following suitable applications are found. @dunestore_plugin_button_not_specified = Not specified @dunestore_plugin_button_another_application = Another application... @dunestore_plugin_title_community_apps = Community Applications @dunestore_plugin_title_configure_online_services = Configure Online Services @dunestore_plugin_title_configure_extensions = Configure Extensions @dunestore_plugin_extensions_not_found = Extensions not found @dunestore_plugin_community_apps_message_line1 = Would you like to enable community applications, @dunestore_plugin_community_apps_message_line2 = which extend the player functionality with extra features? @dunestore_plugin_community_app_message_line1 = Community applications are created by users. @dunestore_plugin_community_app_message_line2 = Dune HD is not responsible for correct work of @dunestore_plugin_community_app_message_line3 = community applications. @dunestore_plugin_community_app_message_line4 = Dune HD is not responsible for compliance of @dunestore_plugin_community_app_message_line5 = community applications with copyright and other rights. @dunestore_plugin_community_skin_message_line1 = Community skins are created by users. @dunestore_plugin_community_skin_message_line2 = Dune HD is not responsible for correct work of @dunestore_plugin_community_skin_message_line3 = community skins. @dunestore_plugin_community_skin_message_line4 = Dune HD is not responsible for compliance of @dunestore_plugin_community_skin_message_line5 = community skins with copyright and other rights. @dunestore_plugin_msg_searching_for_community_apps = Searching the Internet for community applications... @dunestore_plugin_msg_failed_to_load_online_services = Error: failed to load online services catalog. @dunestore_plugin_msg_failed_to_load_extensions = Error: failed to load extensions catalog. @dunestore_plugin_msg_you_enter_community_category = You are entering community applications section. @dunestore_plugin_msg_you_enter_community_skins_category = You are entering community skins section. @dunestore_plugin_msg_you_are_going_to_install_community_app__1 = You are installing community application %s. @dunestore_plugin_msg_you_are_going_to_install_community_skin__1 = You are installing community skin %s. @dunestore_plugin_msg_following_online_services_available = The following online services are available for your region and language. @dunestore_plugin_msg_following_extensions_available = The following extensions are available for your region and language. @dunestore_plugin_msg_choose_online_services = Choose online services to use: @dunestore_plugin_msg_choose_extensions = Choose extensions to use: @dunestore_plugin_button_restore_defaults = Restore Defaults @dunestore_plugin_button_do_not_install = Do Not Install @dunestore_plugin_community_extension__1 = %s [community] @dunestore_plugin_warning_dialog_title = Warning @dunestore_plugin_button_ignore_and_continue = Ignore and Continue ### Translations for plugin 'shell_ext' @shell_ext_plugin_title_plugin = Dune Extension @shell_ext_plugin_title_ep_my_collection = My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_title_ep_movies = Movies @shell_ext_plugin_title_ep_music = Music @shell_ext_plugin_title_ep_recent = Recent @shell_ext_plugin_title_ep_community = Community @shell_ext_plugin_title_ep_online_services = Online Services @shell_ext_plugin_title_installing_additional_software_for_services = Installing additional software for online services @shell_ext_plugin_title_updating_my_collection_data = Updating My Collection Data @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_update_desirable = For optimal performance, a complete re-indexing of My Collection is desirable. @shell_ext_plugin_update_will_run_in_background = Re-indexing will run in the background. @shell_ext_plugin_failed_to_start_reindexing = Failed to start the re-indexing of My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_msg_data_not_available = Data is temporarily unavailable @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_text_empty = Enter text to search. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_no_results = Nothing was found. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_people_2_chars_required = More than 1 character required to search for people. @shell_ext_plugin_button_add_to_my_collection = Add to My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_button_open_in_my_collection = Open in My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_button_open_in_my_collection__1 = Open in My Collection (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_title_add_folder_to_my_collection = Add folder to My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_title_enter_folder_name = Enter folder name @shell_ext_plugin_title_add_to_my_collection = Add to My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_title_delete_file_to_folder_match = Remove match between file and movie @shell_ext_plugin_title_file_to_folder_match_confirmation = Confirm match between file and movie @shell_ext_plugin_title_search_by_imdb_id = Search by IMDB ID @shell_ext_plugin_title_help = My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_title_search_movie = Search Movies @shell_ext_plugin_title_search_online_video_files = Search Video Files @shell_ext_plugin_msg_video_files_found__1 = Video files found: %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_search_in_progress_zero__1 = Searching... (%s sec - 0 files found) @shell_ext_plugin_item_search_in_progress__2 = Searching... (%s sec - %s file(s) found) - press ENTER to play @shell_ext_plugin_item_search_no_files_found = No files found @shell_ext_plugin_item_search_n_files_found__1 = %s file(s) found - press ENTER to play @shell_ext_plugin_item_video_file_info_caption__2 = %s - %s @shell_ext_plugin_label_enter_movie_name = Enter movie name: @shell_ext_plugin_msg_enter_folder_name = Please enter the folder name to be used in My Collection: @shell_ext_plugin_msg_chosen_association = Chosen association @shell_ext_plugin_msg_chosen_association_not_confirmed = Chosen association (not confirmed) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_chosen_association_movie = Chosen association (movie) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_chosen_association_trailer = Chosen association (trailer) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_chosen_association_bonus = Chosen association (add. material) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_condition = Search condition (press ENTER to change) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_results = Search results @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_results__1 = Search results (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_0 = My Collection - a convenient way to work with a movie collection. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_1_1 = - Posters, backgrounds and descriptions for movies and people. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_1_2 = - Navigation from movies to people and from people to movies. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_1_3 = - Local and network drives. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_1_4 = - Access to the movie catalog even when drives are detached. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_1_5 = - Automatic indexing and recognition of movies. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_1_6 = - Manual editing of the movie catalog. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_2_1 = To get started: @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_2_2 = 1. Add folders to My Collection. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_2_3 = 2. Start indexing. @shell_ext_plugin_my_collection_msg_help_2_4 = 3. Edit indexing results if needed. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_association_not_chosen = (Movie not associated) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_not_available_movies = Movies not in collection @shell_ext_plugin_msg_other_movies = Other @shell_ext_plugin_msg_not_in_supplier_movies__1 = Movies not in %s @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_enter_for_collection_settings = Press ENTER to open My Collection settings @shell_ext_plugin_msg_collection_db_upgrade_in_progress = My Collection: updating data... @shell_ext_plugin_msg_to_add_network_folder = To add a network folder: @shell_ext_plugin_msg_create_network_folder_and_choose_in_sources = create a network folder and choose it in “Sources” menu, @shell_ext_plugin_msg_then_choose_item_in_popup__1 = then choose “%s” in POPUP MENU. @shell_ext_plugin_button_open_sources = Open "Sources" menu @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_files = Files @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_person = Person @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_movie = Movie @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_seasons = Seasons @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_sources = Sources @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_movie_folders = Movies by folders @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_tv_series = TV series @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_file_selection = File selection @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_search_results__1 = Movies by name "%s" @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_all_files = All files @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_not_confirmed_files = Files without confirmed association @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_confirmed_files = Files with confirmed association @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_not_associated_files = Not associated files @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_associated_files = Associated files @shell_ext_plugin_path_element_choosing_associations = Choosing association @shell_ext_plugin_item_recommended = Recommended @shell_ext_plugin_item_new = New @shell_ext_plugin_item_newly_added = Newly Added @shell_ext_plugin_item_by_name = By Name @shell_ext_plugin_item_by_year = By Year @shell_ext_plugin_item_popular = Popular @shell_ext_plugin_item_continue = Continue @shell_ext_plugin_item_continue_watching = Continue Watching @shell_ext_plugin_item_watched = Watched @shell_ext_plugin_item_not_watched = Not Watched @shell_ext_plugin_item_all = All @shell_ext_plugin_item_movies_and_tv_shows = Movies and TV Shows @shell_ext_plugin_item_people = People @shell_ext_plugin_item_all_movies = All movies @shell_ext_plugin_item_available_movies = Available movies @shell_ext_plugin_item_movie_folders = Movies by folders @shell_ext_plugin_item_setup = Settings @shell_ext_plugin_item_collection_management = Collection Management @shell_ext_plugin_item_manage_folders = Manage folders @shell_ext_plugin_item_setup_data_storage = Data storage @shell_ext_plugin_item_misc_setup = Miscellaneous @shell_ext_plugin_item_all_genres = All genres @shell_ext_plugin_item_movies_single = Movies @shell_ext_plugin_item_tv_series = TV Series @shell_ext_plugin_item_add_folder = Add folder... @shell_ext_plugin_item_all_folders = All folders @shell_ext_plugin_item_help = Help @shell_ext_plugin_item_other = Other @shell_ext_plugin_item_network_folder = Network folder @shell_ext_plugin_item_season__1 = Season %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_season_with_year__2 = Season %s (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_item_movie_season__2 = %s. Season %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_movie_season_with_name__3 = %s. Season %s (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_item_season_episode__2 = Season %s, Episode %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_season_episode_short__2 = S%s: E%s @shell_ext_plugin_item_season_episode_name__3 = Season %s, Episode %s. %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_episode__1 = Episode %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_episode_with_name__2 = Episode %s. %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_top = Top @shell_ext_plugin_item_search = Search @shell_ext_plugin_item_recent_caption_percent__2 = %s (%s%%) @shell_ext_plugin_item_videoteka = Videoteka @shell_ext_plugin_item_services = Services @shell_ext_plugin_item_tv_channels = TV Channels @shell_ext_plugin_group_by_watch_history = By watch history @shell_ext_plugin_group_all_sorted = Without filter @shell_ext_plugin_group_by_tags = By media tags @shell_ext_plugin_group_by_genres = By genres @shell_ext_plugin_group_by_folders = By folders @shell_ext_plugin_group_by_years = By years @shell_ext_plugin_item_episodes__1 = Episodes: %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_elements__1 = Elements: %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_premiered__1 = Premiered: %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_season_episode__3 = %s (season %s, episode %s) @shell_ext_plugin_item_episode__2 = %s (episode %s) @shell_ext_plugin_item_movies_in_coll__1 = Movies: %s @shell_ext_plugin_item_season_about_series = About TV series @shell_ext_plugin_label_about_tv_series = About TV series: @shell_ext_plugin_label_last_watched = Last played: @shell_ext_plugin_label_last_listened = Last played: @shell_ext_plugin_msg_not_watched = Not watched yet @shell_ext_plugin_msg_watched = Watched @shell_ext_plugin_msg_season = Season @shell_ext_plugin_msg_episode = Episode @shell_ext_plugin_msg_movies_not_found = (Movies not found) @shell_ext_plugin_title_movies_not_found = Movies not found @shell_ext_plugin_title_storage_not_attached = Storage is not attached @shell_ext_plugin_title_smb_network_folder_not_found = SMB network folder not found @shell_ext_plugin_title_nfs_network_folder_not_found = NFS network folder not found @shell_ext_plugin_title_incorrect_url = URL is incorrect @shell_ext_plugin_description_all_movies = Movies browsing on all sources. @shell_ext_plugin_description_available_movies = Movies browsing on currently available sources. @shell_ext_plugin_description_movie_folders = Movies browsing on each folder separately. @shell_ext_plugin_description_setup = Folder management and other collection settings. @shell_ext_plugin_description_add_folder = Adding the new folder on connected sources to My Collection. @shell_ext_plugin_description_all_folders = Manage all folders simultaneously. @shell_ext_plugin_description_manage_folders = Adding new folders to collection. Browsing and editing the folder properties, managing folder indexing. @shell_ext_plugin_description_data_storage_setup = Managing persistent collection data on local storages. @shell_ext_plugin_description_misc_setup = Miscellaneous settings. @shell_ext_plugin_description_search = Search for movies in My Collection by part of movie name @shell_ext_plugin_description_not_associated_file = File not associated with movie. Press ENTER to create association. @shell_ext_plugin_action_add_to_collection = Add to collection @shell_ext_plugin_action_wrong_association = Incorrect @shell_ext_plugin_action_confirm = Confirm @shell_ext_plugin_action_confirm_this_movie = This movie @shell_ext_plugin_action_confirm_trailer = Trailer @shell_ext_plugin_action_confirm_bonus = Add. material @shell_ext_plugin_action_folder_movies = Movies from this folder @shell_ext_plugin_action_manage_folder = Manage folder @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_right_to_confirm_selected_movie = Press RIGHT to confirm the selected movie @shell_ext_plugin_action_scroll = Scroll @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_edit_match = Edit Match Between File and Movie... @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_open_movie = Open Movie @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_clear_element = Clear @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_clear_all = Clear All @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_choose_playback_type = Choose How to Play... @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_configure_online_services = Configure Online Services... @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_configure_list_of_categories = Configure List of Categories... @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_choose_season_and_episode = Edit Season and Episode... @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_show_history = Show History @shell_ext_plugin_title_choose_season_and_episode = Choose Season and Episode @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_incorrect_season_number__1 = Incorrect season number: %s @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_incorrect_episode_number__1 = Incorrect episode number: %s @shell_ext_plugin_msg_season_unknown__1 = Season is unknown: %s @shell_ext_plugin_msg_episode_unknown__1 = Episode is unknown: %s @shell_ext_plugin_msg_save_changes = Save changes anyway? @shell_ext_plugin_button_play = Play @shell_ext_plugin_button_play_multiple = Play... @shell_ext_plugin_button_music_play__1 = Play (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_button_information = Information @shell_ext_plugin_button_description = Description @shell_ext_plugin_button_cast = Cast @shell_ext_plugin_button_crew = Crew @shell_ext_plugin_button_trailers = Trailers @shell_ext_plugin_button_add_materials = Add. materials @shell_ext_plugin_button_related = Related @shell_ext_plugin_button_similar = Similar @shell_ext_plugin_button_movies = Movies @shell_ext_plugin_button_biography = Biography @shell_ext_plugin_button_seasons = Seasons @shell_ext_plugin_button_season__1 = Season %s @shell_ext_plugin_button_episodes = Episodes @shell_ext_plugin_button_favorite = Favorite @shell_ext_plugin_button_more = More... @shell_ext_plugin_button_movie_title_other = Other @shell_ext_plugin_button_stop_indexing = Stop indexing @shell_ext_plugin_button_rename = Rename folder @shell_ext_plugin_button_start_indexing = Start indexing @shell_ext_plugin_button_clear_indexing_results = Clear indexing results @shell_ext_plugin_button_delete_from_collection = Delete folder from collection @shell_ext_plugin_button_edit_movie_file_associations = Edit matches between files and movies @shell_ext_plugin_button_delete_all_from_collection = Delete all folders from collection @shell_ext_plugin_button_stop_background_loading = Stop background loading @shell_ext_plugin_title_choose_playback_type = Choose how to play @shell_ext_plugin_button_play_local = Play file from local source @shell_ext_plugin_button_play_online__1 = Play online (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_title_files_not_found = File not found @shell_ext_plugin_title_choose_file_to_play = Choose file to play @shell_ext_plugin_msg_local_source = Local source @shell_ext_plugin_button_choose_season_and_episode = Choose season and episode @shell_ext_plugin_button_choose_episode = Choose episode @shell_ext_plugin_button_choose_file = Choose file @shell_ext_plugin_button_show_in_file_browser = Show in file browser @shell_ext_plugin_title_content_is_unavailable = Content is currently unavailable @shell_ext_plugin_title_no_internet = No Internet connection @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_failed_to_start_playback = Failed to start playback @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_configure_tv = Press ENTER to configure TV section @shell_ext_plugin_button_configure_tv = Configure... @shell_ext_plugin_button_configure_movies = Configure... @shell_ext_plugin_label_online_services = Online services: @shell_ext_plugin_label_extensions = Extensions: @shell_ext_plugin_label_show_on_main_screen = Show on main screen: @shell_ext_plugin_label_action = Action: @shell_ext_plugin_msg_action_not_specified = not specified @shell_ext_plugin_popup_action_setup_tv_section = TV section Setup @shell_ext_plugin_title_choose_app = Choose Application @shell_ext_plugin_label_enable_community_apps = Enable community applications: @shell_ext_plugin_title_online_services_setup = Online Services Setup @shell_ext_plugin_button_details = Details... @shell_ext_plugin_button_update_movies_data = Update movies data @shell_ext_plugin_button_clear_unused_cache = Clear unused cache @shell_ext_plugin_title_clear_unused_cache = Clear unused cache @shell_ext_plugin_msg_files_deleted__1 = %s file(s) deleted. @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_rejected_while_indexing = Operation not allowed during folder indexing. @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_rejected_while_db_upgrade = Operation not allowed during data update. @shell_ext_plugin_title_clear_stored_posters = Clear stored movie posters? @shell_ext_plugin_title_clear_stored_fanart = Clear stored fan art? @shell_ext_plugin_title_clear_stored_photo = Clear stored photo? @shell_ext_plugin_title_clear_stored_images = Clear stored images @shell_ext_plugin_title_data_storage = Data Storage @shell_ext_plugin_title_start_indexing = Start indexing @shell_ext_plugin_title_no_space_to_start_indexing = Not enough space to start indexing @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexing_writes_to_storage_line1 = Indexing results can be stored on @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexing_writes_to_storage_line2 = flash-memory storage or system storage. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_large_collecions_require_much_space = For large movie collections, a lot of free space may be needed: @shell_ext_plugin_msg_x_movies_y_mb_and_more__2 = - %s movies: %s MB and more @shell_ext_plugin_msg_disable_setting_to_reduce_space = To reduce the needed space, the following setting may be disabled: @shell_ext_plugin_msg_connect_persistfs_to_increase_space_line1 = To increase free space, system storage may be @shell_ext_plugin_msg_connect_persistfs_to_increase_space_line2 = connected (e.g. USB flash 2GB+). @shell_ext_plugin_item_cache_photo = Store photo @shell_ext_plugin_item_all_files__1 = All files (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_item_not_confirmed_files__1 = Files without confirmed association (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_item_confirmed_files__1 = Files with confirmed association (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_item_not_associated_files__1 = Not associated files (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_item_associated_files__1 = Associated files (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_description_all_files = All video files from current folder @shell_ext_plugin_description_not_confirmed_files = Video files from current folder without confirmed association with movie @shell_ext_plugin_description_confirmed_files = Video files from current folder having confirmed association with movie @shell_ext_plugin_description_not_associated_files = Video files from current folder without any association with movie @shell_ext_plugin_description_associated_files = Video files from current folder having association with movie @shell_ext_plugin_button_add_entire_storage = Add entire storage @shell_ext_plugin_button_choose_folders = Choose folders... @shell_ext_plugin_button_proceed = Proceed @shell_ext_plugin_msg_not_available_for_playback = Playback not available @shell_ext_plugin_button_yes_confirm_match = Yes (confirm match) @shell_ext_plugin_button_yes_this_movie = Yes, this movie @shell_ext_plugin_button_yes_trailer = Yes, trailer @shell_ext_plugin_button_yes_bonus = Yes, add. material @shell_ext_plugin_button_no_delete_match = No (delete match) @shell_ext_plugin_button_confirm_match_later = I don't know (ask later) @shell_ext_plugin_button_search_association = Search association... @shell_ext_plugin_label_search_by_name = Search by title (edit and press ENTER): @shell_ext_plugin_label_movie_name = Movie title: @shell_ext_plugin_label_imdb_id = IMDB ID (numbers only): @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_condition_automatic = Automatic search @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_condition_name__1 = Title: %s @shell_ext_plugin_msg_search_condition_imdb_id__1 = IMDB ID: %s @shell_ext_plugin_title_search_condition = Search condition @shell_ext_plugin_button_automatic_search = Automatic search @shell_ext_plugin_button_imdb_id_search = Search by IMDB ID... @shell_ext_plugin_label_date_of_birth = Date of birth: @shell_ext_plugin_label_place_of_birth = Place of birth: @shell_ext_plugin_label_height = Height: @shell_ext_plugin_label_first_film = First movie: @shell_ext_plugin_label_season = Season: @shell_ext_plugin_label_episode = Episode: @shell_ext_plugin_label_episodes = Episodes: @shell_ext_plugin_label_elements = Elements: @shell_ext_plugin_label_year = Year: @shell_ext_plugin_label_genre = Genre: @shell_ext_plugin_label_storage = Storage: @shell_ext_plugin_label_network_folder = Network folder: @shell_ext_plugin_label_path = Path: @shell_ext_plugin_label_elapsed_time = Elapsed time: @shell_ext_plugin_label_number_of_processed_files = Files processed: @shell_ext_plugin_label_number_of_found_movies = Movies found: @shell_ext_plugin_label_number_of_movies_in_collection = Movies in collection: @shell_ext_plugin_label_number_of_movies_in_folder = Movies in folder: @shell_ext_plugin_label_completed = Completed: @shell_ext_plugin_label_movie = Movie: @shell_ext_plugin_label_not_confirmed_movie = Movie (not confirmed): @shell_ext_plugin_label_movie_trailer = Movie (trailer): @shell_ext_plugin_label_movie_bonus = Movie (add. material): @shell_ext_plugin_label_indexing = Indexing: @shell_ext_plugin_label_connected = Connected: @shell_ext_plugin_label_files_in_folder = Files in folder: @shell_ext_plugin_label_folder_name = Folder name: @shell_ext_plugin_label_error = Error: @shell_ext_plugin_label_warning = Warning: @shell_ext_plugin_label_cache_posters = Store movie posters: @shell_ext_plugin_label_cache_fanart = Store fan art: @shell_ext_plugin_label_cache_photo = Store photo: @shell_ext_plugin_label_storage_in_use = Storage in use: @shell_ext_plugin_label_loaded = Loaded: @shell_ext_plugin_label_folders_in_collection = Folders in collection: @shell_ext_plugin_label_files_in_collection = Files in collection: @shell_ext_plugin_label_folders_indexing = Folders indexing: @shell_ext_plugin_label_folders_indexed = Folders indexed: @shell_ext_plugin_label_last_indexed = Last indexed: @shell_ext_plugin_label_auto_indexing = Auto indexing: @shell_ext_plugin_label_age = Age: @shell_ext_plugin_label_poster_quality = Poster quality: @shell_ext_plugin_label_extract_file_info = Extract file information: @shell_ext_plugin_poster_quality_normal = Normal @shell_ext_plugin_poster_quality_high = High @shell_ext_plugin_auto_indexing_value_off = Off @shell_ext_plugin_auto_indexing_value_hours__1 = %s h. @shell_ext_plugin_auto_indexing_value_days__1 = %s d. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_system_storage__1 = System storage, %s free @shell_ext_plugin_msg_flash_memory_storage__1 = Flash-memory storage, %s free @shell_ext_plugin_msg_not_performed = not performed @shell_ext_plugin_msg_succeeded = finished OK @shell_ext_plugin_msg_in_progress = in progress @shell_ext_plugin_msg_storage_disconnected = storage disconnected @shell_ext_plugin_msg_failed = failed @shell_ext_plugin_msg_canceled = canceled @shell_ext_plugin_msg_canceling = canceling... @shell_ext_plugin_msg_canceling_indexing = canceling the indexing... @shell_ext_plugin_msg_connected_storage_caption__1 = %s (connected) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_not_connected_storage_caption__1 = %s (not connected) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_deleted_network_folder_caption__1 = %s (deleted) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexing_completed__2 = completed for %s (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexing_storage_disconnected = interrupted (source disconnected) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexing_failed__2 = failed after %s (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexing_canceled__2 = canceled after %s (%s) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_value_including_new__2 = %s (%s new) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_value_including_files__2 = %s (%s files) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_processed_files__4 = %s (detected: %s of %s video files, %s%%) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_space_on_flash_storage = not enough free space on flash-memory storage @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_space_on_system_storage = not enough free space on system storage @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_space_for_images = not enough free space for images @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexed_complete_partial_failed__2 = %s complete, %s partial (failed) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexed_complete_partial_canceled__2 = %s complete, %s partial (canceled) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_indexed_with_bg_loading__1 = %s (background data loading...) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_last_folder_completed__1 = %s (succeeded) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_last_folder_failed__1 = %s (failed) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_last_folder_canceled__1 = %s (canceled) @shell_ext_plugin_msg_none = none @shell_ext_plugin_msg_bg_loading = background data loading... @shell_ext_plugin_msg_does_file_correspond_movie = Does this file match the movie? @shell_ext_plugin_msg_file_movie_match_confirmation_required = Confirmation of match between file and movie is required. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_source_will_be_added_line1 = The source will be added to My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_msg_source_will_be_added_line2 = for creation of movie and TV series catalog. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folder_will_be_added_line1 = The folder will be added to My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folder_will_be_added_line2 = for creation of movie and TV series catalog. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_movie_not_available = Movie is not available for playback @shell_ext_plugin_msg_delete_folder_indexing_results = Clear folder indexing results? @shell_ext_plugin_msg_delete_all_folders_indexing_results = Clear indexing results for all folders? @shell_ext_plugin_msg_delete_folder_from_collection = Delete folder from My collection? @shell_ext_plugin_msg_delete_all_folders_from_collection = Delete all folders from My collection? @shell_ext_plugin_msg_adding_folders_to_collection = Adding folders to collection. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_right_to_add_folder = Press RIGHT to add the selected folder. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_enter_folder = Press ENTER to browse the selected folder. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_sources_connected = No sources connected. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_connect_movie_source = Please connect storage or network folder with movies. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folder_not_indexed = Folder not indexed. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folder_is_being_indexed = Folder indexing in progress. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_movies_in_folder = No movies in folder. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folders_not_added = Folders not added. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folders_not_indexed = Folders not indexed. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folders_indexing_in_progress = Folders indexing in progress. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_movies_in_collection = No movies in collection. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_movies_available = No movies currently available. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_use_manage_folders_line1 = Use "Manage folders": choose folders @shell_ext_plugin_msg_use_manage_folders_line2 = with movies and start indexing. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folders_indexing_in_progress_line1 = Use "Manage folder", to check @shell_ext_plugin_msg_folders_indexing_in_progress_line2 = indexing progress. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_connect_storage_with_movies = Please connect storage with movies. @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_folder_already_added = Selected folder already added to collection @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_folder_contains_already_added_one = Selected folder contains another collection folder @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_folder_belongs_to_already_added_one = Selected folder is contained in another collection folder @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_indexing_already_started = Indexing already started @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_storage_not_connected = Storage not connected @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_network_folder_not_available = Network folder not available @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_internal_error = Internal error occured @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_internal_error_indexing_already_started = Internal error: indexing already started @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_internal_error_failed_to_start_indexing = Internal error: failed to start indexing @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_connect_to_server_failed = Failed to connect to server @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_incorrect_server_response = Error during interaction with server @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_nonempty_value_required = Non-empty value required @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_name_already_used = Name already used @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_failed_to_connect_to_internet = Failed to connect to Internet. @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_please_check_internet_connection = Please check Internet connection. @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_error_accessing_file = Error accessing file @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_fix_permissions_and_repeat_indexing = Fix file access permissions and repeat indexing @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_operation_failed = Operation failed @shell_ext_plugin_msg_movie_already_in_favorites = Movie is already added to Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_person_already_in_favorites = Person is already added to Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_add_movie_to_favorites = Press ENTER to add movie to Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_add_person_to_favorites = Press ENTER to add person to Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_remove = Press ENTER to remove. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_show_list = Press ENTER to show list. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_movie_added_to_favorites = Movie added to Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_movie_removed_from_favorites = Movie removed from Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_person_added_to_favorites = Person added to Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_person_removed_from_favorites = Person removed from Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_failed_to_add_favorite = Failed to add to Favorites @shell_ext_plugin_errmsg_failed_to_remove_favorite = Failed to remove from Favorites @shell_ext_plugin_title_updating_movies_information = Movie Data Update @shell_ext_plugin_msg_movie_info_update_available = New information is available for movie. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_movie_info_update_question = Would you like to download it from Internet? @shell_ext_plugin_button_update_movie_info_yes_all = Yes, for all movies in My Collection @shell_ext_plugin_button_update_movie_info_yes_single = Yes, for this movie only @shell_ext_plugin_button_update_movie_info_no_dont_ask = No, do not ask me again @shell_ext_plugin_msg_movies_loaded__2 = %s of %s movies loaded @shell_ext_plugin_item_show_all = Show all... @shell_ext_plugin_pmj_actor = actor @shell_ext_plugin_pmj_director = director @shell_ext_plugin_pmj_writer = writer @shell_ext_plugin_pmj_producer = producer @shell_ext_plugin_pmj_operator = operator @shell_ext_plugin_pmj_editor = editor @shell_ext_plugin_pmj_designer = designer @shell_ext_plugin_pmj_composer = composer @shell_ext_plugin_genre_anime = Anime @shell_ext_plugin_genre_biography = Biography @shell_ext_plugin_genre_action = Action @shell_ext_plugin_genre_western = Western @shell_ext_plugin_genre_military = War @shell_ext_plugin_genre_detective = Detective @shell_ext_plugin_genre_children_s = Children's @shell_ext_plugin_genre_for_adults = For adults @shell_ext_plugin_genre_documentary = Documentary @shell_ext_plugin_genre_drama = Drama @shell_ext_plugin_genre_game = Game @shell_ext_plugin_genre_history = History @shell_ext_plugin_genre_comedy = Comedy @shell_ext_plugin_genre_concert = Concert @shell_ext_plugin_genre_short = Short @shell_ext_plugin_genre_crime = Crime @shell_ext_plugin_genre_melodrama = Romance @shell_ext_plugin_genre_music = Music @shell_ext_plugin_genre_cartoon = Animation @shell_ext_plugin_genre_musical = Musical @shell_ext_plugin_genre_news = News @shell_ext_plugin_genre_adventure = Adventure @shell_ext_plugin_genre_reality_tv = Reality TV @shell_ext_plugin_genre_family = Family @shell_ext_plugin_genre_sport = Sport @shell_ext_plugin_genre_talk_show = Talk show @shell_ext_plugin_genre_thriller = Thriller @shell_ext_plugin_genre_horror = Horror @shell_ext_plugin_genre_fantastic = Sci-Fi @shell_ext_plugin_genre_film_noir = Film-Noir @shell_ext_plugin_genre_fantasy = Fantasy @shell_ext_plugin_genre_other = Other @shell_ext_plugin_country_ad = Andorra @shell_ext_plugin_country_ae = UAE @shell_ext_plugin_country_af = Afghanistan @shell_ext_plugin_country_al = Albania @shell_ext_plugin_country_am = Armenia @shell_ext_plugin_country_ar = Argentina @shell_ext_plugin_country_at = Austria @shell_ext_plugin_country_au = Australia @shell_ext_plugin_country_az = Azerbaijan @shell_ext_plugin_country_be = Belgium @shell_ext_plugin_country_bg = Bulgaria @shell_ext_plugin_country_br = Brazil @shell_ext_plugin_country_bs = Bahamas @shell_ext_plugin_country_by = Belarus @shell_ext_plugin_country_ca = Canada @shell_ext_plugin_country_ch = Switzerland @shell_ext_plugin_country_cn = China @shell_ext_plugin_country_co = Colombia @shell_ext_plugin_country_cz = Czech Republic @shell_ext_plugin_country_de = Germany @shell_ext_plugin_country_dk = Denmark @shell_ext_plugin_country_ee = Estonia @shell_ext_plugin_country_es = Spain @shell_ext_plugin_country_fi = Finland @shell_ext_plugin_country_fr = France @shell_ext_plugin_country_gb = UK @shell_ext_plugin_country_gr = Greece @shell_ext_plugin_country_hk = Hong Kong @shell_ext_plugin_country_hr = Croatia @shell_ext_plugin_country_hu = Hungary @shell_ext_plugin_country_ie = Ireland @shell_ext_plugin_country_il = Israel @shell_ext_plugin_country_in = India @shell_ext_plugin_country_is = Iceland @shell_ext_plugin_country_it = Italy @shell_ext_plugin_country_jp = Japan @shell_ext_plugin_country_kz = Kazakhstan @shell_ext_plugin_country_lu = Luxembourg @shell_ext_plugin_country_mx = Mexico @shell_ext_plugin_country_nl = Netherlands @shell_ext_plugin_country_no = Norway @shell_ext_plugin_country_nz = New Zealand @shell_ext_plugin_country_ph = Philippines @shell_ext_plugin_country_pl = Poland @shell_ext_plugin_country_pt = Portugal @shell_ext_plugin_country_ro = Romania @shell_ext_plugin_country_rs = Serbia @shell_ext_plugin_country_ru = Russian Federation @shell_ext_plugin_country_se = Sweden @shell_ext_plugin_country_th = Thailand @shell_ext_plugin_country_tr = Turkey @shell_ext_plugin_country_tw = Taiwan @shell_ext_plugin_country_ua = Ukraine @shell_ext_plugin_country_us = USA @shell_ext_plugin_country_uz = Uzbekistan @shell_ext_plugin_country_vn = Viet Nam @shell_ext_plugin_country_za = South Africa @shell_ext_plugin_country_su = USSR @shell_ext_plugin_country_uk = UK @shell_ext_plugin_country_ao = Angola @shell_ext_plugin_country_ba = Bosnia and Herzegovina @shell_ext_plugin_country_bb = Barbados @shell_ext_plugin_country_bd = Bangladesh @shell_ext_plugin_country_bf = Burkina Faso @shell_ext_plugin_country_bh = Bahrain @shell_ext_plugin_country_bi = Burundi @shell_ext_plugin_country_bj = Benin @shell_ext_plugin_country_bn = Brunei Darussalam @shell_ext_plugin_country_bo = Bolivia @shell_ext_plugin_country_bt = Bhutan @shell_ext_plugin_country_bw = Botswana @shell_ext_plugin_country_bz = Belize @shell_ext_plugin_country_cd = Congo @shell_ext_plugin_country_cf = Central African Republic @shell_ext_plugin_country_cg = Congo @shell_ext_plugin_country_ci = Cote D'Ivoire @shell_ext_plugin_country_ck = Cook Islands @shell_ext_plugin_country_cl = Chile @shell_ext_plugin_country_cm = Cameroon @shell_ext_plugin_country_cr = Costa Rica @shell_ext_plugin_country_cu = Cuba @shell_ext_plugin_country_cy = Cyprus @shell_ext_plugin_country_dm = Dominica @shell_ext_plugin_country_do = Dominican Republic @shell_ext_plugin_country_dz = Algeria @shell_ext_plugin_country_ec = Ecuador @shell_ext_plugin_country_eg = Egypt @shell_ext_plugin_country_eh = Western Sahara @shell_ext_plugin_country_er = Eritrea @shell_ext_plugin_country_et = Ethiopia @shell_ext_plugin_country_fj = Fiji @shell_ext_plugin_country_ga = Gabon @shell_ext_plugin_country_ge = Georgia @shell_ext_plugin_country_gh = Ghana @shell_ext_plugin_country_gm = Gambia @shell_ext_plugin_country_gn = Guinea @shell_ext_plugin_country_gp = Guadeloupe @shell_ext_plugin_country_gq = Equatorial Guinea @shell_ext_plugin_country_gt = Guatemala @shell_ext_plugin_country_gu = Guam @shell_ext_plugin_country_gy = Guyana @shell_ext_plugin_country_hn = Honduras @shell_ext_plugin_country_ht = Haiti @shell_ext_plugin_country_id = Indonesia @shell_ext_plugin_country_iq = Iraq @shell_ext_plugin_country_ir = Iran @shell_ext_plugin_country_jm = Jamaica @shell_ext_plugin_country_jo = Jordan @shell_ext_plugin_country_ke = Kenya @shell_ext_plugin_country_kg = Kyrgyzstan @shell_ext_plugin_country_kh = Cambodia @shell_ext_plugin_country_kp = DPRK @shell_ext_plugin_country_kr = Korea @shell_ext_plugin_country_kw = Kuwait @shell_ext_plugin_country_la = Laos @shell_ext_plugin_country_lb = Lebanon @shell_ext_plugin_country_li = Liechtenstein @shell_ext_plugin_country_lk = Sri Lanka @shell_ext_plugin_country_lr = Liberia @shell_ext_plugin_country_lt = Lithuania @shell_ext_plugin_country_lv = Latvia @shell_ext_plugin_country_ly = Libya @shell_ext_plugin_country_ma = Morocco @shell_ext_plugin_country_mc = Monaco @shell_ext_plugin_country_md = Moldova @shell_ext_plugin_country_mg = Madagascar @shell_ext_plugin_country_mk = Macedonia @shell_ext_plugin_country_ml = Mali @shell_ext_plugin_country_mm = Myanmar @shell_ext_plugin_country_mn = Mongolia @shell_ext_plugin_country_mr = Mauritania @shell_ext_plugin_country_mt = Malta @shell_ext_plugin_country_mv = Maldives @shell_ext_plugin_country_mw = Malawi @shell_ext_plugin_country_my = Malaysia @shell_ext_plugin_country_mz = Mozambique @shell_ext_plugin_country_na = Namibia @shell_ext_plugin_country_ne = Niger @shell_ext_plugin_country_ng = Nigeria @shell_ext_plugin_country_ni = Nicaragua @shell_ext_plugin_country_np = Nepal @shell_ext_plugin_country_om = Oman @shell_ext_plugin_country_pa = Panama @shell_ext_plugin_country_pe = Peru @shell_ext_plugin_country_pg = Papua New Guinea @shell_ext_plugin_country_pk = Pakistan @shell_ext_plugin_country_pr = Puerto Rico @shell_ext_plugin_country_py = Paraguay @shell_ext_plugin_country_qa = Qatar @shell_ext_plugin_country_rw = Rwanda @shell_ext_plugin_country_sa = Saudi Arabia @shell_ext_plugin_country_sb = Solomon Islands @shell_ext_plugin_country_sd = Sudan @shell_ext_plugin_country_sg = Singapore @shell_ext_plugin_country_si = Slovenia @shell_ext_plugin_country_sk = Slovakia @shell_ext_plugin_country_sl = Sierra Leone @shell_ext_plugin_country_sm = San Marino @shell_ext_plugin_country_sn = Senegal @shell_ext_plugin_country_so = Somalia @shell_ext_plugin_country_sr = Suriname @shell_ext_plugin_country_sv = El Salvador @shell_ext_plugin_country_sy = Syria @shell_ext_plugin_country_td = Chad @shell_ext_plugin_country_tg = Togo @shell_ext_plugin_country_tj = Tajikistan @shell_ext_plugin_country_tm = Turkmenistan @shell_ext_plugin_country_tn = Tunisia @shell_ext_plugin_country_tt = Trinidad and Tobago @shell_ext_plugin_country_tz = Tanzania @shell_ext_plugin_country_ug = Uganda @shell_ext_plugin_country_uy = Uruguay @shell_ext_plugin_country_va = Vatican @shell_ext_plugin_country_ve = Venezuela @shell_ext_plugin_country_ye = Yemen @shell_ext_plugin_country_zm = Zambia @shell_ext_plugin_country_me = Montenegro @shell_ext_plugin_country_zw = Zimbabwe @shell_ext_plugin_msg_login_first_title = Account Required @shell_ext_plugin_msg_login_first = Please specify Last.FM account in the settings. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_youtube_for_track_title = No Music Video @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_youtube_for_track = Music video is not available for track. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_lastfm_cache_full = Not enough free space for cache. @shell_ext_plugin_title_track = Track @shell_ext_plugin_title_album = Album @shell_ext_plugin_title_artist = Artist @shell_ext_plugin_title_search_track = Search Tracks @shell_ext_plugin_title_search_album = Search Albums @shell_ext_plugin_title_search_artist = Search Artists @shell_ext_plugin_label_enter_track_name = Enter track name: @shell_ext_plugin_label_enter_album_name = Enter album name: @shell_ext_plugin_label_enter_artist_name = Enter artist name: @shell_ext_plugin_item_tracks = Tracks @shell_ext_plugin_item_albums = Albums @shell_ext_plugin_item_artists = Artists @shell_ext_plugin_item_my_top = My Top @shell_ext_plugin_item_my_top_last_week = My Top Last Week @shell_ext_plugin_item_recent = My Recent @shell_ext_plugin_item_favourite = My Favorites @shell_ext_plugin_item_music_genres = By Genres @shell_ext_plugin_button_show_tracks = Show tracks @shell_ext_plugin_button_show_albums = Show albums @shell_ext_plugin_button_show_artists = Show artists @shell_ext_plugin_msg_music_genre_added_to_favorites = Genre was added to Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_music_genre_removed_from_favorites = Genre was removed from Favorites. @shell_ext_plugin_description_tracks = All tracks. @shell_ext_plugin_description_albums = All albums. @shell_ext_plugin_description_artists = All artists. @shell_ext_plugin_description_music_setup = Music catalog settings. @shell_ext_plugin_button_actions = Actions @shell_ext_plugin_button_track_goto_album = Album @shell_ext_plugin_button_track_goto_similar = Similar @shell_ext_plugin_button_goto_genres = Genres @shell_ext_plugin_button_goto_artist = Artist @shell_ext_plugin_button_artist_goto_albums = Albums @shell_ext_plugin_button_artist_goto_tracks = Tracks @shell_ext_plugin_button_artist_goto_similar = Similar @shell_ext_plugin_button_artist_goto_similar_long = Long similar @shell_ext_plugin_button_goto_fanart = Fanart @shell_ext_plugin_button_album_tracks = Tracks @shell_ext_plugin_button_goto_back = Back @shell_ext_plugin_label_info_artist = Artist: @shell_ext_plugin_label_info_artists = Artists: @shell_ext_plugin_label_track_info_duration = Duration: @shell_ext_plugin_label_track_info_album = Album: @shell_ext_plugin_msg_loading = Loading... @shell_ext_plugin_msg_searching = Searching... @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_genres = No genres. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_album = No album. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_tracks = No tracks. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_similar_tracks = No similar tracks. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_albums = No albums. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_artists = No artists. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_similar_artists = No similar artists. @shell_ext_plugin_msg_no_description = No description. @shell_ext_plugin_search_field_track = Track name: @shell_ext_plugin_search_field_artist = Artist: @shell_ext_plugin_search_field_album = Album: @shell_ext_plugin_button_search = Search @shell_ext_plugin_track_search_dialog_title = Search Tracks @shell_ext_plugin_artist_search_dialog_title = Search Artists @shell_ext_plugin_album_search_dialog_title = Search Albums @shell_ext_plugin_title_launching_playback = Launching playback... @shell_ext_plugin_title_applying_changes = Applying changes... @shell_ext_plugin_title_launching_indexing = Launching the indexing... @shell_ext_plugin_length_hm_short__2 = %sh %sm @shell_ext_plugin_setup_login = Last.FM account: @shell_ext_plugin_setup_youtube_resolution_label = Video quality: @shell_ext_plugin_setup_youtube_resolution_medium = SD @shell_ext_plugin_setup_youtube_resolution_720p = 720p @shell_ext_plugin_setup_youtube_resolution_1080p = 1080p @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_rock = Rock @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_electronic = Electronic @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_alternative = Alternative @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_indie = Indie @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_pop = Pop @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_female_vocalists = Female vocalists @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_metal = Metal @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_classic_rock = Classic rock @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_alternative_rock = Alternative rock @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_jazz = Jazz @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_ambient = Ambient @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_experimental = Experimental @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_folk = Folk @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_indie_rock = Indie rock @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_punk = Punk @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_hard_rock = Hard rock @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_instrumental = Instrumental @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_hip_hop = Hip hop @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_black_metal = Black metal @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_dance = Dance @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_80s = 80s @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_90s = 90s @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_progressive_rock = Progressive rock @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_death_metal = Death metal @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_british = British @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_hardcore = Hardcore @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_heavy_metal = Heavy metal @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_soul = Soul @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_chillout = Chillout @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_electronica = Electronica @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_classical = Classical @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_industrial = Industrial @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_blues = Blues @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_soundtrack = Soundtrack @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_punk_rock = Punk rock @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_rap = Rap @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_thrash_metal = Thrash metal @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_acoustic = Acoustic @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_psychedelic = Psychedelic @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_metalcore = Metalcore @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_japanese = Japanese @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_post_rock = Post-rock @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_piano = Piano @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_german = German @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_progressive_metal = Progressive metal @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_funk = Funk @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_new_wave = New wave @shell_ext_plugin_music_genre_singer_songwriter = Singer songwriter ### Translations for plugin 'android_apps' @android_apps_plugin_title_plugin = Android android_apps_plugin_title_ep_apps = Aplicații Android android_apps_plugin_msg_add = Adăuga... android_apps_plugin_title_uninstall__1 = Șterge "%s"? android_apps_plugin_title_app_info = Informații despre aplicație android_apps_plugin_label_package_name = Pachet: android_apps_plugin_label_use_smart_youtube_as_youtube = Utilizați SmartTubeNext ca YouTube: android_apps_plugin_title_google_play_services = Servicii Google Play android_apps_plugin_msg_google_play_services_will_be_enabled = Serviciile Google Play vor fi activate. android_apps_plugin_msg_note_player_reboot_will_be_needed = NOTĂ: va fi necesară repornirea unitații de redare. android_apps_plugin_msg_note_reset_settings_to_disable_google_play_services = NOTĂ: Pentru a dezactiva serviciile Google Play, va trebui să resetați setările. @android_apps_plugin_msg_app_added_to_main_screen = Application was added to main screen @android_apps_plugin_msg_failed_to_add_app_to_main_screen = Failed to add application to main_screen android_apps_plugin_msg_return_on_top_menu = Pentru a reveni la meniul Dune HD, utilizează butonul TOP MENU. android_apps_plugin_msg_launch_netflixm = Buton MOUSE: pornește/oprește modul mouse. @android_apps_plugin_app_caption_vending = Google Play Store @android_apps_plugin_app_caption_google_movies = Google Play Movies @android_apps_plugin_app_caption_google_music = Google Play Music @android_apps_plugin_app_caption_google_games = Google Play Games @android_apps_plugin_app_caption_google_tv = Android TV @android_apps_plugin_app_launching__1 = Launching %s application... @android_apps_plugin_app_failed_to_launch__1 = Failed to launch %s application ### Translations for plugin 'android_dvb' @android_dvb_plugin_title_plugin = DVB @android_dvb_plugin_errmsg_update_channels_failed = Failed to get channel list @android_dvb_plugin_item_clear_image_cache = Clear Image Cache @android_dvb_plugin_title_image_cache_cleared = Image cache cleared @android_dvb_plugin_msg_n_files_deleted__1 = Files deleted: %s @android_dvb_plugin_group_other = Other @android_dvb_plugin_title_no_channels_available = No channels available @android_dvb_plugin_msg_please_scan_scannels_using_dtv_app_line1 = Please scan channels using DTV application @android_dvb_plugin_msg_please_scan_scannels_using_dtv_app_line2 = in "Android applications" menu. @android_dvb_plugin_launch_dtv_application = Launch DTV application... ### Translations for plugin 'ktv_start' @ktv_start_plugin_title_plugin = Kartina.TV Start @ktv_start_plugin_title_search_movie = Search Movies @ktv_start_plugin_path_element_person = Person @ktv_start_plugin_path_element_movie = Movie @ktv_start_plugin_path_element_seasons = Seasons @ktv_start_plugin_path_element_search_results__1 = Movies by name "%s" @ktv_start_plugin_item_setup = Settings @ktv_start_plugin_item_all_genres = All genres @ktv_start_plugin_item_help = Help @ktv_start_plugin_item_season__1 = Season %s @ktv_start_plugin_item_movie_season__2 = %s. Season %s @ktv_start_plugin_item_movie_season_with_name__3 = %s. Season %s (%s) @ktv_start_plugin_item_episode__1 = Episode %s @ktv_start_plugin_item_episode_with_name__2 = Episode %s. %s @ktv_start_plugin_item_search = Search @ktv_start_plugin_item_genres = Genres @ktv_start_plugin_item_episodes__1 = Episodes: %s @ktv_start_plugin_item_tv_series = TV Series @ktv_start_plugin_item_premiered__1 = Premiered: %s @ktv_start_plugin_item_favorites = Favorites @ktv_start_plugin_item_profiles = Choose Profile @ktv_start_plugin_item_season_episode__3 = %s (season %s episode %s) @ktv_start_plugin_item_episode__2 = %s (episode %s) @ktv_start_plugin_item_trailer = Trailer @ktv_start_plugin_msg_season = Season @ktv_start_plugin_msg_episode = Episode @ktv_start_plugin_msg_movies_not_found = (Movies not found) @ktv_start_plugin_title_movies_not_found = Movies not found @ktv_start_plugin_action_scroll = Scroll @ktv_start_plugin_action_choose_profile__1 = Choose "%s" @ktv_start_plugin_button_play = Play @ktv_start_plugin_button_play_multiple = Play... @ktv_start_plugin_button_music_play__1 = Play (%s) @ktv_start_plugin_button_information = Information @ktv_start_plugin_button_description = Description @ktv_start_plugin_button_cast = Cast @ktv_start_plugin_button_crew = Crew @ktv_start_plugin_button_trailers = Trailers @ktv_start_plugin_button_add_materials = Add. materials @ktv_start_plugin_button_related = Related @ktv_start_plugin_button_similar = Similar @ktv_start_plugin_button_movies = Movies @ktv_start_plugin_button_biography = Biography @ktv_start_plugin_button_seasons = Seasons @ktv_start_plugin_button_season__1 = Season %s @ktv_start_plugin_button_episodes = Episodes @ktv_start_plugin_button_favorites = Favorites @ktv_start_plugin_title_choose_playback_type = Choose how to play @ktv_start_plugin_button_play_local = Play file from local source @ktv_start_plugin_button_play_online__1 = Play online (%s) @ktv_start_plugin_title_files_not_found = File not found @ktv_start_plugin_title_choose_file_to_play = Choose file to play @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_failed_to_start_playback = Failed to start playback @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_episode_announced = This episode is announced and will be available for playing soon @ktv_start_plugin_label_date_of_birth = Date of birth: @ktv_start_plugin_label_place_of_birth = Place of birth: @ktv_start_plugin_label_height = Height: @ktv_start_plugin_label_first_film = First movie: @ktv_start_plugin_label_season = Season: @ktv_start_plugin_label_episodes = Episodes: @ktv_start_plugin_label_year = Year: @ktv_start_plugin_label_genre = Genre: @ktv_start_plugin_label_elapsed_time = Elapsed time: @ktv_start_plugin_label_error = Error: @ktv_start_plugin_label_warning = Warning: @ktv_start_plugin_label_profile = Profile: @ktv_start_plugin_label_subscription = Subscription: @ktv_start_plugin_msg_movie_not_available = Movie is not available for playback @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_internal_error = Internal error occured @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_connect_to_server_failed = Failed to connect to server @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_incorrect_server_response = Error during interaction with server @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_nonempty_value_required = Non-empty value required @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_name_already_used = Name already used @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_failed_to_connect_to_internet = Failed to connect to Internet. @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_please_check_internet_connection = Please check Internet connection. @ktv_start_plugin_pmj_actor = actor @ktv_start_plugin_pmj_director = director @ktv_start_plugin_pmj_writer = writer @ktv_start_plugin_pmj_producer = producer @ktv_start_plugin_pmj_operator = operator @ktv_start_plugin_pmj_editor = editor @ktv_start_plugin_pmj_designer = designer @ktv_start_plugin_pmj_composer = composer @ktv_start_plugin_msg_loading = Loading... @ktv_start_plugin_msg_no_description = No description. @ktv_start_plugin_button_actions = Actions @ktv_start_plugin_button_search = Search @ktv_start_plugin_button_subscribe = Subscribe @ktv_start_plugin_title_launching_playback = Launching playback... @ktv_start_plugin_msg_start_payment_required = Для доступа к видеотеке Start необходимо приобрести подписку. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_pay_by_card = Вы можете оформить подписку на видеотеку Start* с помощью вашей кредитной или дебетовой банковской карточки @ktv_start_plugin_msg_pay_on_site = Вы можете приобрести подписку на видеотеку Start* на сайте Для этого в вашем личном кабинете необходимо изменить ваш текущий тарифный план на тарифный план "Премиум" @ktv_start_plugin_msg_start_requires_kartina_tv = *Доступ к видеотеке Start возможен только при действующей подписке на Kartina TV @ktv_start_plugin_msg_movie_already_in_favorites = Movie is already added to Favorites. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_series_already_in_favorites = TV series is already added to Favorites. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_add_movie_to_favorites = Press ENTER to add movie to Favorites. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_add_series_to_favorites = Press ENTER to add TV series to Favorites. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_press_enter_to_remove = Press ENTER to remove. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_movie_added_to_favorites = Movie added to Favorites. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_movie_removed_from_favorites = Movie removed from Favorites. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_series_added_to_favorites = TV series added to Favorites. @ktv_start_plugin_msg_series_removed_from_favorites = TV series removed from Favorites. @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_failed_to_add_favorite = Failed to add to Favorites @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_failed_to_remove_favorite = Favorites to remove from Favorites @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_auth_failed = Authorization failed @ktv_start_plugin_errmsg_filmography_unavailable = Filmography is unavailable @ktv_start_plugin_title_choose_profile = Please choose profile @ktv_start_plugin_msg_subscription_inactive = not active @ktv_start_plugin_msg_subscription_active__1 = %s (active) @ktv_start_plugin_msg_subscription_active_renewal_enabled__1 = %s (active, automatic renewal enabled) @ktv_start_plugin_msg_subscription_active_renewal_disabled__1 = %s (active, automatic renewal disabled) @ktv_start_plugin_button_enable_subscription_renewal = Enable automatic Subscription renewal @ktv_start_plugin_button_disable_subscription_renewal = Disable automatic subscription renewal @ktv_start_plugin_title_subscription_renewal_enabled = Automatic renewal enabled @ktv_start_plugin_title_subscription_renewal_disabled = Automatic renewal disabled @ktv_start_plugin_button_payment_history = Payment history... @ktv_start_plugin_title_payment_history = Payment history @ktv_start_plugin_msg_no_payments = (no payments) @ktv_start_plugin_title_start_soon = START soon... ### Translations for plugin 'bt_setup' @bt_setup_plugin_title_plugin = Bluetooth Setup @bt_setup_plugin_title_ep_remote = Remote @bt_setup_plugin_item_add_remote = Add remote @bt_setup_plugin_value_no_data = no data @bt_setup_plugin_value_getting = getting... @bt_setup_plugin_label_remote = Remote: @bt_setup_plugin_label_battery_level = Battery level: @bt_setup_plugin_label_fw_version = Firmware version: @bt_setup_plugin_button_unpair = Unpair @bt_setup_plugin_button_upgrade_firmware = Upgrade firmware @bt_setup_plugin_button_configure_tv_control = Configure TV control... @bt_setup_plugin_title_unpair_remote = Unpair the remote? @bt_setup_plugin_ask_upgrade_using_file_from_storage = Use firmware file from connected storage? ### Translations for plugin 'bluray' bluray_plugin_show_region_notification = Afișează notificarea pentru regiune: ### Translations for plugin 'Youtube' @Youtube_plugin_play = Play @Youtube_plugin_add_favorite = Add Favorite @Youtube_plugin_view_mode = View mode @Youtube_plugin_info = Info @Youtube_plugin_search = Search @Youtube_plugin_sorting = Sorting @Youtube_plugin_show_related_videos = Show related videos @Youtube_plugin_open_video_channel = Open video channel @Youtube_plugin_settings = Settings @Youtube_plugin_search_playlists = Search playlists @Youtube_plugin_search_channels = Search channels @Youtube_plugin_search_all = Search all @Youtube_plugin_remove = Remove @Youtube_plugin_move_to_top = Move to top @Youtube_plugin_move_up = Move Up @Youtube_plugin_move_down = Move Down @Youtube_plugin_info_version = Info Version @Youtube_plugin_restart_needed = Restart needed @Youtube_plugin_connect_the_drive_to_the_player_and_try_again = Connect the drive to the player and try again @Youtube_plugin_folder_unloaded = Folder YouTube_data unloaded @Youtube_plugin_folder_not_found = Folder YouTube_data not found @Youtube_plugin_folder_loaded = Folder YouTube_data loaded @Youtube_plugin_folder_data = Folder YouTube_data @Youtube_plugin_the_path_username_and_password_smb_folder = The path, username and password SMB folder @Youtube_plugin_remove_from_favorites = Remove from Favorites @Youtube_plugin_cancel = Cancel @Youtube_plugin_actions = Actions @Youtube_plugin_information_about_changes = Information about changes @Youtube_plugin_date = Date @Youtube_plugin_rating = Rating @Youtube_plugin_relevance = Relevance @Youtube_plugin_title = Title @Youtube_plugin_show_video_by = Show Video by: @Youtube_plugin_yes = Yes @Youtube_plugin_no = No @Youtube_plugin_yes_sort_1 = Yes [1...50] @Youtube_plugin_yes_sort_2 = Yes [50...1] @Youtube_plugin_create_a_playlist = Create a playlist: @Youtube_plugin_select_sort_order = Select Sort Order @Youtube_plugin_video_has_been_added_to_favorites = Video has been added to favorites @Youtube_plugin_video_has_been_deleted_from_favorites = Video has been deleted from favorites @Youtube_plugin_video_is_already_in_favorites = Video is already in favorites @Youtube_plugin_smallest_possible = 240 (Smallest possible) @Youtube_plugin_maximum_possible = 1080 (Maximum possible) @Youtube_plugin_auto = Auto @Youtube_plugin_show_icon_in_the_main_menu = Show icon in the main menu: @Youtube_plugin_video_quality = Video quality: @Youtube_plugin_use_the_onscreen_keyboard_to_search = Use the onscreen keyboard to search: @Youtube_plugin_skip_description = Skip description: @Youtube_plugin_comments_show = Comments: @Youtube_plugin_by_default = Default @Youtube_plugin_buffer_time = Buffer time: @Youtube_plugin_plugin = Plugin @Youtube_plugin_the_first_hdd_usb_drive = The first HDD/USB-drive @Youtube_plugin_smb_folder = SMB folder @Youtube_plugin_location_data = Location YouTube_data: @Youtube_plugin_catalogue = Catalogue: @Youtube_plugin_the_path_username_and_password_smb = The path, username and password SMB: @Youtube_plugin_amend = Amend @Youtube_plugin_folder_data_to_d = Folder YouTube_data to /D: @Youtube_plugin_upload_download = Upload/Download @Youtube_plugin_skin = Skin: @Youtube_plugin_attention = Attention: @Youtube_plugin_when_you_upload_and_download_files = When you upload and download files @Youtube_plugin_to_be_overwritten_you_may_lose = to be overwritten, you may lose @Youtube_plugin_changes_made_previously = changes made previously. @Youtube_plugin_upload_data = Upload YouTube_data @Youtube_plugin_plugin_to_drive = Plugin => Drive @Youtube_plugin_download_data = DownloadYouTube_data @Youtube_plugin_drive_to_plugin = Drive => Plugin @Youtube_plugin_the_path_to_smb_folder_ip_folder_name = The path to SMB folder (IP/folder name/..) @Youtube_plugin_username_smb_folder = Username SMB folder: @Youtube_plugin_password_smb_folder = Password SMB folder: @Youtube_plugin_to_apply_the_changes_necessary_to_restart_the_player = To apply the changes necessary to restart the player @Youtube_plugin_reload_this_player_right_now = Reload this player right now? @Youtube_plugin_search_video = Search Video @Youtube_plugin_viewcount = View Count @Youtube_plugin_no_more_items_found = No more items found @Youtube_plugin_not_found = Not found @Youtube_plugin_loading = Loading... @Youtube_plugin_category = Category @Youtube_plugin_favorites = Favorites @Youtube_plugin_new_search = [New Search] @Youtube_plugin_popular = Popular @Youtube_plugin_country = Country: @Youtube_plugin_localization = Localization: @Youtube_plugin_c_and_l = Country and Localization ### Translations for plugin 'airplay' @airplay_plugin_label_setup_enabled = Enabled: @airplay_plugin_label_setup_device_name = AirPlay Device Name: @airplay_plugin_errmsg_device_name_has_invalid_characters = Invalid characters in device name. ### Translations for plugin 'tv_app_supplier_kartina_tv' @tv_app_supplier_kartina_tv_plugin_title_plugin = Kartina.TV (russian language) @tv_app_supplier_kartina_tv_plugin_title_supplier = Kartina.TV (russian language) ### Translations for plugin 'dunemdb_supplier_youtube' @dunemdb_supplier_youtube_plugin_title_plugin = YouTube Movie Trailers ### Translations for apk @apk_translations_splash_message1 = Convenient media center and file manager. @apk_translations_splash_message2 = Easily manage files, play video, install applications. @apk_translations_splash_permission_info_dialog_title = Info @apk_translations_splash_permission_info_dialog_button_continue = continue @apk_translations_splash_permission_info_dialog_accessibility_message = %1$s application requires extended access.\n\nPlease choose in the menu at the right:\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Device Preferences >\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Accessibility >\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0%2$s >\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Enable\n\nUse BACK button to close the settings menu. @apk_translations_splash_permission_info_dialog_overlay_message = %1$s application requires to display over other apps.\n\nPlease choose %2$s in the list of applications and allow this.\n\nUse BACK button to close the settings menu. @apk_translations_splash_permission_info_dialog_storage_access_message = %s application requires access to your device media and files.\n\nPlease allow this.\n\nUse BACK button to close the settings menu. @apk_translations_splash_permission_info_dialog_storage_manager_direct_message = %s application requires full access to your device media and files.\n\nPlease allow this.\n\nUse BACK button to close the settings menu. @apk_translations_splash_permission_info_dialog_storage_manager_indirect_message = %1$s application requires full access to your device media and files.\n\nPlease choose in the menu at the right:\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Permissions >\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Files and media >\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Allow all the time\n\nUse BACK button to close the settings menu. @apk_translations_splash_permission_info_dialog_storage_manager_indirect_message_2 = %1$s application requires full access to your device media and files.\n\nPlease choose in the menu at the right:\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Permissions >\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Files and media >\n\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0Allow management of all files\n\nUse BACK button to close the settings menu. @apk_translations_splash_check_internet_error_dialog_title = No Internet connection @apk_translations_splash_check_internet_error_dialog_message = Please check Internet connection and press "RETRY". @apk_translations_splash_check_internet_error_dialog_button = RETRY @apk_translations_splash_init_done_message = Initializing... @apk_translations_splash_checking_internet = Checking Internet connection... @apk_translations_splash_player_proxy_recursion_message = Playback cannot be started this way